Lists Flashcards
7 principles of financial giving
1) Giving is motivated by GRACE
2) Christians are STEWARDS
3) our financial giving is an index of our spiritual VITALITY AND MATURITY (2 Cor. 8:7*)
4) give according to what you HAVE
5) the NEEDS of others should have a moral bearing on our finances
6) God abundantly BLESSES the gracious giver (2 Cor. 9:6-11**)
7) our first responsibility is to support our LOCAL CHURCH
The Kingdoms in Daniel’s vision (in order)
Babylon Medo-Persia Greece Rome I Church Age Rome II Messianic Kingdom
Key signs of the end of the age
1) the Gospel preached to all nations
2) the abomination of desolation
End times events (in order)
Church Age - period between 1st & 2nd comings
Rapture - when Jesus comes and takes the church out of this world to be with him
Tribulation - the 7 year period in which God returns to work with Israel and is dominated by the Antichrist
Second Coming - when Jesus physically returns to earth to set up His kingdom
Millennial Kingdom - the 1000 year reign of Jesus on earth
Great White Throne Judgement - the judgement of non-believers
New Heavens & New Earth - the after-life or heaven
5 ministries in which all Christians should be involved (areas of uniformity)
1) Intercessory Prayer
2) Evangelism
3) Missions
4) Discipleship
5) Financial Giving
4 Principles of Guidance
1) Scripture - soak your mind in it (Rom. 12:2)
2) Willingness - be willing to do God’s will before you know it (Jn. 7:17)
3) Acting - act on God’s moral will that you already know about (Matt. 13:12*)
4) Praying - pray regularly for God’s guidance
5 types of prayer
1) Worship - verbal acknowledgment and appreciation of who God is
2) Thanksgiving
3) Petition
4) Intercession - asking for others’ needs (prayer as ministry)
5) Warfare - opposing the devil through anticipating his “schemes”
3 stages of salvation
JUSTIFICATION - accept Christ = declared righteous; establish position, one act of faith; once for all time
SANCTIFICATION - spiritual growth; transforms condition, many acts of faith; never-ending
GLORIFICATION - moral perfection, deliverance from sin’s presence; matches condition with position; once for all time
11 attributes of God
Righteous (God is the essence of moral goodness)
Immutable (God doesn’t change with regard to his attributes or promises)
Veracity (He is truthful and faithful to His Word)
8 covert tactics of satan
Temptation - momentary enticement and suggestion to sin in order to neutralize us
Opposition - specific actions designed to hinder Christian ministry
Persecution - attacks on Christians to wear them down and/or intimidate them into backing off from radical commitment to Christ
Division - personal alienation between Christians (esp. Workers) caused by sinful attitudes
Accusation - personal denunciation based on real or alleged sins in order to alienate from God and demoralize
Deception - distortion of Biblical truth to neutralize active zealous Christians and deter/confuse non-Christians
Doubt - seeks to erode a Christian’s confidence in God
5 ways to respond to suffering
1) Don’t be surprised
2) Don’t compare your sufferings to others
3) Focus on God’s promises
4) Give thanks while you are suffering
5) Tell God how you feel, but determine to follow His will
3 aspects of spiritual maturity
1) biblical love - the love of Christ - sacrificial, disciplining, forgiving
2) doctrinal - the mind of Christ - knowing God’s word and developing His perspective on reality
3) moral- the character of Christ - the deep seated change in our character, behavior, values and attitudes that God works to gradually affect
7 aspects of our new identity
(Eph 1)
FORGIVENESS through Jesus’ death
ADOPTION as God’s child (Eph. 1:5)
Unique ROLE in God’s purpose
DELIVERED from sin nature’s authority
DELIVERED from satan’s authority
Know, Consider, Present (what does this mean? verse?)
Rom 6:6,11,13
KNOW - learning what the bible teaches about our new identity and reflecting on it (promises) (Rom. 6:6)
CONSIDER - choosing to affirm what God said about your identity in spite of whatever (Rom. 6:11)
PRESENT - choose to step out in faith to act in ways that are consistent with new identity (Rom. 6:13)
3 types of suffering
- Fallen World
- Wrong Actions
- Following Christ