List of Needed Knowledge Flashcards
Core - 1A1
Medical and Nursing Care Practices
-Policies and procedures of care and services for the care recipient
-Type and scope of staff employed
-Understanding of treatment and support of medical conditions common among care recipients served
-Level of acuity and programs and practices to meet the needs of the care recipient
Core - 1A2
Medication Management and Administration
-Policies and procedures for pharmacy services
-Pharmacy contracting
-Management of controlled substances
-Type and scope of staff
-Medication processes for storage, delivery, documentation, and disposal
-Medication Terminology (Memorize cards)
Core - 1A3
Disease Management (e.g., acute vs. chronic conditions)
-Identification and understanding of common acute and chronic conditions
-Policies and procedures for assessments and treatments
-Interventions to meet the care recipient needs
-Involvement of the interdisciplinary team
Core - 1A4
Nutrition and Hydration (e.g., specialized diets)
-Policies and procedures for dining services
-Nutrition counseling
-Dietary orders
-Care recipient personal preferences
-Specialized diets
-Unnecessary weight loss
-Food-borne illnesses
-Nutrition and hydration services
Core - 1A5
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)
-Knowledge of ADLs and IADLs
-Policies and procedures for addressing the care recipient functional needs
-Functional interventions and accommodations
-Specialty equipment
-Care recipient assessment
Core - 1A6
Rehabilitation and Restorative Programs
-Policies and procedures for guiding therapy programs and services
-Knowledge of therapy modalities such as:
-Physical therapy
-Occupational therapy
-Respiratory therapy
-Speech and Language therapy
-Wellness programming
-Restorative programming
-Specialty equipment and accommodations
Core - 1A7
Care Recipient Assessment and Interdisciplinary Care Planning
-Knowledge of service and care planning processes
-Policies and procedures for care recipient assessment and -reassessment
-Service and care plan goals and interventions
-Members and role of the interdisciplinary team
-Involvement of care recipient and/or their representative
Core - 1A8
Clinical and Medical Records and Documentation Requirements (e.g., storage, retention, destruction)
-Policies and procedures for medical records
-Knowledge of necessary documentation
-Electronic medical records
-Storage of records
-Retention of records
-Ownership and custody of records
-Proper release of records
Core - 1A9
Medical Director
-Policies and procedures for medical services
-Clinical practice guidelines
-Role of the medical professional
Core - 1A10
Emergency Medical Services (e.g., CPR, first aid, Heimlich maneuver, AED)
-Policies and procedures for emergency response practices
-Staff training/Competencies for:
-Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
-Heimlich maneuver
-First aid
-Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
-Knowledge and understanding of local emergency services
Core - 1A11
Transition of Care (e.g., admission, move-in, transfer, discharge, and move-out)
-Policies and procedures for level of care assessment and reassessment
-Understanding provider types across the continuum of care
-Knowledge of appropriate services to meet the needs of care recipient acuity levels
-Role of interdisciplinary team
-Admission and move-in criteria
-Discharge and move-out criteria
-Involuntary discharge criteria and process
Hospice – end of life. For comfort.
Skilled Nursing – complex medical needs
Assisted Living – ADL needs but mostly independent residential spaces (practice questions classify people who live alone under this.)
Home Health Care – A range of these needs but in the person’s own home. Post surgery check ups.
Core - 1A12
Basic Healthcare Terminology
NHA - 1A1
Medical and Nursing Care Practices
-Pressure ulcers
-Accident hazards
-Bowel and bladder programs
-Physician visits (i.e. frequency, timing, delegation, etc.)
-Pain Management
-Activities of Daily Living Care
NHA - 1A2
Medication Management and Administration
-Drug regimen review
-Unnecessary medication
-Psychotropic medications
-Medication errors
-Labeling and storage of biologicals
-Adverse drug reactions
-Resident Self-Administration
NHA - 1A4
Nutrition and Hydration (e.g., specialized diets)
-Nutritive value
-Therapeutic diets
-Feeding assistants
-Tube feeding
-Food procurement
-Parenteral/IV fluids
NHA - 1A6
Rehabilitation and Restorative Programs
-Provide and obtain specialize rehab services
-Understanding functional baseline and therapeutic improvement
-Optimize range of motion (ROM) and mobility
-Specialized medical equipment
NHA - 1A7
Care Recipient Assessment and Interdisciplinary Care Planning
-Baseline care plan
-Comprehensive care plan
-Care plan timing
-Significant change
-Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Process
-Minimum Data Set (MDS)
-Care Area Assessments (CAA)
Minimum data set seems to be the data they need for each patient in a nursing home. There is a form on the cms website.
NHA - 1A8
Clinical and Medical Records and Documentation Requirements (e.g., storage, retention, destruction)
-Required record retention
-Record release
-Required record contents
-Record maintenance
NHA - 1A9
Medical Director
-Responsibilities of Medical Director
-Requirements for Medical Director contract
Nursing homes require a medical director position by law. Some responsibilities of a medical director may include:
-Identify and evaluate health related issues related to an individual’s quality of care
-Identify and evaluate health related issues related to an individual’s quality of life
-Observe and provide strategic vision for quality assurance and process improvement (QAPI)
-Serve as the direct supervisor of all medical professionals who provide direct patient care.
NHA - 1A10
Emergency Medical Services (e.g., CPR, first aid, Heimlich maneuver, AED)
-Emergency services availability
-Do not Resuscitate (DNR)
DNR is a legal document stating you don’t want life-saving measures to be used on you if something happens.
NHA - 1A11
Transition of Care (e.g., admission, move-in, transfer, discharge, and move-out)
-Admission requirements
-Transfer and Discharge requirements
-Involuntary discharge
-Advanced Beneficiary Notice
-Readmission requirements
-Notice requirements
-Bed hold
Core - 1B1
Psychosocial Needs (e.g., social, spiritual, community, cultural)
Can they talk to people or be alone if desired?
Can they worship?
Do they feel a part of the community, facility or outside family?
Do they have access to traditions, foods, customs that is part of their culture/that they are used to?
Core - 1B2
Person-Centered Care and Comprehensive Care Planning
-Education and support of staff
-Routine monitoring to ensure the care is being delivered, the goals of the plan are being met, and the plan is updated if status or goals change
-Education and support of families so they can participate in the plan
-Ensuring the care recipient or their responsible party is informed of their care, condition, and treatment as much as practical
Core - 1B3
Care Recipient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
-Grievance processes
-Access (e.g., to outside, family, medical records)
-Financial affairs
Core - 1B4
Care Recipient Safety (e.g., fall prevention, elopement prevention, adverse events)
-Ensuring a culture of safety, in part through appropriate staff training
-Implementation of falls prevention programs
-Policies, procedures, and/or programming to prevent elopement
-Investigating and properly reporting resident incidents, accidents, or other adverse events
Core - 1B5
Care Recipient (and Representative) Grievance, Conflict, and Dispute Resolution
-Have a plan of action for handling complaints from loved ones or patients:
-Encourage feedback from patients or patient family
-Document all complaints and details
-Designate a staff member to be contact between facility and family. Also provide resolution timeline.
-Perform an investigation involving both staff and involved persons
-Formulate a solution and communicate the solution to the family or patient.
-Follow up later (through staff liaison – messenger) to ensure they are satisfied
Core - 1B6
Care Recipient Advocacy (e.g., Ombudsman, resident, and family council)
-Care recipients advocating for themselves or for peers
-Family Members
-Resident or Family Council recommendations
Core - 1B7
Care Recipient Decision-Making (e.g., capacity, power of attorney, guardianship, conservatorship, code status, advance directives, ethical decision-making)
-Power of attorney
-Code status
-Advance directives
-Ethical decision-making
Core - 1B8
Care Recipient (and Representative) Satisfaction
-Being visible
-Onsite visits with care recipients and family
-Establishment of a meaningful and functional resident and/or family council
-Satisfaction surveys
-Daily interactions with staff in the form of a stand-up meeting
Core - 1B9
Recognition of Maltreatment (e.g., abuse, neglect, exploitation)
-Screening before hiring and then training all staff on how to identify signs of maltreatment and the process for reporting.
-Prevention - from documenting care recipient vulnerabilities in their care plans to policies that protect them from any predatory offenders.
-Promptly and thoroughly investigating any reported incidents of maltreatment.
-Reporting any allegations of abuse or maltreatment in accordance with state and federal law.
Core - 1B10
Mental and Behavioral Health (e.g., cognitive impairment, depression, social support systems)
-Cognitive impairment (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, other forms of dementia, and memory loss)
-Loneliness and isolation
-Severe and persistent mental health disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar, personality disorders
Core - 1B11
Trauma-Informed Care (e.g., PTSD)
-Creating a safe environment
-Hiring and training trauma-informed employees
-Screening care recipients for trauma and involving them in the development of their care plans
-Preventing secondary traumatic stress in employees
-Engaging in appropriate referral sources
Core - 1B12
Pain Management
-Understanding the negative impacts pain can have on health and well-being
-Ensuring the use of adequate pain assessments and management practices to minimize pain and maximize relief
OUTLINES PAIN ASSESSMENT TOOLS (dementia pain assessment tool is different)
Core - 1B13
Death, Dying, and Grief
-Providing staff training in the provision of end-of-life care practices
-Providing increased support for care recipients and their families during and following a care recipient’s dying experience
-Developing and providing programs to support residents and staff as they grieve the loss of care recipients who have died
Core - 1B14
Restraint Usage and Reduction
-Emphasizing resident quality of life and well-being and adopting a person-centered care philosophy
-Robust care recipient assessment processes to employ alternatives to restraints while mitigating risks
-Maintain and regularly review all restrain usage for appropriateness
-Ensure staff are well-trained on methods of restraint reduction and alternatives
Don’t restrain patients. Help them walk, give social activities that will prevent agitation from isolation. Educate on the risks of falling.
Core - 1B15
Foodservice (e.g., choice and menu planning, dietary management, food storage and handling, dining services)
-Offering choices of quality, nutritious meals and snacks
-Ensuring systems are in place to manage care recipient’s physician orders, dietary restrictions, and care recipient preferences
-Following proper food storage and infection control protocols
-Providing a pleasant ambiance and overall dining experience
-Monitoring food quality and satisfaction to prevent unnecessary weight loss
Extensively have patients rate the food to improve their satisfaction.
Core - 1B16
Social Services Programs
-Meeting care recipient’s psychosocial needs
-Interdisciplinary care planning that meets the care recipient’s needs and preferences
-Care recipient’s rights
-Advance directives
-Facilitating relationship dynamics
-Available support resources
Core - 1B17
Therapeutic Recreation and Activity Programs
-Addressing care recipients’ psychosocial needs
-Offerings for groups and individuals
-Inclusion of both formal and unstructured activities
-Options to address care recipients’ leisure needs and hobby preferences
-Varied programming to meet the functional levels of care recipients
-Inclusion of individual assessments of care recipient preferences and documentation of such within their care plans
Provide intergenerational activities. It benefits all.
Core - 1B18
Community Resources, Programs, and Agencies (e.g., meals on wheels, housing vouchers, Area Agencies on Aging, Veterans Affairs)
-Meals on Wheels or other meal service programs
-Housing vouchers
-Transportation services
-Area Agencies on Aging or other local aging resources
-Case management
-Legal aid services
-Veterans Affairs
-Community support groups
NHA - 1B1
Psychosocial Needs (e.g., social, spiritual, community, cultural)
-Resident psychosocial needs in areas including social, spiritual, community, and cultural domains
-Quality of life
-Activities that meet the needs and interests of residents
NHA - 1B2
Person-Centered Care and Comprehensive Care Planning
-Ability to make treatment decisions
-Participation in care planning
-Right to have personal property
-Accommodation of needs and preferences
-Roommate choice
NHA - 1B3
Care Recipient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
-Resident Rights
-Confidentiality of records
-Informed Consent
NHA - 1B4
Care Recipient Safety (e.g., fall prevention, elopement prevention, adverse events)
-Examining and addressing residents at risk for falls such as:
-Medication side effects
-Environmental hazards
-Identification of and intervention for resident elopement risk
NHA - 1B5
Care Recipient (and Representative) Grievance, Conflict, and Dispute Resolution
-Conflict resolution
-Timely resolution
-Establishing a grievance policy
-Identifying a grievance official
-Written grievance decisions
-Taking appropriate corrective action
-Grievance retention
NHA - 1B6
Care Recipient Advocacy (e.g., Ombudsman, resident, and family council)
-Ombudsman rights
-Visitation or right to resident access
-Ombudsman notice requirements
-Right to establish family council
-Resident council requirements
NHA - 1B7
Care Recipient Decision-Making (e.g., capacity, power of attorney, guardianship, conservatorship, code status, advance directives, ethical decision-making)
-Informed Consent
-Competency level/determination
-Legal rights and responsibilities
-Power of Attorney
-Legal Guardian
-Health care proxy
-Advance directive requirements
NHA - 1B9
Recognition of Maltreatment (e.g., abuse, neglect, exploitation)
-Residents’ right to be free from:
-Abuse and neglect
-Involuntary seclusion
-Physical and Chemical Restraints
-Develop and implement abuse/neglect policies and procedure
-Reporting requirements
-Reasonable suspicion of a crime
-Alleged violations
-Investigate, prevent, and correct alleged violations
NHA - 1B10
Mental and Behavioral Health (e.g., cognitive impairment, depression, social support systems)
-Behavioral health issues
-Availability of behavioral health services
-Training and hiring competent staff
-Treatment and services for mental health concerns
-Behavior management
-Availability of medically related services
NHA - 1B11
Trauma-Informed Care (e.g., PTSD)
-Resident preferences
-Resident prior experience
-Elimination or mitigation of resident triggers
NHA - 1B12
Pain Management
-Recognition and management of pain
-Strategies for pain management
-Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions
-Care plan assessment and monitoring
NHA - 1B13
Death, Dying, and Grief
-Reporting a resident’s death
-Coordination of appropriate palliative care and/or hospice care services
NHA - 1B14
Restraint Usage and Reduction
-Reduction and elimination of medications that may sedate or subdue the resident
-Rationale for medications
-Gradual dose reduction
-Requirements for use
-Reduction and elimination of physical restraints
-Rationale for usage
-Least restrictive alternative
-Evaluation of appropriateness
-Monitoring frequency of use
NHA - 1B15
Foodservice (e.g., choice and menu planning, dietary management, food storage and handling, dining services)
-Meeting the resident’s needs regarding dietary choices (including care recipient education and consent)
-Menu preparation
-Food appearance and temperature
-Mealtimes and frequency
-Specialized diets
-Personal food policy
-Sanitation practices within food prep areas
NHA - 1B16
Social Services Programs
-Qualifications of a social worker
-Regulatory requirements for the social worker position
NHA - 1B17
Therapeutic Recreation and Activity Programs
-Ensuring activities are structured to meet the individual needs of the residents.
-Qualifications for activity professionals
Core - 1C1
Hospice and Palliative Care
-Policies and procedures for the provision of hospice and palliative care
-Providing or coordinating hospice and/or palliative care
-Understanding hospice and palliative care
-Differentiate between hospice and palliative care
Core - 1C2
Specialized Medical Equipment (e.g., oxygen, durable medical equipment)
-Policies and procedures for the provision of specialty equipment
-Providing or coordinating with third-party service providers
-Durable medical equipment (e.g., canes, walkers, splints, wheelchairs)
-Oxygen concentrator
-Specialty beds
Core - 1C3
Transportation for Care Recipients
-Policies and procedures for the provision of transportation
-Providing or coordinating with third-party transportation providers
-Identification of emergency transportation resources
-Securing the appropriate transportation to meet the needs of the care recipient
Core - 1C4
Telemedicine (e.g., e-health)
-Policies and procedures for the provision of telemedicine
-Contracting with telemedicine providers
-Coordinating telemedicine visits for care recipients
-Securement of necessary equipment and technology
-Ensuring privacy of care recipient during telehealth visit
-Documentation of telemedicine visits
Core - 1C5
Diagnostic Services (e.g., radiology, lab services)
-Policies and procedures for the provision of diagnostic services
-Providing or coordinating with third-party diagnostic services
-Contracting with diagnostic services providers
-Coordinating diagnostic services for care recipients
Core - 1C6
Dental and Oral Care Services
-Policies and procedures for the provision of dental and oral care
-Contracting with providers of dental and oral care
-Coordinating dental and oral care for the care recipient
Core - 1C7
Healthcare Partners and Clinical Providers (e.g., MD/DO, Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatrist, Podiatrist, Dentist)
-Policies and procedures for the provision of physician and ancillary provider services
-Providing or coordinating with third-party clinical provider services
-Contracting with providers of medical care
-Coordinating medical care for the care recipient
Core - 1C8
Volunteer Programs
-Policies and procedures for volunteer programs
-Volunteer programs related to wellness, activities, and recreation
-Maintaining compliance with volunteers
-Mitigating the risks associated with volunteers
NHA - 1C1
Hospice and Palliative Care
-Arrangement of services
-Agreements with hospice providers
-Hospice responsibilities (e.g., communication, plan of care, etc.)
-Notification of change of condition
NHA - 1C3
Transportation for Care Recipients
-Arrangement of services (emergency and non-emergency)
-Agreements with transportation providers
-Transportation Responsibilities