List-Graphs Flashcards
sinken abfallen ( 4 Stück )
verbs describing fall, downward movement:
to go down, to fall, to drop
ansteigen, steigen ( 6 Stück)
verbs, describing growth, rise , upward movement, expansion
- to rise - to increase -to improve -to leap -to go up - to grow
unverändlich sein
to be stable
konstant bleiben
to remain constant
konstant bleiben
to stay the same
sich erholen
to recover
to fluctuate
den höchsten Stand erreichen
to reach a peak
sich auf niedrigem Niveau stabilisieren
to bottom out
sich stabilisieren
to level off
das Tortendiagramm
Pie Chart:
a circular graph divided into sectors proportional to the magnitudes of the quantities represented
das Balkendiagramm
Bar chart = bar graph:
a graph consisting of vertical or horizontal bars whose lengths are proportional to amounts or quantities.
die Tabelle
das Liniendiagramm
line graph
stetig, gleichförmig