List 7 Auxiliary Verbs 1 Flashcards
No llueve mucho aquí
It doesn´t rain much here
No vienen aquí a menudo
They don´t come here often
No ocurrirá
It won´t happen
¿Cuándo estarán aquí?
When will they be here?
¿Cuándo estuvieron aquí?
When were they here?
¿Cuántas veces han estado aquí?
How many times have they been here?
¿Irías si pudieras pagarlo?
Would you go if you could pay for it?
¿Irás si puedes pagarlo?
Will you go if you can pay for it?
¿Habrías ido si hubieras podido pagarlo?
Would you have gone if you could´ve paid for it?
No voy a ir porqué no puedo pagarlo
I´m not going to go because I can´t pay for it
No fui porque no podía pagarlo
I did´nt go because I couldn´t pay for it
No iré porque no podré pagarlo
I won´t go because I won´t be able to pay for it
No iría aunque pudiera pagarlo
I wouldn´t go even if I coud pay for it
¿Le viste ayer?
Did you see him yesterday
¿Le has visto hoy?
Have you seen him today?
¿Le verás mañana?
Will you see him tomorrow?
¿Le verías si tuvieras tiempo??
Will you see him if you had time?
¿Le vas a ver más tarde?
Are you going to see him later?
¿Tienes que verle?
Do you have to see him?
¿No me dijiste que le ibas a ver?
Didn´t you tell me you were going to see him?
¿Le habrías visto si hubiera estado aquí ayer?
Would you have seen him if he had been here yesterday?
No lo hice
I didn´t do it
No lo hago
I don´t do it
No lo estoy haciendo
I´m not doing it