LIST 12 Direct and indirect imperatives 2 Flashcards
Que lo haga así
Have her do it this way
Quieren que lo hagas así.
They want you to do it this way
Yo quisiera que lo hicieras así
I´d like you to do it this way
Te dije que lo hicieras así.
I told you to do it this way
No lo hagas por favor
Don´t do it please.
Diles que no me molesten
Tell them not to bother me
Te dije que les dijeras que no me molestaran
I told you to tell them not to bother me
No le molestéis
Don´t bother him
No quiero que le molesteis
I don´t want you to bother him
¿Os importaría no molestarle?
Would you mind not bothering him?
Pídeles que no me molesten
Ask them not to bother me.
Ya les he dicho que no te molesten
I´ve already told them not to bother you.
Show it to me
No me lo enseñes
Don´t show it to me
Dile que me lo enseñe
Tell him to show it to me
Dile que no me lo enseñe
Tell him not to show it to me
Quiero que me lo enseñes
I want you to show it to me
Que me llamen
Have them call me
Que nos guarden una copia
Have them keep a copy for us
Qué lo hagan de nuevo
Have them do it again
Que lo comprueben
Have them check it
Que se haga
Have it done
Que se mande a esta dirección
Have it sent to this address
Que se imprima
Have it printed.