List 06 Animals 01 Flashcards
rhinoceros /raɪˈnɒsərəs/
rhinoceros /raɪˈnɒsərəs/ (rhinoceroses)
- N-COUNT A rhinoceros is a large Asian or African animal with thick, grey skin and a horn, or two horns, on its nose. 犀牛
whale /weɪl/
whale /weɪl/ (whales)
1. N-COUNT Whales are very large mammals that live in the sea. 鲸鱼
2. PHRASE If you say that someone is having a whale of a time, you mean that they are enjoying themselves very much. 玩得非常愉快 [非正式] #I had a whale of a time in Fargo. #我在法戈过得非常快乐。
waterfowl /ˈwɔːtəˌfaʊl/
waterfowl /ˈwɔːtəˌfaʊl/ (waterfowl)
- N-COUNT Waterfowl are birds that swim in water, especially ducks, geese, and swans. 水禽(尤指鸭、鹅和天鹅)
bison /ˈbaɪsən/
bison /ˈbaɪsən/ (bison)
- N-COUNT A bison is a large hairy animal with a large head that is a member of the cattle family. Bison used to be very common in North America and Europe. 大野牛 [英国英语]
amphibian /æmˈfɪbɪən/
amphibian /æmˈfɪbɪən/ (amphibians)
- N-COUNT Amphibians are animals such as frogs and toads that can live both on land and in water. 两栖动物
- N-COUNT An amphibian is a vehicle that is able to move on both land and water, or an aeroplane that can land on both land and water. 水陆两用车; 水陆两用飞机
leopard /ˈlɛpəd/
leopard /ˈlɛpəd/ (leopards)
- N-COUNT A leopard is a type of large, wild cat. Leopards have yellow fur and black spots, and live in Africa and Asia. 豹
arthropod /ˈɑːθrəˌpɒd/
arthropod /ˈɑːθrəˌpɒd/
- N any invertebrate of the phylum Arthropoda, having jointed limbs, a segmented body, and an exoskeleton made of chitin. The group includes the crustaceans, insects, arachnids, and centipedes 节肢动物; 节肢动物门的无脊椎动物,包括甲壳纲、昆虫纲、蛛形纲和蜈蚣亚纲等
puffin /ˈpʌfɪn/
puffin /ˈpʌfɪn/ (puffins)
- N-COUNT A puffin is a black and white seabird with a large, brightly-coloured beak. 角嘴海雀
> > > 善知鸟;海鹦;海鸭之类
owl /aʊl/
owl /aʊl/ (owls)
- N-COUNT An owl is a bird with a flat face, large eyes, and a small sharp beak. Most owls obtain their food by hunting small animals at night. 猫头鹰
antelope /ˈæntɪˌləʊp/
antelope /ˈæntɪˌləʊp/ (antelope)
- N-COUNT An antelope is an animal like a deer, with long legs and horns, that lives in Africa or Asia. Antelopes are graceful and can run fast. There are many different types of antelope. 羚羊
toad /təʊd/
toad /təʊd/ (toads)
- N-COUNT A toad is a creature which is similar to a frog but which has a drier skin and spends less time in water. 蟾蜍
tortoise /ˈtɔːtəs/
tortoise /ˈtɔːtəs/ (tortoises)
- N-COUNT A tortoise is a slow-moving animal with a shell into which it can pull its head and legs for protection. 龟
giraffe /dʒɪˈrɑːf/
giraffe /dʒɪˈrɑːf/ (giraffes)
- N-COUNT A giraffe is a large African animal with a very long neck, long legs, and dark patches on its body. 长颈鹿
gorilla /ɡəˈrɪlə/
gorilla /ɡəˈrɪlə/ (gorillas)
- N-COUNT A gorilla is a very large ape. It has long arms, black fur, and a black face. 大猩猩
flamingo /fləˈmɪŋɡəʊ/
flamingo /fləˈmɪŋɡəʊ/ (flamingoes)
- N-COUNT A flamingo is a bird with pink feathers, long thin legs, a long neck, and a curved beak. Flamingos live near water in warm areas. 火烈鸟
pika /ˈpaɪkə/
pika /ˈpaɪkə/
- N any burrowing lagomorph mammal of the family Ochotonidae of mountainous regions of North America and Asia, having short rounded ears, a rounded body, and rudimentary tail 鼠兔 (Also called cony)
turtle /ˈtɜːtəl/
turtle /ˈtɜːtəl/ (turtles)
1. N-COUNT A turtle is the same as a . 同sea turtle [英国英语]
2. N-COUNT A turtle is any reptile that has a thick shell around its body, for example a tortoise or terrapin, and can pull its whole body into its shell. 龟 [美国英语] #...a pet turtle. #…一只宠物龟。 ##...the giant sea turtle. ##…那只巨大的海龟
koala /kəʊˈɑːlə/
koala /kəʊˈɑːlə/ (koalas)
- N-COUNT A koala or a koala bear is an Australian animal which looks like a small bear with grey fur and lives in trees. 树袋熊
ape /eɪp/
ape /eɪp/ (aping, aped, apes)
1. N-COUNT Apes are chimpanzees, gorillas, and other animals in the same family. 猿 #...chimpanzees and other apes. #…黑猩猩和其他猿。
2. V-T If you ape someone's speech or behaviour, you imitate it. 模仿 #Modelling yourself on someone you admire is not the same as aping all they say or do. #以你仰慕的某个人为榜样并不等于模仿他们的全部言行。
manatee /ˈmænəˌtiː, ˌmænəˈtiː/
manatee /ˈmænəˌtiː, ˌmænəˈtiː/ (manatees)
- N-COUNT A manatee is a mammal which lives in the sea and looks like a small whale with a broad, flat tail. 海牛
sloth /sləʊθ/
sloth /sləʊθ/ ( sloths )
1. N-UNCOUNT Sloth is laziness, especially with regard to work. 懒惰(尤指工作方面) [正式]
#He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth.
- N-COUNT A sloth is an animal from Central and South America. Sloths live in trees and move very slowly. 树懒(见于中美洲和南美洲)
pangolin /pæŋˈɡəʊlɪn/
pangolin /pæŋˈɡəʊlɪn/
- N any mammal of the order Pholidota found in tropical Africa, S Asia, and Indonesia, having a body covered with overlapping horny scales and a long snout specialized for feeding on ants and termites 穿山甲; 发现在非洲热带地区、南亚和印度尼西亚,全身被重叠的坚硬鳞片所覆盖,长有专门觅食蚂蚁和白蚁的长口鼻 (Also called scaly anteater)
otter /ˈɒtə/
otter /ˈɒtə/ (otters)
1. N-COUNT An otter is a small animal with brown fur, short legs, and a long tail. Otters swim well and eat fish. 水獭
hedgehog /ˈhɛdʒˌhɒɡ/
hedgehog /ˈhɛdʒˌhɒɡ/ (hedgehogs)
- N-COUNT A hedgehog is a small brown animal with sharp spikes covering its back. 刺猬
woodpecker /ˈwʊdˌpɛkə/
woodpecker /ˈwʊdˌpɛkə/ (woodpeckers)
- N-COUNT A woodpecker is a type of bird with a long sharp beak. Woodpeckers use their beaks to make holes in tree trunks. 啄木鸟
piglet /ˈpɪɡlɪt/
piglet /ˈpɪɡlɪt/ (piglets)
- N-COUNT A piglet is a young pig. 小猪
ewe /juː/
ewe /juː/ (ewes)
- N-COUNT A ewe is an adult female sheep. 母羊
deer /dɪə/
deer /dɪə/ (deer)
- N-COUNT A deer is a large wild animal that eats grass and leaves. A male deer usually has large, branching horns. 鹿
hippopotamus /ˌhɪpəˈpɒtəməs/
hippopotamus /ˌhɪpəˈpɒtəməs/ (hippopotamuses)
- N-COUNT A hippopotamus is a very large African animal with short legs and thick, hairless skin. Hippopotamuses live in and near rivers. 河马
tabby /ˈtæbɪ/
tabby /ˈtæbɪ/ (tabbies)
- N-COUNT A tabby or a tabby cat is a cat whose fur has dark stripes on a lighter background. 斑猫
- N a fabric with a watered pattern, esp silk or taffeta 平纹布
- ADJ (esp of cats) brindled with dark stripes or wavy markings on a lighter background (尤指猫)有黑色条纹或波纹的
pussycat /ˈpʊsɪˌkæt/
pussycat /ˈpʊsɪˌkæt/ (pussycats)
- N-COUNT Children or people talking to children often refer to a cat as a pussycat. 猫
- N-COUNT If you describe someone as a pussycat, you think that they are kind and gentle. 温和友好的人
yak /jæk/
yak /jæk/ (yak)
- N-COUNT A yak is a type of cattle that has long hair and long horns. Yaks live mainly in the Himalayan mountains and in Tibet. 牦牛
- N noisy, continuous, and trivial talk or conversation 喋喋不休; 唠叨 (Also yakety-yak)
- V to chatter or talk in this way; jabber 喋喋不休
squirrel /ˈskwɪrəl/
squirrel /ˈskwɪrəl/ (squirrels)
- N-COUNT A squirrel is a small animal with a long furry tail. Squirrels live mainly in trees. 松鼠
mole /ˈməʊleɪ/
mole /ˈməʊleɪ/ (moles)
1. N-COUNT A mole is a natural dark spot or small dark lump on someone's skin. 痣 #Researchers studied moles on those aged between 12 and 50. #研究者们研究了12岁到50岁的人身上长的痣。
- N-COUNT A mole is a small animal with black fur that lives underground. 鼹鼠
3. N-COUNT A mole is a member of a government or other organization who gives secret information to the press or to a rival organization. (政府或机构内的) 间谍 #He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow. #他曾经被俄国人招做间谍,在莫斯科受训。
- N-COUNT a breakwater 防波堤
- N the basic SI unit of amount of substance; the amount that contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon-12. The entity must be specified and may be an atom, a molecule, an ion, a radical, an electron, a photon, etc吗摩尔; 微观物质的基本物理单位
walrus /ˈwɔːlrəs/
walrus /ˈwɔːlrəs/ (walruses)
- N-COUNT A walrus is a large, fat animal which lives in the sea. It has two long teeth called tusks that point downward. 海象
hen /hɛn/
hen /hɛn/ (hens)
- N-COUNT A hen is a female chicken. People often keep hens in order to eat or sell their eggs. 母鸡
peacock /ˈpiːˌkɒk/
peacock /ˈpiːˌkɒk/ (peacocks)
1. N-COUNT A peacock is a large bird. The male has a very large tail covered with blue and green spots, which it can spread out like a fan. 孔雀 #...peacocks strutting slowly across the garden. #...孔雀在花园中趾高气扬地走来走去。 ##...peacock feathers. ##...孔雀翎。
goose /ɡuːs/
goose /ɡuːs/ (geese)
- N-COUNT A goose is a large bird that has a long neck and webbed feet. Geese are often farmed for their meat. 鹅
2. N-UNCOUNT Goose is the meat from a goose that has been cooked. (熟) 鹅肉 #...roast goose. #…烤鹅。
- V to prod (a person) playfully in the behind (开玩笑的)戳人屁股
swan /swɒn/
swan /swɒn/ (swans)
- N-COUNT A swan is a large bird with a very long neck. Swans live on rivers and lakes and are usually white. 天鹅
pigeon /ˈpɪdʒɪn/
pigeon /ˈpɪdʒɪn/ (pigeons)
- N-COUNT A pigeon is a bird, usually grey in colour, that has a fat body. Pigeons often live in cities and towns. 鸽子
- N concern or responsibility (often in the phrase it’s his, her, etc, pigeon) 问题或责任(常出现在“这是他的、她的”等短语中) [英国英语] [非正式]
ostrich /ˈɒstrɪtʃ/
ostrich /ˈɒstrɪtʃ/ (ostriches)
- N-COUNT An ostrich is a very large, long-necked African bird that cannot fly. 鸵鸟
swallow /ˈswɒləʊ/
swallow /ˈswɒləʊ/ (swallowing, swallowed, swallows)
1. V-T/V-I If you swallow something, you cause it to go from your mouth down into your stomach. 吞咽 #You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B. #你被要求吞下一颗含维生素B的胶囊。 ##Polly took a bite of the apple, chewed, and swallowed. ##波莉咬了一口那个苹果,嚼了嚼吞了下去。
2. N-COUNT Swallow is also a noun. 吞咽 #Jan lifted her glass and took a quick swallow. #简举起杯子,迅速咽了一口。
3. V-I If you swallow, you make a movement in your throat as if you are swallowing something, often because you are nervous or frightened. (常因紧张或害怕而) 做吞咽动作 #Nancy swallowed hard and shook her head. #南希艰难地咽了一下口水,摇了摇她的头。
4. V-T If someone swallows a story or a statement, they believe it completely. 完全相信 #They cast doubt on his words when it suited their case, but swallowed them whole when it did not. #他的话与他们的情况吻合时他们就怀疑,但不吻合时他们却完全相信。
- V-T to engulf or destroy as if by ingestion 吞并; 侵吞
Nazi Germany swallowed up several small countries - N-COUNT A swallow is a kind of small bird with pointed wings and a forked tail. 燕子
- a bitter pill to swallow →see pill
sparrow /ˈspærəʊ/
sparrow /ˈspærəʊ/ ( sparrows )
1. N-COUNT A sparrow is a small brown bird that is very common in the United States. 麻雀
robin /ˈrɒbɪn/
robin /ˈrɒbɪn/ (robins)
- N-COUNT A robin is a fairly large brown bird found in North America that has a reddish brown breast. 鸲; 知更鸟
- N-COUNT A robin is a small brown bird found in Europe that has an orangey red neck and breast. European robins are smaller then North American ones, and are a completely different species of bird. 鸫
- → see also round-robin
penguin /ˈpɛŋɡwɪn/
penguin /ˈpɛŋɡwɪn/ (penguins)
- N-COUNT A penguin is a type of large black and white sea bird found mainly in the Antarctic. Penguins cannot fly but use their short wings for swimming. 企鹅
python /ˈpaɪθən/
python /ˈpaɪθən/ (pythons
- N-COUNT A python is a large snake that kills animals by squeezing them with its body. 蟒蛇
wall lizard
wall lizard
- N a small mottled grey lizard, Lacerta muralis, of Europe, N Africa, and SW Asia: family Lacertidae 壁虎
carp /kɑːp/
carp /kɑːp/ (carping, carped, carps)
- N-VAR A carp is a kind of fish that lives in lakes and rivers. 鲤鱼
2. V-I If you say that someone is carping, you mean that they keep criticizing or complaining about someone or something, especially in a way you think is unnecessary or annoying. 吹毛求疵 [表不满] #He cannot understand why she's constantly carping at him. #他不理解为什么她对他总是百般的挑剔。
3. carping N-UNCOUNT #She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping. #她当时没有心情容忍布兰奇的吹毛求疵。
cod /kɒd/
cod /kɒd/
1. N-VAR Cod are a type of large edible fish. 鳕鱼
2. N-UNCOUNT Cod is this fish eaten as food. 鳕鱼肉 #A Catalan speciality is to serve salt cod cold. #加泰罗尼亚的一道特色菜是冷食咸鳕鱼。
3. ADJ mock; sham 嘲弄; 哄骗 [英国英语] [slang] #cod Latin
sardine /ˈsɑːdiːn/
sardine /ˈsɑːdiːn/ (sardines)
1. N-COUNT Sardines are a kind of small sea fish, often eaten as food. 沙丁鱼
#They opened a can of sardines.
flea /fliː/
flea /fliː/ (fleas)
- N-COUNT A flea is a very small jumping insect that has no wings and feeds on the blood of humans or animals. 跳蚤