Liquid-liquid Flashcards
What is an extraction
When a solute from one solvent into another
The solvents must be
The two solvent must form 2
Serrated layers
What is used to isolate natural products such as plant tissue with a water immiscible solvent
Diethyle ether
Alternative water immiscoble solvents include
Hexane, petroleum ether, ligroin and methylene chloride
A gernalozed extraction. Process uses a pieces of glassware called
Seprratory funnel
The second solvent is not
Miscible when the first is added
The second layer js
Less dense than the first and become the top layer
Which phase is seperated
The lower by a stock cap
Water can be used to
Wash or extract water soluble impir6
A water wash removes highly
Polar and water soluble materials such as sulfuric acid. Hrlyrdochloric acid, naoh, and organic layer
What is the distribution or partition coefficient
What are the 3 types of apparatus
Conical vials, centrifuge tunels, and seperatpry funnels
Conical and centrifuge are use on
Micro scale experiments
Centrifuge cab also be used on
Macroscale experiments
When is seprratory funnel used
On larger volumes of liquid