Lipids Flashcards
What are lipids only soluble in?
Organic solevents
What are the essential FA? and what happens if they’re defficient?
A-linolenic acid (n3) - decrease in IQ and visual/retinal activity
linoleic acid (n6) - dermatitis, decrease in growth and reproductive maturity.
How do we make EFA?
We must desaturate and elongate to get FA from metabolites.
linoleic acid –> arachidonic acid –> pro inflammatory eicosanoid
a-linoleic –> eicosapentaenoic acid –> anti inflammatory eicosanoid
What does FA have?
hydrophobic tail and hydrophilic head group
FA naming: delta vs omega
Delta = numbering starts from carboxyl end. ie. 18:2delta^9,12
Omega = numbering starts from FA end. ie. 18:2n^6
What are TAGs?
main dietary and storage lipid
ester bonds
3FA + glyceride
What is a phospholipid?
more polar than TAG –> amphipathic
what is a sterol?
cholesterol ester
bile acid production
Lipid digestion: mouth
lingual lipase continously secreted (not rlly digested here)
lipid digestion: stomach
gastric lipase and lingual lipase = stable at low pH
lipid digestion: liver and gallbladder
make bile acids from cholesterol and storage of bile acids - emulsify lipids (released by hormones) because not soluble in water. This makes mixed micelles. the mixed micelles can access spaces between mv in the intestine by carrier mediated transporters.
lipid digestion: SI
pancreatic enzymes - pancreatic lipase, cholesterol esterase (breaks ester bond), and phospholipase (BBE)
Describe enterohepatic circulation
most bile is reabsorbed and only a little is lost in feces. soluble fiber reduces effeciency of enterhepatic circualtion which is good bcs we want more cholesterol to be lost to feces so your body can increase endrogenous production.
Describe lipid absorption.
mix micelles have to break down and then form back up to go to the lymphatic (lacteal) system.
Lipid transport: how are lipoproteins classified?
ratio to protein (density)
specific apolipoprotein content (Apo- receptor interations)