Lipid metabolism Flashcards
The 4 types of phospholipids are?
- PhosphatidylCholine
- PhosphatidylSerine
- Phosphatidylinositol
- Phosphatidylethanolamine
Explain ketogenesis?
Ketogenesis refers to the biochemical synthesis of ketone bodies by breaking down fatty acids and ketogenic amino acids
Explain Ketosis?
Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body burns fat for energy rather than glucose
Mention the functions of ketone bodies you know?
- They serve to keep organs like brain & heart in constant supply of energy.
2.ketone bodies help to maintain energy homeostasis - Ketone bodies production saves muscle protein.
Briefly explain Lipids?
Lipids constitute a heterogenous group of compound which includes fats, oil, steroids, wax and other related compounds
Lipids are classified into 3; name them?
- Simply Lipids
- Complex lipids
- Derived lipids
Mention some Diseases associated with lipid metabolism?
- Obesity
- Diabetes mellitus
- Hypertriglyceridema
- Ketone acidosis
In details, explain the digestion of TriAcylGlycerol(TAG)?
Triacylglycerol digestion begins in the mouth by mechanical mastication to increase surface area and action of Lingual lipase, but this digestion is limited.
Digestion in the mouth and stomach(gastric lipase) is limited due to solubility of substrate and the chain length of fatty acids. Thus lipases preferentially hydrolyse shirt and medium chain fatty acids with 12carbon or less.
Main digestion occurs in the lumen of the intestine due to pancreatic lipase.
When partially digested food leaves the stomach and enters the intestine, the hormone Cholecystokinin, is secreted to cause contraction of the gall bladder to release bile salt and pancreas to release digestive enzyme. Bile salt act to emulsify fats, followed by hydrolysis from the pancreatic enzymes (pancreatic lipase and coenzyme colipase), along with
Bile salt are synthesized in?
The bile canalliculi of the liver
The major enzyme that digest Triacylglycerol are?
Pancreatic lipase
Pancreatic lipase is secreted along side with another protein called?
Food coming from the stomach is acidic but Action of pancreatic enzymes is made possible because of?
Bicarbonate secretions released to neutralise the pH, and provide optimal conditions for action.
What is the function of colipase in the digestion of TAG?
Colipase binds to dietary fats and increase the lipase activity of pancreatic lipase.
Pancreatic lipase hydrolyse fatty acids of all chain length to produce free fatty acids and 2mono acyl glycerol
What is the role of phospholipase A2 in digestion
They digest phospholipid to a free fatty acids and a lysophospholipid
Explain the process of absorption an transport of dietary lipids?
The fatty acid and 2monoacylglycerol produced by digestion are packaged into micelles(a small aggregate of mixed lipids and bile salt). Micelles have a fatty acids view with water soluble exterior. This allows efficient transportation to the microvilli(intestinal epithelial cells).
While the fatty acid and 2 mono acyl glycerol are absorbed, bile Salts are left behind in the intestinal lumen
At what point are the bile extensively reabsorbed?
When they reach the ileum.
_______ and________ do not require bile salts for their absorption?
Short and medium chain fatty acids
Mention functions of cholesterol?
- Major component of cell membrane
- Modulates membrane fluidity
- Stabilizes membrane structure
- Increase permeability of cell membrane
- Increases cell signaling
Enumerate the functions of phospholipids
- Helps maintain membrane integrity and fluidity
- Participates in lipid metabolism and signaling pathways.
- Plays a role in cell signaling, apoptosis, and blood clotting.
- Regulates the activity of enzymes and transporters in mitochondria.
- Plays a critical role in maintaining mitochondrial structure and function
What is kenogenesis?
Ketogenesis is the biological process through which organisms produce ketone bodies by breakdown of fatty acids and ketogenic amino acids
What is ketoacidosis?
Ketoacidosis is the excess secretion of ketone bodies
What is ketonemia?
Ketonemia is when the rate of production of ketone bodies exceed the rate of utilization.
What is a ketourea test?
It is used to monitor or measure amount of ketone bodies through the urine
Function of ketone bodies?
- They serve to keep organs like the brain and hear in constant supply of energy even in absence of glucose
- Ketone bodies help to maintain energy homeostasis
- Ketone bodies except acetone are water soluble
- Production of ketone bodies save muscle protein
What are the fat soluble vitamins?
Vitamin A,D,E,K
Chylomicrons are transported in the lymphatic system but enter into the blood at?
The Thoracic duct
Give one example of short and medium chain fatty acid
Breast milk