Lipid Lowering therapy Flashcards
Lipid transport
LDL liver to peripheral tissues, adverse effects
HDL takes lipids from periphery to liver, beneficial
(Triglycerides; adverse vascular effects, pancreatitis)
Why lower cholesterol?
Primary prevention: debated, reduction in vascular events
Secondary: Large benefit, after MI for example. Decreases CVS mortality and morbidity. Will reduce vascular events
Who to treat with LLT?
Secondary prevention: Angina, MI, CVA, PVD
Diabetes (high vascular risk)
Primary prevention: 10 year CV risk score >30%
Ways to lower cholesterol
Drugs and lifestyle
Drugs to lower lipids
Statins: Lower Chol and LDL, slighty raise HDL, and lower trigs. Atorvastatin (more effective) and simvastatin
Fibrates: lower trigs and raise HDL
Ezetimibe: lowerTC and LDL
Nicotinic acid: lower trigs
Statin mechanism of action
when to give
1) Inhibit HMG CoA reductase, which normally converts HMG CoA to Mevalonate, eventually cholesterol. (In hepatocytes)
2) Secondary to this, as hepatocytes need cholesterol for bile acids etc, they up regulate LDL receptors, lowering circulating LDL
At night
What else do statins lower? Effect?
Isoprenoids, involved with things such as apoptosis.
So called theorised pleiotropic efect, where lowering these can be anti-thrombotic, anti inflammatory and immune modulators
Where is simvastatin metabolised? Consequence and do no prescribe with?
CYP3A4 in the liver P450 system. Atorvastatin not so bad
So do not prescribe with enzyme inhibitors, as prolong effects, increase side effects.
Do not with amiodarone, verapamil, diltiazem, erythromycin
Statin side effects
Myalgias Myositis Rhabdomyolysis deranged LFT's, stop if ALT 3x normal Are teratogenic Very rare, prolonged exposure, new diabetes
effect on CV risk with statin use according to a meta analysis
per mmol/L reduction in LDL
total mortality dow 12% and vascular events down 21%
What do fibrates do and indications
Lower trigs, lower LDL an raise HDL
- Isolated triglyceridaemia (lifestyle first) as high triglycerides can induce a pancreatitis
- Combined with statins with resistant hypercholesterolaemia
Mechanism: PPARalpha agonist. A nuclear receptor that will alter lipid metabolism in liver and muscle, lowering VLDL and increase msucle FA storage. Also activate lipoprotein lipase to break down TG’s
Fibrate side effects
GI upset, deranged LFT’s, concurrent statin use increases likelihood of myositis
With statin, lower cholesterol absorption, so less cholesterol delivered to liver, increases LDL receptors in liver, lowers circulating LDL
Blocks NPC1L1 co-transport in enterocyte
Bit of diarrhoea
Nicotinic acid
LowersTrigs synthesis in liver.
reduces FA mobilisation from periphery, reduced HDL degradation
Lipid lowering therapy conclusions
- Secondary prevention definitely statins
- Primary, lifestyle best, statin use questionable, less than secondary
- Linear relationship CV events and TGs
PSK9 inhibition
Is a circulating serine protease, that is endocytosed with LDL receptor. These will if blocked, decreases LDL
MAB evolocumab
RNA inhibitor inclisiran