Lipid Catabolism Flashcards
How is acyl-carnitine transported from cytoplasm to mitochondria?
Acyl-carnitine shuttle
How are fatty acids activated?
Conversion to acyl-coA (requires 2ATP)
What is the substrate for beta oxidation?
Products of each beta oxidation cycle
- 1 acetyl coA
- 1 fatty acyl coA (shortened by 2 carbon atoms)
- complete me
What type of fatty acids cannot be synthesised by the body?
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
deficiencies can lead to membrane disorders, increased skin permeability, mitochondrial damage
Fat soluble vitamins
ADEK (often stored in body fat)
-if fat intake or absorption is inadequate, secondary deficiencies can occur
What are compound lipids?
Lipids associated with other functional groups
Fatty acids, triglycerides and waxes are what kinds of lipids?
Simple lipids
Which molecules are the main energy storage form in adipose tissue?
high energy yield per gram
More common to have an even or odd number of C’s in fatty acids?
Even (usually straight as well)
Several double bonds
Are double bonds usually in cis or trans formation?
cis (same plane)
Most common fatty acid in humans
Palmitic acid (16C)
How many carbons in stearic acid?
How many carbon atoms in oleic acid?
18 but also has a double bond, cheekay ;)