linux programming Flashcards
what are hidden files in ls
beginning with dot
list + show hidden files
ls -a
show username
make directory
mkdir directory
change directory
go back (or up) one directory (switch to parent directory)
cd ..
current directory
cd .
get absolute pathname
pwd (print workind directory) - shows all parent directories
what 3 parts is unix made up of
kernel, shell and programs
what does the kernel of UNIX do?
The kernel of UNIX is the heart of the operating system. It
- allocates time and memory to programs and
- handles the file store and
- handles communications in response to system calls.
Illustration of how the shell and kernel work together
- User types rm file
- shell searches for filestore containing program rm
- requests kernel, through system calls, to execute rm on file.
- when rm file completes, system returns $ awaiting further commands
the shell in UNIX
acts as an interface between the user and kernel. The shell is a command line interpreter that allows users to type commands (or ātalkā to the kernel).
create empty file
touch fileName.filetype
move a file
mv (file to be moved) (move to this directory)
copy a file
cp (originalFile.filetype) (newFile.filetype)
remove file and directory
rm and rmdir but rmdir will only remove an empty directory
display contents of a file
cat (concatenate)