Lindsay glodme 2.1 Flashcards
a member of the people who are originally from the Arabian Peninsula and who now live mostly in the Middle East and northern Africa
The most sacred city in all Islam, home to the Kaaba, home of Muhammad.
The ancient shrine in Mecca that Muhammad cleansed of polytheism and rededicated to Allah - the center of Islamic practice worldwide
Prophet of Islam; last prophet; created Islam
The Arabic word for God
For Muslims, this book contains the direct words of God as revealed to Muhammad - this word means “recitation”
Stories of the life of Muhammad - these are a second source of religious authority along with the Quran - this word means “story”
Muhammad’s flight from Mecca where he was rejected to Medina where he was much more successful
Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina and this is where he was successful in creating Islam and the ummah; political and military leader against Meccans
Arabic word meaning nation or community, original community of Muhammad
Means “tradition” and refers to the life and ways of the prophet
Islamic mysticism - a tradition involving the use of poetry, music, and dance used to achieve direct experience of the divine.
The use of human reason in deriving Islamic law
Islamic law
An act that is forbidden, to do it ever would be a sin
An act that is bad if done repeatedly or habitually
An act that is neither good nor bad - doing this or not doesn’t matter
An act that is good but not required
An act that is required; to not do it is a sin
A class of trained Islamic scholars - these scholars read and interpret the Quran and so are very important
This term means “successor” and refers to the leaders of the ummah after Muhammad whose power was mostly political - these were the leaders of the Sunni branch of Islam
Rashidun caliphs
Rightly-guided caliphs
Abu Bakr - 1st Caliph
Umar - 2nd caliph
Uthman - 3rd caliph
5th caliph, 1st Caliph of Umayyad dynasty, gov of Syria. Took over from Ali
6th caliph after Mu’awiya
2nd Imam
3rd Imam. Killed by Yezid in battle of k
Battle of Karbala
Between Yezid and Hassan; Sunni-Shia split
Smaller branch than Sunni, name comes from being followers or partisans of Ali, they believe Imams are the correct leaders of the Ummah
The largest branch of Islam, taking its name from the tradition of the prophet
5 pillars of Islam
1) Shahada - Proclamation of faith
2) Salat - pray 5x day
3) Sawm - Fasting, from dawn till dusk during month of Ramadan
4) Hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca
5) Zakat - alms, charity
Umayyad caliphate
The first dynasty of caliphs including Muawiya and Yezid
Abbasid caliphate
Dynasty after Umayyad; seen as Golden Age
Ottoman Empire
Sunni Islamic state founded in 1299 by Oghuz Turks under Osman I in Anatolia. Sultanate transformed into empire and a claimante to a caliphate
Muslim sovereign
Millet System
Indirect rule: Ottoman system that allowed local ethnic groups in their empire to control themselves as long as their leaders lived in Istanbul. Helped Sultan maintain loyalty
Devshirme System
Ottoman system for impressing Christian boys into the Ottoman military as Janissaries - converting them to Islam and banning them from marrying; human taxation
Foot soldiers
Timar System
Sultan gives large amounts of land to feudal lords/nobles who in return give cavalry to Sultan. “Tax Farming”
Means “restructuring” or “reorganization” - a period of quasi-liberal reform in the 19th century Ottoman Empire - a form of response to rising European dominance
Isma’il the Magnificent
This Khedive of Egypt sought to Europeanize his country and this push for development created a huge debt to and dependency on Europe and cause a violent backlash against him - he lost the Suez to the UK
A call to political order based on traditional Islamic forms including obedience to the Caliph. This suggests a tight bond between political forms and traditional Islamic practice.
Abdul Hamid
Absolutist Sultan-Caliph of the late Ottoman Empire - he wanted to modernize his economy and technology but called on Islamism and total central power to justify his power
Wahhabi movement
A 19th century fundamentalist movement to recapture the literal lifestyle and forms of the original ummah - a kind of Islamic puritainism - they focus on tawhid and reject bid’ah
Religious Zionism
Need to implement Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel, Aliyah and settlement of the Land
Political Zionism
Establishing home for Jews in Palestine
Husayn-McMahon Correspondence
Series of letters between Husayn bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, Sir Henry McMahon and Brit High Comm of Egypt concerns of lands under Ottoman empire. Husayn wanted to create a Pan-Arab state. British and Arabs make promises to each other. Son Faysal wants all of Arabian peninsula. Proclaims himself king of Damascus and gets Arab Kingdom
Sykes-Picot Agreement
Secret agreement btwn France and Britain in which they divided up Middle East. Divided up Arab provinces of Ottoman Empire that would be future controlled territory.
Promises overlap. France -> Syria, Britain ->Iraq and Jordan. Jerusalem divided. Separate Palestine
Balfour Declaration
Letter that confirmed British promise for support of a Jewish homeland. Was included in Sevre treaty and the Palestine Mandate
Arab Revolt
Revolt initiated by Sherif Hussein bin Ali with aim to secure independence from Ottoman Turks and create a single unified Arab nation from Aleppo in Syria to Aden in Yemen. Arab nationalist sentiment
Sharif Husayn ibn Ali
Son of Ali and Fatimah and younger brother of Hasan. Killed by Yezid in Battle of Karbala in 680
Faysal ibn Husayn (Iraq)
Brother of Abdullah and son of Hussein ibn Ali, he was made king of Iraq by the British.
Abdullah ibn Husayn (Jordan)
Brother of Faysal, son of Hussein ibn Ali, he was made king of Jordan by the British after WWI
Treaty of Sèvres
WWI Peace treaty that ended the Ottoman Empire
Treaty of Lausanne
WWI Peace treaty that ended conflict btwn Ottoman Empire and UK, France etc. b/c Sevres didn’t work because it was rejected by the Turkish national movement who fought to win back land