Lindas glodme 2.2 Flashcards
Market economy
An economy in which decisions based on investments, prod and distrib are based on supply and demand, and goods prices’ are determined by free price system
Consumer economy
an economy that is driven in large part by demand from buyers within the economy itself - the driving force is selling things to your own people; USA
Export-led economy
an economy that is driven largely by demand from outside the economy - the driving force is selling things to outside entities; Japan
Command economy
Driven from the center. Government and state linked together. Stailin USSR
Parliamentary stalemate
A kind of legislative / government gridlock where no new laws or actions are possible because the government is divided - no one group or party is strong enough to make the government work
The Great Depression
The financial and industrial slump of 1929 and subsequent years caused by stock market crash, too much growth
The New Deal
A program of economic reform, regulation, and restructuring undertaken in the 1930s by the U.S. government under FDR - central to this effort was rebuilding consumer demand through government job creation
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
President of the U.S. during the Great Depression and World War Two - he radically increased the economic and social power of the federal government. Poured money into public services to help ppl
The Weimar Republic
Germany between 1918 and 1933 - this was a parliamentary form that came in after the abdication of the Kaiser and that was destroyed by the rise of the Nazi’s in 1933
The effort, undertaken by the Nazi’s during World War II, to systematically exterminate the Jewish population of Europe - resulted in over 6 million deaths.
Italian political party in power from 1922 - 1943 - ultranationalist, violently anti-communist, allied with the Nazis in Germany - led by Benito Mussolini
Nazism - NSDAP
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party - in power from 1933 - 1945 - led by Adolf Hitler
Nazi leader from the early 1920s through 1945 - author of Mein Kampf - architect of Nazi political, military, cultural, and social policy.
Racial hygiene
The idea that a group of people could be made more or less healthy by determining who could reproduce - that a whole people could be “cleaned” by attending to the purity of their racial, cultural, and mental characteristics - this idea was a central part of Nazi ideology
Mein Kampf
Meaning “my struggle” this was Hitler’s own story of his life up to the early 1920s - laid out his worldview including his hatred for the Jews and his belief that Germany had been betrayed in World War I.
A movement designed to expand rapidly Soviet industry, complete collectivization, and centralize power in the Soviet government via a series of centrally coordinated 5 year plans in the 1930s - hugely mixed results
5 Year Plan
Stalin’s project to boost industrial production, collectivize private land and capital, and centralize power under his control - both massive development and catastrophic collapse resulted
“revolution from above”
The Leninist / Stalinist idea that the communist revolution was not complete due to the widespread ownership of private land and capital and the persistence of bourgeois beliefs and values in the Soviet masses - a bottom up movement was not going to work so the elite few - the Vanguard of the Proletariat - was going to have to bring the revolution down on the masses instead
Engineered famine
A food shortage that is created on purpose - Stalin did this to break up the resistance of the countryside to his collectivization reforms and to help reinvest wealth into industry during the Five Year Plans - Millions died
The process of bringing private wealth into public ownership - could refer to land or capital
Armenian Genocide
The systematic removal and subsequent death of around 1.5 million Armenians from Turkey during World War I - Turks deny the accuracy of this term
Middle East Mandates
After World War I, the area of former Ottoman lands were parcelled up into these separate areas and run in various degrees of dependence by the French and the British
ibn Saud - Saudi Arabia
He conquered the Arabian Peninsula from Hussein Ibn Ali in the 1920s and founded a new line of kings that lasts to this day. Supported by the UK and later the the USA.
Faysal ibn Husayn
King of Syria in 1920 and King of Iraq from 1921-1933. Hashemite monarchy/dynasty
Kamal Ataturk
A founding figure in modern Turkish history - a general during World War I under the Ottoman Sultan - he led resistance to the terms of the Treaty of Sevres and led the transition to a republican, secular, modernizing Turkey. Seen as a hero by Turks and a butcher by Armenians.
Hebrew for “moving up” - this refers to a wave of jewish immigration into Palestine (before 1948) or Israel (after 1948).
The Hebrew term for the Jewish community in Palestine prior to May 1948. Becomes Mixed after 1948
The main military wing of the Zionist organization - trained and armed to protect the Yishuv - merged into the IDF after 1948
Wailing Wall Disturbances
1929 riots between Jews and Arabs that was sparked by conflict over access to the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque that sits on the Temple Mount. This was a manifestation of the anger that was building up in the Palestinian Mandate in the 1920s and presaged the much larger Arab Uprising that would break out in 1936.
The Arab Uprising
A huge popular outburst of Arab anger in 1936 against Jewish immigration and land transfer and British Mandate policies that allowed it to continue - lasted until 1939 - caused Peel commission, etc.
Peel Commission
Due to Arab Uprising - a British policy that proposed to split the Mandate of Palestine into 2 states - one for Jews and one for Arabs - Jerusalem was to remain internationally controlled - both sides rejected this proposal
White Paper of 1939
In response to the Arab Uprising and the outbreak of World War II - this British policy paper promised to end all Jewish immigration and land transfer - finally ended the Balfour promise
Biltmore Program
Program / policy of US support for Zionist cause - established during WWII - championed by Truman
UN Partition Plan (1947)
This was the plan to divide Palestine into 2 nations that was proposed after WW2 by the international community - the British looked to the international community to help resolve the problem they had been sitting on since the Mandate began. This proposal didn’t end up happening either as the state descended into war rather than partition.
Deir Yassin
The massacre of 600 people in Deir Yassin by the Zionist paramilitary groups of the Irgun adn Lehi
Yom Haazmuat / Al Nakba
Yom Haazmuat is the Israeli Independence Day for Israelis. For Palestinians it’s Al Nakba, the commemoration of the displacement that proceeded Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948
Refugee Crisis
Many Palestinians displaced when Israel took control of Gaza Strip and West Bank in 1948
The Intercommunal War
This conflict broke out between Arabs and Jews as soon as the UN Partition Plan was announced - it was, essentially, the house-to-house scramble for control of as much of the Mandate as possible before the end of the Mandate.
The First Arab-Israeli War - 1948
This war pitted the new state of Israel against its 5 Arab neighbors - broke out in May 1948 - resulted in Palestine being split between Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip - plus 700,000 Arab refugees whose fate has become central to the politics of the region
The Israeli Defense Force - established in 1948 as the official military of Israel