Linden Lea - R.V. Williams, W. Barnes Flashcards
Linden Lea
R.V. Williams
- With-in the wood-lands, flow’r-y glad-ed,
By the oak trees’ moss-y moot;
- By the oak trees’ moss-y moot;
The shin-ing grass blades, tim-ber shad-ed,
- The shin-ing grass blades, tim-ber shad-ed,
Now do quiv-er un-der foot;
- Now do quiv-er un-der foot;
And birds do whis-tle o-ver-head,
- And birds do whis-tle o-ver-head,
And wa-ter’s bub-bling in its bed;
- And wa-ter’s bub-bling in its bed;
And there for me, The ap-ple tree Do lean down low in Lid-den.
- And there for me, The ap-ple tree Do lean down low in Lid-den.
When leaves, that late-ly were a-spring-ing, Now do fade with-in the corpse,
- When leaves, that late-ly were a-spring-ing, Now do fade with-in the corpse,
And paint-ed birds do hush their sing-ing, Up up-on the tim-ber tops;
- And paint-ed birds do hush their sing-ing, Up up-on the tim-ber tops;
And brown leaved fruit’s a turn-ing red, In cloud-less sun-shine o-ver-head,
- And brown leaved fruit’s a turn-ing red, In cloud-less sun-shine o-ver-head,
With fruit for me, the ap-ple tree Do lean down low in Lin-den Lea.
- With fruit for me, the ap-ple tree Do lean down low in Lin-den Lea.
Let oth-er folk make mo-ney fas-ter; In the air of dark-room’d towns;
- Let oth-er folk make mo-ney fas-ter; In the air of dark-room’d towns;
I don’t dread a peev-ish mas-ter, Though no man may heed my frowns.
- I don’t dread a peev-ish mas-ter, Though no man may heed my frowns.
I be free to go a-broad, Or take a-gain my home-ward road,
- I be free to go a-broad, Or take a-gain my home-ward road,
To where, for me, The ap-ple tree Do lean down low in Lin-den Lea.