Limits And COntinuity Of Functions Flashcards
When is A a punctured neighbourhood of C
A is a punctured neighbourhood of c is if Edelta such that (c-delta) U (c,c+delta) is a subset of A
What is the epsilon delta definition of a limit
Epsilon delta definition of a limit is:
For all epsilon >0 Edelta >0 for all x e D
0 < mod(x-c) < delta implies mod(f(x)- L) < epsilon
What does inertia lemma state
Inertia lemma states that if limf(x) =L > M as x tends to c, then there is delta >0 so for all x E D, 0 < mod(x-c) < delta implies f(x) > M
What is sequential characterisation of a limit
Sequential characterisation of limit is:
For all c in [a,b] given Xn is a subset of [a,b], Xn tends to c implies f(Xn) tends to f(c)
Xn =/ c for all n
What does algebra of limits state
Algebra of limits states: Limx tends to c f(x) + g(x) = Lf + Lg “. “ af(x)=aLf “. “ f(x)*g(x)=Lf*Lg “. “ f(x)/g(x)=Lf/Lg if denominators don’t =0
What is the definition of a 1 sided limit (right)
Definition of a 1 sided limit (right) is:
Lim tends to c+f(x)= L for all epsilon >0 E delta >0 for all x element of D,
0 < x-c < delta implies mod(f(x)-L) < epsilon.
What is the definition of 1 sided limit (left)
Definition of 1 sided limit (left) is;:
Limx tends to c- f(x) =L if for all x in the domain, for any epsilon >0 E delta >0 s.t
-delta < x-c < 0 implies mod(f(x)-L) < epsilon
When does limf(x)=L as x tends to c exist
limf(x)=L as x tends to c exists when the 1 sided limits from left and right = L
What is the definition of continuity
Definition of continuity is:
F is continuous at c E D if for all epsilon >0 Edelta >0 : for all x E D mod(x-c) < delta implies mod(f(x)-f(c)) < epsilon
What is sequential characterisation of continuity
Sequential characterisation of continuity is :
Function f is continuous at c (epsilon delta definition)
For all c in [a,b] given Xn in [a,b] Xn tends to c implies f(Xn) tends to f(c)
What is algebra of continuous functions
Algebra of continuous functions is: If have Continuous functions f and g, then following are continuous F+g Af Fg G(c) doesn’t =0, f/g (at c)
What is composition of continuous functions
Composition of continuous functions is:
F o g is continuous if f and g are continuous
What does intermediate value theorem state
Intermediate value theorem states that:
If f is continuous on [a,b], with f(a) < f(b), then for all y between f(a) and f(b), E c such that f(c)=y
What happens if there is no punctured neighbourhood at point c of a function
If there is no punctured neighbourhood at point c of a function then function is continuous at that point