Limits And Continuity 2 Flashcards
What does the weierstrass extremal theorem state
Weierstrass extremal theorem states that :
If f is a continuous function [a,b] to R, then there exists p,q element of [a,b] f(q) <=f(x) <=f(p) for all x element of [a,b] (then it attains it bounds)
When do we say function f attains it’s supremum or infimum on D
We say function attains it’s supremum on D if:
E p element of D such that f(p)=sup f such that f(p)>=f(x)
Say it attains it’s infimum on D if:
E q element of D s.t f(q)=inf f s.t f(q)<=f(x)
What is a strictly increasing and decreasing function
Strictly increasing function is one s.t
X1 < x2 implies f(x1) < f(x2)
Strictly decreasing is one s.t
X1 < X2 implies f(x1) > f(x2)
What does the Bolzano weierstrass theorem state
Bolzano weierstrass theorem states that:
If Xn is a bounded sequence (E M >= 0 s.t mod(Xn) < M) in R then Xn has a convergent sequence
What is the definition of an inverse bijection f : D to E
Definition of an inverse bijection f: D to E is:
For all x in D, f^-1(f(x)) = x
Or for all G in E
F(f^-1(y)) = y