Limitations Auto flight system Flashcards
What is the minimum altitude at which the autopilot can be used at takeoff?
100ft AGL and 5s after lift off
What is the minimum altitude at which the autopilot can be used in approach with FINAL APP, V/S or FPA mode ?
250ft AGL
What is the minimum altitude at which the autopilot can be used in a circling approach ?
500ft AGL
What is the minimum altitude at which the autopilot can be used in a ILS approach ?
If CAT 1 displayed 160ft AGL
if CAT 2 or 3 0ft AGL
With one engine inoperative on a non precision approach with a 319 what are the limitation ?
it is not permitted to use the AP to perform NPA in FINAL APP, NAV V/S, NAV/FPA
Only use of FDs is permitted
What is required to be engaged for CAT II, CAT III fail passive, CAT III fail operational ?
CAT II at least one AP on
CAT III Fail passive : at least one AP in APPR mode and ATHR on
CAT III fail operational : 2 AP on APPR mode and ATHR on CAT 3 dual displayed
With one engine out what is the approved landing config for autoland (CATII, CAT III fail passive ?
A319, A320 NEO, A321 NEO = Flaps 3 or Flaps FULL
A320CEO = Only flaps FULL
What are the maximum wind for an autoland ?
A321 // Headwind 15kt // Tailwind 10kt // Crosswind 10kt
A320 NEO // 30kt // 10kt // 20kt (15kt for automatic rollout with OEI)
A320 // 30kt // 10 kt // 20kt
A319 // 20kt (15kt OEI) // 10kt // 20 kt (10 OEI)
What is the max weight for an autoland ?
Max landing weight for A320 and A319.
If emergency situation autoland approved for A319 up to 69T