Limitations A320 PR-MYX (MSN 5342) Flashcards
Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits
Clean Configuration: -1 g/+2.5 g
Other Configurations: 0 g/+2 g
Maximum/minimum takeoff altitude
14.100 ft / -2.000 ft
Maximum Operating Altitude
39.800 ft
Runway Slope
+/- 2 %
Runway Altitude (max)
14.100 ft
Nominal Runway Width
45 m
Minimal Runway Width
30 m
Maximum demonstrated crosswind for takeoff and landing
38 kt
Maximum tailwind for takeoff
15 kt
Maximum tailwind for landing
15 kt
Whenever a tailwind exceeds 10kt, which flap configuration must be used for landing?
Flaps Full
Maximum wind for passenger door operation
65 kt
Maximum wind for FWD and AFT cargo door operation
*40 kt
*50 kt if the aircraft nose is into the wind and cargo doors are on the leeward side
Note: The FWD and AFT cargo doors must be closed before the wind speed exceeds 65 kt
Maximum taxi weight
77.400 kg
Maximum takeoff weight
77.000 kg
Maximum landing weight
66.000 kg
Maximum zero fuel weight
62.500 kg
Minimum weight
37.230 kg
Cockpit Window Open Maximum Speed
200 kt
Maximum Flap/Slat Speeds
Conf 0 - VMO/MMO
Conf 1 - 230 kt
Conf 1+F - 215 kt
Conf 2 - 200 kt
Conf 3 - 185 kt
Conf Full - 177 kt
350 kt / M 0.82
Maximum Speeds with the Landing Gear Extended
*Gear Extended (VLE) - 280 / M 0.67
*Gear Extension (VLO extension) - 250 / M 0.60
*Gear Retraction (VLO retraction) - 220 / M 0.54
Maximum Tire Speed
195 kt
Minimum Control Speed for Landing
VMCL = 113 kt
Taxi Speed Limitation
When the takeoff weight is higher than 76.000 kg - Do not exceed a taxi speed of 20 kt during a turn
Wipers Maximum Operating Speed
230 kt
Air conditioning supply limitation
With passengers on board, it is not recommended to exceed 20 min without air conditioning supply.
APU Bleed & HP Air Start Unit Limitation
The crew must not use air from the APU Bleed and from the HP Air Start unit at the same time to prevent any adverse effect on the Bleed Air System
Avionics Temperature Limitation
*OAT ≤ 49 C = no limitation
*49 C < OAT ≤ 55 C = 2 h
*55 C < OAT ≤ 60 C = 1 h
*60 C < OAT ≤ 64 C = 30 min
Cabin Pressure
Maximum Positive/Negative Differential Pressure
*Maximum positive: 9.0 PSI
*Maximum negative: -1.0 PSI
*Safety relief valve setting: 8.6 PSI
Maximum normal cabin altitude
8.000 ft
Cabin Altitude warning
9.550 ft (+/- 350 ft)
APU Bleed & LP air conditioning unit limitation
The crew must not use air from the APU Bleed and from the LP air conditioning unit at the same time to prevent any adverse effect on the Bleed Air System
Minimum autopilot use after takeoff
100 ft AGL and at least 5 seconds after liftoff
Minimum autopilot use with FINAL APP, V/S or FPA modes
250 ft AGL
Minimum autopilot use for circling approach
*500 ft AGL for cat C
*600 ft AGL for cat D
Minimum autopilot use with CAT 1 displayed on the FMA
160 ft AGL
Minimum autopilot use with CAT 2 or CAT 3 (single or dual) displayed on the FMA
0 ft AGL
Minimum autopilot use after a go-around
100 ft AGL
Minimum autopilot use in all other phases
500 ft AGL
ILS CAT II Limitations
*Minimum decision height = 100 ft
*At least one autopilot engaged in APPR mode
*CAT 2, CAT 3 Single or CAT 3 Dual must be displayed on the FMA
Note: Manual landing A/P Off no later than 80 ft AGL
ILS CAT III Single (Fail Passive) Limitations
*Minimum descent height = 50 ft
*A/THR must be used in selected or managed speed
*CAT 3 Single or CAT 3 Dual must be displayed on the FMA
Alert Height
AH = 100 ft
ILS CAT III Dual (Fail Operational) Limitations
*Alert Height = 100 ft
*A/THR must be used in selected or managed speed
*CAT 3 Dual must be displayed on the FMA
CAT III with DH - minimum DH
Minimum DH = 22 ft
CAT III with no DH - minimum RVR
Minimum RVR = 75 m
CAT II and CAT III Fail Passive engine out autoland limitations
*Approved only in Conf Full
*Engine out procedures must be completed before reaching 1.000 ft in approach
Maximum autoland wind limitations (headwind, crosswind, tailwind)
*Headwind: 30 kt
*Crosswind: 20 kt (no auto rollout) / 15 kt (with automatic rollout)
*Tailwind: 10 kt
Autoland approved landing configurations
Conf 3 and Conf Full
Autoland maximum glideslope angle
Automatic Landing
Minimum glideslope angle
Maximum/minimum autoland altitude limit
Maximum: 9.200 ft
Minimum: -1.000 ft pressure altitude
Autoland maximum weight limit
With aircraft at or below the maximum landing weight
Automatic rollout performance vs.
Runway condition
*Approved on dry and wet runways
*Performance not demonstrated on contaminated runways
Automatic rollout:
One engine/thrust reverser inoperative limitations
The remaining thrust reverser can be used provided that:
*No more than idle thrust is used
*The wind does not exceed the maximum wind conditions for automatic rollout
APU starter limitations
After 3 consecutive start attempts, the flight crew must wait 60 minutes before a new start attempt
APU bleed air limitations
*Max altitude for assisted start - 20.000 ft
*Max altitude for single pack ops - 22.500 ft
*Max altitude for dual pack ops - 15.000 ft
*Use of APU bleed for wing anti-ice is not permitted
Maximum altitude with flaps/slats extended
20.000 ft
Use of flight controls limitation
Rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially in combination with large changes in pitch, roll or yaw (e.g. large sideslip angles) may result in structural failures at any speed
Fuel Temperatures (max/mini) Jet A / Jet A1
*Jet A
Maximum = +54 °C
Minimum = -36 °C
*Jet A1
Maximum = +54 °C
Minimum = -43 °C
Minimum fuel quantity for takeoff
1.500 kg
Note: ECAM fuel-related low level alerts for the wing tanks must not appear for takeoff
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff (brake fans off)
300 °C
Maximum NWS angle
+/- 85°
Taxi with deflated tires
1 tire deflated on the main gear = 7 kt
2 tires deflated on the same main gear = 3 kt
Maximum NWS angle = 30 deg
IR ground alignment limitation
Between Latitudes 73°N and 73°S
RNP Accuracy with GPS Primary
Enroute: 1 nm
Terminal: 0,5 nm
Approach: 0,3 nm
RNP Accuracy with GPS Primary
Enroute: 1 nm
Terminal: 0,51 nm
Approach: 0,3 nm
RNP Accuracy with GPS Primary
Enroute: 1,1 nm
Terminal: 0,51 nm
Approach: N/A
Maximum APU rotor speed (N)
N = 107%
APU EGT limitations
Max EGT for start (FL350B) = 1090 °C
Max EGT for start (FL350A) = 1120 °C
Max EGT for APU running = 675 °C
APU battery restart limit (EMER ELEC CONF)
25.000 ft
Power Supply for PEDs
In seat power supply system (ISPSS) for PEDs must be turned off during takeoff and landing
GSM Onboard limitations
*Mobile phones must not be used in the lavatories and the cockpit
*Below 3000 m AGL (~ 10.000 ft)
*In some geographical areas
Rain repellent usage
Crews should use rain repellent in case of moderate to heavy rain
Definition of Icing Conditions
Icing conditions exist when OAT or TAT is at or below +10 °C and visible moisture in any form is present (clouds, fog with visibility of 1600 m or less, rain, snow, etc)
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff (brake fans ON)
150 °C