Limitations Flashcards
Min Temp for operating de-ice boots
180 KIAS
Vmo Sea Level to 13,200ft
248 KIAS
Max usable Fuel
4484 Lbs
- 4 US Gallons
- 8 Liters
Max Weight Aft Baggage compartment Forward Section
1000lbs (454kg)
Propeller deice boots limit
One cycle if temperature is above 10 C
ISA +37 C
Propeller Blade Angles at 42 inch station Reverse
-14.5 +- 5
Approved Fuels
Jet A
Jet A1
Jet B
Cracked or shattered Windshield
Limit 25 hours flight time Not impair visibility Not interfere with windshield wipers Max alt 18,000 ft Max Cabin Pressure Diff 2.0 - 3.0 psi If both inside and outside is cracked windshield has to be replaced
Idle Limit
750 C
65% N1
Prop RPM 950
Oil Pressure 60 PSI
Aux Fuel Use
Aux Fuel must be used before main tanks
Oil Temperature
55 C for Take-off for Fuel Heater
Limits are -40 C to 105 C
110 C permitted for maximum 10 Minutes
Generator Load 0%-75%
65% N1
Load Factor Limit Flaps Up
+3.00 g
-1.20 g
External Power Units
1000 Amps Momentarily
300 Amps Continuously
Take Off Limit
1279 SHP 3950 ft-lbs Torque 800 C 104% N1 1700 RPM (1735 RPM allowed for 5 Min)
Engine Exhaust Heating of Cabin Windows and Airframe
Do not operate engine with prop in feather except during External starts and Prop feather checks.
May be operated at temp not exceeding OAT +5 C for max 3 min for airframe de-icing
Static operations in ground fine prohibited when OAT exceeds 38 C
Do not back the airplane using reverse for mare than 10 seconds
Torque Limit
Applies within 1000-1700 Prop RPM. Below 1000 RPM torque is limited to 2000 ft-lbs
Reference Datum
83.5 inches forward of the center of the front jack point
Vmo 13,200ft - 25,000ft
248 - 195 KIAS
Minimum Airspeed for flight in Icing
160 kts
Sustained flight in icing with flaps extended prohibited except for approach and landing
Starter Limits for Aborted Start (No Ignition)
20 sec ON - 30 sec OFF
20 sec ON - 60 sec OFF
20 sec ON - 5 min OFF
Ignition with 20 sec - No Limit
Center of Gravity Aft Limit TO/CLMB/APPR/LNDG
299.9 inches
Max Weight Hanger forward Compartment
100lbs (45kg)
Center of Gravity Forward Limit
Cruise Climb and Max Cruise
1106 SHP 3750 ft-lbs Torque 760 C 104% N1 1700 RPM (1735 RPM allowed for 5 Min)
Max Operating Altitude
Maximum Propeller Overspeed Limit
1870 RPM for 20 second
Sustained RPM above 1700 RPM indicates failure of Primary governor. 1802 RPM Allowed with Torque Limited to 3835 ft-lbs.
Above 1802 RPM indicates failure of primary and secondary governor
Max Reverse
900 SHP
760 C
1650 Prop RPM
Engine anti-ice ON
When flight free from visible moisture cannot be assured and temp is below +5 C
Propeller Make and Diameter
Hartzell 110 inches (279.4cm)
Max Fuel Imbalance
200 lbs
Continuous Motoring with attempting to Start
20 sec ON - 5 Minutes off
Repeat as required
Aux Tank Fuel Capacity
621 Lbs
- 2 US Gallons
- 0 Liters
Fuel Gauge Limitation
Take-off with fuel in Yellow Arc (less than 363 lbs) Prohibited
Landing Gear Cycle Limit
3 Consecutive with 2 minutes between cycles
Allow 5 minutes for each additional cycle
Max Weight Aft Baggage compartment rear Section
630lbs (286kg)
Oil Pressure
Normal Oil Pressure 90-135 PSI at above 72% N1
With engine torque below 3000 ft-lbs, minimum oil pressure is 85 PSI
Below 90 is undesirable - Tolerate only for completion of flight with torque set below 2000 ft-lbs
Below 60 PSI is unsafe - Shutdown or Land using minimum power.
10 PSI Fluctuation are acceptable
Vfe 35 (UE1-UE78)
143 KIAS
Propeller Blade Angles at 42 inch station Feathered
79 +- 5
Max Take-off Weight
17,120 Lbs (7765kg)
Va (17,120 Lbs)
178 KIAS
Reduced power take-off requirements
Runway must not be wet or contaminated
Flaps 17 must be set
Operator must establish a means to check availability of Static power and tested every 25 hours or 25 take-off which ever occurs first
Max Zero Fuel Weight
15,165 Lbs (6878Kg)
TCAS Limitation
Pilot must not make evasive maneuvers based on TCAS display only
Vmca Flaps 0
Limitations of Avgas
Operation Limited to 150 Hours between overhauls
Prohibited if either standby pump is inoperative
Operation above 18000 ft is prohibited
Standby Pumps ON for Take-off and Landing
Vfe 35 (UE79 and after)
154 KIAS
Max Cabin pressure differential
5.1 psi
Autofeather Armed
180 KIAS
Power Lever
Do not lift power levers in flight
Crack in any side window
Flight time limited to 25 hours
Pressurized flight prohibited
Cabin pressure switch in DUMP Position
Vmca Flaps 17
Max Effective speed for windshield de-icing
223 Knots
Generator Load 75%-100%
72% N1
Starting Limit
1000 C for 5 seconds
Main Fuel Tanks Capacity
1621 Lbs
- 5 US Gallons
- 4 Liters
Center of Gravity Aft Limit Cruise/Descent
- 0 inch 17,120 lbs-12,312 lbs
299. 9 Below 12,312 lbs
Max Ramp Weight
17,230 Lbs (7815Kg)
Max Continuous Power
1214 SHP 3750 ft-lbs torque 780 C 104% N1 1700 RPM (1735 RPM allowed for 5 Min)
Operating with L or R Fuel Pressure LO
Limited to 10 Hours before overhaul or replacement of the engine driven fuel pump
Max Landing Weight
16,765 Lbs (7604kg)
Max Weight Forward Cabin Compartment
250 lbs (113kg)
Vfe 17
188 KIAS
5000 SHP 870 C 104% N1 1870 Prop RPM Limited to 20 Seconds
Cabin Floor Loading Max
100lbs/sq ft (488Kg/sq m)
Load Factor Limit Flaps 17/35
- 00 g
0. 00 g
Restart Following a Normal Start
5 Minute cool down when starter switch is placed in OFF