Limitations Flashcards
Maximum Ramp Weight (MRW)
53,250 lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW)
53,000 lbs
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW)
47,000 lbs
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW)
44,000 lbs
Cargo compartment loading limit
3,500 lbs
Max airport pressure alt. for Takeoff and Landing
10,000 ft
Maximum operating altitude
41,000 ft
Max ambient air temp approved for takeoff and landing
ISA +35* C
Minimum ambient air temp approved for takeoff
Takeoff- Max Rotation Rate on take off
3 degrees per second
During takeoff, Pitch trim must be set according to what?
Computed center of gravity
-During ground operations, the cowl anti ice system must be ON when
- OAT is 10*C or below and visibility moisture in any form is present
- When operating on runways, ramps, or taxiways where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush is present.
- In Flight, the engine cowl anti ice system must be ON-
- When in Icing conditions or
- When ICE is annunciated by the ice detection system
Wing Anti-Ice System
-Ground Operations-
-Icing conditions exist on the ground when the OAT is 5*C or below and :
. >Visible moisture in any form is present below 400’ AGL or
. >The runway is wet or contaminated, or
. >In the presence of any precipitation.
- The wing anti-ice system must be selected on during final taxi prior to take off if the OAT is 5°C or below (regardless of weather conditions), unless type II, type III or type IV anti-icing fluids have been applied. During single engine taxi operations, final taxi prior to takeoff is defined as that period after the second engine is started.
- L or R WING A/ICE caution messages may be posted during taxi but must be verified out and WING A/ICE ON and advisory message posted, prior to take off. If wing anti-ice is not required for take off, it should be selected OFF just prior to take off.
- To prevent wing contamination from reverse jet blast, operating the trust reversers during taxi operations on wet and contaminated surfaces should be avoided.
-The wing anti-ice system must be selected and confirmed on for takeoff,when the OAT is 5°C or below and:
> visible moisture in any form is present below 400 feet AGL, . or
. >The runway is wet or contaminated, or
. >In the presence of any precipitation
- If the wing anti-ice system is selected ON for take off, the owl anti-ice system must also be selected ON.
- When type II, type III or type IV anti-ice fluids have been applied, the wing anti-system must only be selected and confirmed ON just prior to thrust increase for takeoff.
- Refer to Vol. I 5-2 – take off.
During flight the wing anti-Ice system must be ON:
- ICE is Annunciated by the ice detection system, or
- In icing conditions and the airspeed is less than 230 KIAS.
**Icing conditions exist in flight at a TAT of 10°C or below, and visible moisture in any form is encountered, except when SAT is -40°C or below. **
Super-Cooled Large Droplet Icing
~Continued operation in areas where SLD icing conditions exist is prohibited.
~SLD icing conditions are indicated by ice accretion on the flight compartment side windows.
~The wing anti-ice system must be ON in SLD icing conditions.
~The cowl ant-icing system must be On in SLD icing conditions.
~Leave icing conditions when side window icing occurs.
Critical Surfaces
Wings upper fuselage horizontal stabilize vertical stabilizer control surfaces engine inlets
Cold Weather Operations
Take off is prohibited with Frost, ice, snow or slush adhering to any critical surface.
!WARNING! Small amounts of Frost, ice, snow or slush on the wing leading edges and forward upper wing surface may adversely change the stall speeds, stall characteristics and the protection provided by the stall protection system, which may result in loss of control and takeoff.
Exception: takeoff is permitted with frosted hearing to:
. >The upper surface of the fuselage,if it is possible to distinguish service features (markings and lines); Frost in excess of this must be removed from the fuselage
. >the underside of the wing fuel tank area, that is caused by cold soaked fuel. Maximum 3 mm (1/8 inch) layer of frost
In addition to a visual check, a tactile check of the wing leading-edge, wing forwarding upper surface, and wing rear upper surface is required during the external walk around inspection to determine at the wing is free from frost, ice, snow or slush when: the OAT is 10°C or less ; or
. >The OAT is 10C or less; or
. >The wing fuel temp is 0C or less or
. >The atmospheric conditions have been conducive of frost formation.
Ice and Frost may continue to adhere to wing surfaces for some time even at OAT above 10*C
Enhanced Takeoff Procedures and Winter Operations Training
No takeoff shall be conducted where the 0AT is 5°C or below, unless the PIC has successfully completed specific training, within the preceding 12 calendar months, for takeoff procedures, ground icing conditions, and cold-weather operations.
No takeoff shall be conducted by a pilot where the OAT is 5°C or below, unless that pilot has successfully completed specific training, within the preceding 12 calendar months, for takeoff procedures, ground icing conditions, and cold-weather operations.
If neither of the preceding requirements has been complied with, the wing anti-ice system must be selected ON for take off, just prior to thrust increase for take off, if the OAT is 5*C or below.
Maximum Runway Slope for TOL’s
+2 degrees (up hill)
-2 degrees. (down hill)
Max tailwind approved for landing
10 KTS
Minimum flight crew
1 pilot and 1 copilot
Engine Indications
Red- maximum and Minimum Limitations
Amber- Caution Range
Green- Normal Operating Range
Required engine run time prior to takeoff
2 minutes
Minimum IDLE engine run time prior to shut down
2 minutes
May include taxi time that occured below 80% N2
Before the first flight of the day, when the aircraft is cold soaked at an ambient temperature of -30°C or below for more than eight hours, the engines must be
motored for 60 seconds and fan rotation must be verified before start is initiated.
Thrust reversers must be actuated until the deploy and stow cycles are less than five seconds
Continuous Engine Ignition must be used in which 6 situations?
> Takeoff and landing on contaminated runways.
Take off with crosswind component greater than 10kts.
Flight through moderate or heavier intensity rain.
Flight through moderate or heavier intensity turbulence.
Flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms.
Engine operation at or near shaker and pusher settings
Starter Cranking Limits
> Starter must not be used if indicated N2 rpm exceeds 55%
> 1 start max time on = 1 minute followed by 10 seconds off
Max ITT temp for all ground starts before moving thrust lever from SHUT OFF to IDLE
What conditions prohibit the use of a reduced thrust takeoff?
~ Normal takeoff fan speed is less than 85% N1.
~ Fan speed for the reduced engine thrust must not be lower than 85% N1.
~Wing and/or cowl anti-icing bleeds are in use.
~Runway contaminated with standing water, slush, snow or ice.
~Forecast windshear or downdrafts
~When using temp from approved nearby airport.
Max Fuel imbalance between left and right tanks
800 lbs
*Fuel remaining in tank when fuel indicator reads zero is not usable.
Minimum fuel quantity to perform a go around.
450 lbs. per wing.
The minimum fuel quantity for a go around (cont.)
450 lbs. per wing
(with the aircraft level) and assuming a maximum aircraft climb attitude of 10° nose up.
APU Limitation
Using aircraft batteries on the ground or for normal in-flight start:
- 30 - Seconds. -
- 30 - Seconds. 20 - Minutes off
APU starting limitation
Using ground power
- 15 - Seconds. -
- 15 - Seconds. 20 - Minutes off
APU Minimum delay between starter cranks
2 minutes
Max Flaps Operating Speed- Vfo
Flaps 0° to 8° 200 KIAS
Flaps 8° to 20° 200 KIAS
Flaps 20° to 30° 185 KIAS
Flaps 30° to 45° 170 KIAS
Max Flaps Extended-Vfe
Flaps 8. 215 KIAS
Flaps 20. 215 KIAS
Flaps 30. 185 KIAS
Flaps 45. 170 KIAS
Max landing gear operating speed- Vlo
Extension 250 KIAS
Retraction 200 KIAS
Max landing gear extended speed-Vle
250 KIAS
Max turbulence penetration speed
280 KIAS or .75 MACH, whichever is lower
Minimum Operating Speed Limit
Intentional speed reduction below the onset of stall warning, as defined by stick shaker operation, is prohibited unless a lower speed is specifically authorized for flight test or training operations.
Max Windshield Wiper Operation
220 KIAS
Max wind speed for TOL
60 KTS
Max headwind component 55 KTS
Crosswind Limitations
Max demonstrated……………………………..27 kts.
WetRunway……………………………………..27 kts.
Braking action less than good ……………15 kts. Captain has less than 100 hours PIC in type (CR2) …………………………………….. ……..27 kts.
Minimum altitude for descending with Auto pilot
600 feet unless:
• For visual and nonprecision approaches, the minimum autopilot use height is 400 AGL, but not lower than 50 ft. below the applicable DDA, whichever is higher.
• For precision approaches, the minimum autopilot use height is 80 ft. AGL, but not lower than 50 ft. below the applicable DA, whichever is higher.
When must the bleed air 10th stage valves must be closed for takeoff and landing?
If the engine cowl and/or wing anti-ice systems have been selected on.
Max time for ground operations with DC power
5 minutes
Circuit breaker reset (in-flight)
A circuit breaker must not be reset or cycled (i.e., opened or closed) unless doing so is consistent with explicit procedures specified in the CR2 OM/QRH or unless, in the judgment of the PIC, resetting or cycling of the circuit breaker is necessary for the safe completion of the flight.
Max altitude for flap extension
Enroute use of flaps is prohibited.
Enroute use of flaps is
Flight spoilers must not be extended in flight below an altitude of
800 ft AGL
Flight spoilers must not be extended in flight with flaps greater than
30 degrees
The stall protection system test must be accomplished
Before the first flight of the day
Both stall protection switches must remain on for
All phases of flight
Engine operation at or near shaker and pusher settings is predicated on
An operable auto-ignition system.
Whenever an aircraft is stationary in excess of 10 minutes, the taxi lights must be
Switched OFF
Takeoff with any of the following thrust reverser lights on, icons or EICAS messages displayed is prohibited:
– REV icon on N1 gauge
– L or R REV UNLOCKED caution message
During landing, application of maximum reverse thrust is not permitted at airspeeds below
60 KIAS.
*Below 60 KIAS, reverse thrust must be reduced to idle.
During preflight check of the thrust reversers with the aircraft stationary,
reverse thrust must be limited to
reverse idle
Backing up using thrust reverses is
*reverse thrust for taxi can only be used in emergencies.
Max APU starting altitude
Two exceptions a pilot must deviate an necessary to comply with TCAS RA command-
- The aircraft is performance limited such as with an engine failure.
- Conditions are such that it can be seen that there is an obvious error or malfunction in the TCAS.
-When should the Cowl A/ICE caution messages disappear as engine thrust is increased.
78% of N2
-Icing conditions exist in-flight
At a TAT of 10*C or less, and visible moisture in any form is encountered.
**except when the SAT is -40*C or below.
Max altitude for using APU bleed air
Max altitude for engine starts using APU bleed air
After a landing stop or an aborted take off, the minimum brake cooling time is
15 minutes
Max APU operating altitude