Limitations Flashcards
Practice and Learn Avianca B787 limitations.
ADVERTENCIA: La información contenida en la siguientes flashcards esta basada en los manuales FCOM, FCTM y AFM.
El propósito de estas cartas es proporcionar una forma amigable y didactica de aprender y estudiar las limitaciones del Boeing 787-8.
Al no ser un documento oficial, siempre verifique los manuales vigentes.
Cualquier duda o error encontrado informarlo al correo
Maximum Runway Slope
+/- 2%
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Tailwind Component
15 knots
Maximum Operating Altitude
43.100 feet pressure altitude
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude
14.000 feet pressure altitude
Do Not Operate HF radios when _____________ ?
Do not fly in __________ airspace on ISFD alone.
Maximum crosswind for takeoff
40 knots
Maximum crosswind for landing
37 knots
Severe turbulent air penetration speed
• 290 KIAS below 25,000 feet
• 310 KIAS/.84 Mach (whichever is lower) at and above 25,000 feet
Avoid weather radar operation in _________ and _________
A Hangar
Avoid weather radar operation when personnel are within the area normally enclosed by the aircraft nose radome.
Max allowable difference between Captain and First Officer altitude display.
25 feet
Maximum allowable difference between Captain’s or First Officer’s altitude display and field elevation
75 feet
Maximum Taxi Weight
228.383 Kilograms
Maximum Takeoff Weight
227.930 Kilograms
Maximum Landing Weight
172.365 Kilograms
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
161.025 Kilograms
The autopilot must not be engaged below a minimum engage altitude of ___________ AGL after takeoff
200 feet
Maximum autoland altitude capability
8.400 feet
Without LAND 2 or LAND 3 annunciated, the autopilot must be disengaged below _____________
100 feet
With LAND 2 or LAND 3 annunciated and glideslope angles greater than 3.25 degrees, the autopilot must be disengaged below _______________
100 feet AGL
Maximum wind component speeds when takeoff weather minima are predicated on HUD takeoff operations:
• HW-25 knots
• XW-20 knots
• TW-15 knots
Maximum wind component speeds when landing weather minima are predicated on autoland operations
• HW-25 knots
• XW-25 knots
• TW-15 knots
Maximum wind component speeds when landing CAT II/III (OPSPECS)
• HW-25 knots
• XW-25 knots (OPSPECS FAA C060 15 knots)
• TW-15 knots
Tener en cuenta que la limitante de XW se ve afectada de acuerdo a la condición de pista, si esta es Medium/poor (Slush/Snow) XW limit es 17 knots.
Maximum Glideslope Angle for Automatic Landing
3.25 degrees
Minimum Glideslope Angle for Automatic Landing
2.5 degrees
Autoland capability may be used with flaps _______________, with both engines operative or with one engine inoperative
20, 25 or 30
Do not use FLCH on final approach below ______________
1.000 feet AFE
Oil temperature must be greater than ________for engine start.
-40° C
Intentional selection of reverse thrust in flight, and backing the airplane with use of reverse is _______________?
During ground ops. Limit the engine to taxi power with a tailwind component and total wind greater than __________
42 knots
During ground ops. Limit the engine to taxi power with a crosswind greater than __________
45 knots
Do not run the engines for winds greater than __________
65 knots
Takeoff is permited only in __________ flight control mode
Maximum altitude with flaps extended
20.000 feet
Maximum tank fuel temperature at takeoff
49° C (120° F)
Inflight fuel temperature is limited to __________
65° C (150° F)
Tank fuel temperature prior to takeoff must not be less than ________________
- 28° C (-18° F).
Minimum tank fuel temperature during flight
-28° C or warmer as well as 3° C above the freezing point of fuel being used.
VERIFICAR FCOM Bulletin AVI-064 que modificó los valores.
*Freezing point JET A -40° C (USA, MEX, SAL, PTY)
*Freezing point JET A1 -47° C (Demás Paises)
*Information provided in
The center tank may contain up to _________________ of fuel with less than full main tanks provided center tank fuel weight plus actual zero fuel weight does not exceed the maximum zero fuel weight, and center of gravity limits are observed.
10.000 kilograms
Maximum Flaps/Slaps Speeds
• FLAPS 1 - 250 knots
• FLAPS 5 - 230 knots
• FLAPS 15 - 215 knots
• FLAPS 20 - 210 knots
• FLAPS 25 - 180 knots
• FLAPS 30 - 170 knots
Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits
Flaps Up: +2.5g to -1.0g
Flaps Down: +2.0g to 0.0g
NOTE: With flaps 25 and 30, positive limits may vary linearly from +2.0g at MLW to +1.5g at MTOW
Do Not jettison fuel at Flaps _____
Maximum Landing gear operating speed/Mach (VLO/MLO)
270 knots / Mach 0.82
Maximum Landing gear extended speed/mach (VLE/MLE)
270 knots / Mach 0.82
Takeoff and Go-Around Thrust time limit.
10 minutes
Ground Speed Tire Limitations
At least 204 knots (235 mph)
Overspeed 226 knots (260 mph)
As per AFM A133460
A que OAT NO se deben encender los motores al tiempo
Above 40ºC
Cual es el ancho mínimo de pista o calles de rodaje para hacer un 180º
42.2 m
Maximum Steering Angle y Maximum Rudder Pedals Angle
70º y 8º
Seat must be in FWD straight section of tracks during?
Taxi, Takeoff and Landing
Después de realizar un segundo intento de encendido del APU, cuanto se debe esperar para hacer un tercer intento?
5 minutos