Limitations Flashcards
MTOW A320 and A321
A320: 77000 kg or 79000 kg
A321: 89000kg (antigo 93500 kg)
Max. Taxi weight A320 and A321
A320: 77400 kg or 79400 kg
A321: 89400kg (antigo 93900 kg)
MLW A320
A320: 67400 kg
64300 kg
A321: 75600 kg
Min. Weight
40600 kg
A321: 46.600 kg
Rwy Slope
+/- 2 %
Max. Rwy Altitude
9200 ft / 14100 ft (YY..)
Narrow Rwy (Minimum Rwy)
Bellow 45m / min. = 30m - Check add procedures
Max. Tailwind for takeoff
15 kt
Max. Tailwind for landing
10 kt (15 kt for YY… reg)
Max. Tailwind for Autoland
10 kt
Max. X-wind for Takeoff
25 kt
As AZUL policy
Max. X-wind for landing
38 kt. (Check Matrix)
Max. Wind for pax door operation
65 kt
Max. Wind for cargo door operation
40 kt or 50 kt if headwind. Must be closed before 65 kt
Max flaps/slats speeds A320
1 = 230 kt
1+F = 215 kt
2 = 200 kt
3 = 185
Full = 177
Eng. in TO/GA limit
All eng.= 5 min. EGT 1060 C
OEI = 10 min / 1060 C
Eng in MCT max temperature
1025 C
Eng. Starting max temperature
On ground = 750 C
In flight = 875 C
280 kt / M0.67
VLO extension
250 kt / M0.60
VLO retraction
220 kt / M0.54
Max tire speed
195 kt
Max. Windshield wipers in use
230 kt
Cockpit Window open
200 kt
350 KIAS / M 0.82
Cabin Pressure
Max. Positive = 9.0 PSI
Max. Negative = -1 PSI
Safety relief valve = 8.6 PSI
Max Operating Altitude
39800 ft ( Cab alt < 8000 ft)
W/ Slats/Flaps = 20000 ft
Brakes max temp for takeoff
300 C w/ brakes fan off
Auto Pilot
T/O with SRS mode = 100 ft and 5 sec
ILS = 160 ft
Non Precision F-G/S = 200 ft Agl
Non Precison Final App, V/S, FPA = 250 ft AGL
CIRCLING approach =500 ft agl
Go-Around = 100 ft
All Others = 500 ft
Eng. Oil Quantity
8.9 + 0.45 qt/h (min. 10.6 qt)
MLW A321
79200 kg
MAX Slat and Flap Speeds - A321
1 = 243 kt
1+F = 225 kt
2 = 215 kt
3 = 195 kt
FULL = 186 kt
Load Acceleration
Clean: -1g / +2.5 g
Other: 0g / +2.0 g
Enviromental Temperature
-40 oC / + 55 oC (sea level)
PFC Wet max. altitude for ldg dist. reduction
116 kt
111 kt (320)
110 kt (321) sea level
109 kt (320 26k)
117 kt (320 29k)
118 kt (321) sea level
RNP accuracy
En route = 1 NM
Terminal = 0.5 NM
Approach = 0.3 NM
RNP-AR = < 0.3 NM
CAT-II or CAT-III Max. Wind A321
Headwind = 15 kt
Tailwind = 10 kt
Crosswind = 10 kt
CAT-II or CAT-III Max. Wind A320
Headwind = 30 kt
Tailwind = 10 kt
Crosswind = 20 kt (15 w/ OEI)
Auto-landing Winds
Headwind = 30 kt
Tailwind = 10 kt
Crosswind = 15 kt
APU Max. N speed
107 %
APU max. EGT
Start = 1090 C
Start above FL350 = 1120 C
Running = 675 C
APU Battery Start Limit
APU ass. start max. alt.
APU Single PACK opr.
Eng. Max. Shaft Speeds
N1 = 101%
N2 = 116.5 %
Oil Temperature
Max. cont. = 140 C
Max. transd. (15 kin) = 155 C
Min. for Start = -40 C
Min. for Takeoff = 19 C
Oil pressure
Min = 17.4 PSI
Max = 145 psi (w/ temp < 50 C)
Max = 130.5 psi (w/ temp > 50 C)
Eng. Starter limit
1 cycle - 60 sec - 1 cycle - 60 sec - 1 cycle - 15 min.
N 2 max = 63%
Flex Temp. limit
Max. ISA +55 C
Min >= OAT
Depending on the acft reg. +50 and +52 also exists
Eng. Start max. X-WIND
45 kt
FLAPs/SLATs max. Alt
20,000 ft
FUEL imbalance A320
Takeoff : inner = 500 kg / outer = 370 kg (Tanks FULL)
IN FLIGHT: inner = 1500 kg / outer = 690 kg
FUEL imbalance A321
Takeoff = 400 kg (Tanks FULL)
Inflight = 1320 kg
Minimum FUEL for Takeoff
1500 kg
Nose Wheel Steering max. angle
+/- 85 degrees
Taxi w/ tires deflated
One tire deflated = 7 kt
Two tires on the same gear = 3 kt
NWS angle = 30 degrees
(LIM) What is the maximum indication difference allowed between the altimeters to proceed with the RNP
AR approach?
100 ft at IAF
In accordance with Flight Safety Foundation, what are the definitions for abnormal attitudes?
Pitch: Above 25 and Below 10 °. Bank: Above 45
(LIM) What is the tailwind limit for the SBRJ operation?
5 kt
During descent for ILS CAT I operation, ATC reports the runway threshold lights are inoperative. Will the A320 be
able to proceed with the approach and landing?
During day: no effect.
During night: ILS CAT I is not allowed
ICA 100-16 anexo A
What is the vertical limit of tolerable deviation in an RNP AR procedure that, if exceeded, should a go around be
75 ft