Limitations Flashcards
What is the Max Tailwind component on the 705?
CRJ COWLs are selected “On” while on the ground when…
10 deg or below
Visible moisture below 400’
Ground is contaminated or wet
Minimum battery voltage for APU start is
When the fire detection switch is tested you get how many amber caution messages
5 APU fail L jet overheat fail R jet overheat fail L fire fail R fire fail
When you test the engine bottles squibs you get halos many green stays messages?
L eng squib 1
L eng squib 2
R eng squib 1
R eng squib 2
APU fire test…how many green status messages?
APU squib 1
APU squib 2.
Cargo bottle test gives you what messages?
Cargo squib 1 on status page
All 4 lights on cargo fire panel will illuminate
And aural “smoke smoke “
On the 705 you press the Firex Detection test button you will receive what messages
Fire sys ok green status message
Auto pilot off during
Visual and Non-Precision approaches before what altitude?
When must the Auto-pilot be turned off by on a precision approach?
110ft single engine (705)
When do you need a takeoff alternate?
Less than ….2600 RVR or 1/2sm
CRJ not more than 310nm away
What are the Cat 1 approach limits?
DA temp corrected for 200’
RVR check tables
What are the approach requirements for a CAT 2 ?
DH 100ft Max crosswind 13 kts Headwind 15kts plus 15% for dispatch RVR A & B must be working Approach ban A 1200 RVR B 600 RVR
What are the requirements for a CAT 3?
DH 50ft FO trained and captain PPC'd HGS working Max crosswind 13 kts Max headwind 19 plus 15% for dispatch Canada A B C not less than 600 RVR USA A and B....C is advisory only
What is max speed for ADG deployment?
250 kts
Max altitude to start APU on the CRJ?
Max altitude to use the APU on the CRJ?
What is the max altitude to use the APU on the 705?
What is the maximum starting altitude for the 705?
Max weight on take off for the CRJ and max landing weight?
53,000 lbs and 47,000lbs
What is the maximum take off weight for the 705 and maximum landing weight?
84,500lbs and 75,100lbs
What is the maximum cargo weight for the CRJ?
What is the maximum cargo weight for the 705?
1700 lbs
2892 lbs
385 lbs
What is the max Altitude for single pack operations?
25,000 ft
What is the maximum relief differential pressure (deltaP)?
8.7 psi
What are the approved HGS modes?
VMC in cruise
PRI or TO (705) are the only mode approved for take off
PRI can be used in all phases of flight
What is the only HGS mode that can be used for landing with flaps other than 45deg?
PRI mode
705 landing with slats other than 25
During any “A” mode approach….when must the autopilot be disconnected by?
Before reaching 650 ft
What mode is the “APPR WARN” only available in?
What are the RVSM requirements?
Auto pilot Altitude alerting system Altitude reporting transponder Air data computer Barometric altimeter TCAS
What is the maximum altitude for flight spoilers use?
300 ft
What is the max fuel quantity on the CRJ?
14,518 lbs
What is the max fuel quantity on the CRJ 705?
19,594 LBS
What is the minimum engine fuel temperature for take off?
What is the maximum fuel imbalance between main tanks on the CRJ 200?
800 lbs
What is the minimum fuel in each main wing tank or go around on the CRJ 200?
450 lbs
What is the minimum fuel in each wing tank or go around on the CRJ 705?
600 lbs
What is the normal hydraulic system pressure?
2800 to 3200 psi
What is the normal hydraulic system quantity?
45% to 85%
What is the maximum operating speed for the ADG on the CRJ 200?
250 kts
What is the maximum landing gear extension speed for the CRJ 705?
220 kts
What are the starter cranking limits for the CRJ 200?
1 minute on 10 seconds off for the first 2 starts
1 minute on 5 minutes off for each start after
What are the starter cranking limits for the CRJ 705?
Start 1 & 2 …90 secs on….10 secs off
Starts 3 & 4…. 90 secs on….5 minutes off
What is the maximum time to dry motor the CRJ?
90 secs and 5 minutes off
What is the maximum dry motor time on the CRJ 705?
2 minutes on 10 secs off
When must continuous engine ignition be used for CRJ 200?
Take off and landing on a contaminated runway
Take off with high Crosswind component is greater than 15 kts at 90deg
moderate or heavy intense rain
vicinity of thunderstorms
And after deicing
When was continuous engine ignition be used on the CRJ 705?
Contaminated runways, intense rain, vicinity of thunderstorms, turbulence, after deicing.
What is the maximum crosswind / tailwind limits for... dry damp wet contaminated Runways?
27 dry
22 damp
15 wet
What is the maximum wind limit for a Cat 2/3 approach?
Headwind 19kts
Crosswind 13kts
Tailwind 10kts
What airport elements do you need to conduct a Cat2/3 approach?
ILS High intensity approach lights Touchdown zone and runway centerline lights Runway edge, threshold and end lights 15% over required field length An alternate power source RVR reporting system
What’s are the Cat 2 RVR runways requirements?
In both Canada and USA… RVR A and B
What are the RVR requirements for a Cat 3 approach in Canada?
What are the RVR Requirements for a Cat 3 approach in the US?
C is advisory only
How do you calculate SCDA?
Get the distance from Runway to FAF,then go down 3 deg, add that number to the HAT.
AIII will not come up if you are in ….
White needles
You get a ATT fail means what has failed?
IRS fail (Inside the window) You loose ATT and FD you can transfer to the other side but you cannot do the approach.
When you have a cross wind of 30kts or more what kind of take off must you do?
Rolling only
During low viz ops…what should you do prior to taxi or landing?
Request RVR
When you are wearing your O2 mask….what should you do to talk?
Select IC on only when you want to talk…turn it off to avoid breathing sounds
When you get a flameout…what checklist to you call for?
Emergency checklist…
Inflight engine shutdown checklist
On take off you have a engine failure…what thrust setting to set after “max thrust”?
You set GA thrust
During a single engine go around…on the 705..what speed should flaps be selected to 0?
When do you turn wings on ?
Less than 5deg or below on the ground and below 230kts in flight.
During low viz ops…when is a Takeoff alternate required?
When the visibility is …at or below 1/2 sm,or 2600 RVR
During low viz ops…what kind of takeoff should you do?
Standing take off
Release brakes at 70% power
During a CAT2/3 you are past the FAF and tower reports you loose a RVR…can you continue?
Yes…as long as it was reporting above minimums before it went down.
When does the HGS AIII mode become available?
At 2000’
During a HGS Cat2/3…when must the auto pilot be disconnected by?
What is the minimum height for activation of the HGS AIII mode?
When does the runway appear on the HGS?
When does the Appch Warn become active on the HGS?
When do you get the flare que on the HGS?
When do the runway edge lines disappear?
At what height does the HGS generate the flare command?
What are the modes you cannot use one the HGS?
F/D and AII
What mode in the HGS do you depart in?
PRI mode
When could you use VMC mode?
In VMC conditions
When you are in flight and you loose a engine…you should call….
CRJ 200 bleed system buttons….selected in means what…
Open or On
When you are in take off position how do you identify the runway?
Look for numbered markings
Pull up the localizer (RTU 1 comes up on STBY)
Who can only do a RVR 600 takeoff and what must they do?
Captain…standing take off
When programming the HGS what symbol is bad?
How many clicks on the thrust levers for the go around?
2 clicks
When programming a hold…when ATC gives you a inbound radial… do you enter that?
In the quad radial
When cleared for the approach from a hold…how do you edit the FMS?
Put FAF waypoint on top of Discont
If you get a AC Bus 1 fail followed by a AC 1 Autoxfr…what checklist should you do?
AC 1 Autoxfr
Where would you find the “display cool” checklist in the QRH?
Air Conditioning/ pressurization section
How do you request Hold over times on the FMS?
On the Hawkeye page…
No code
What are the stabilized approach factors?
Landing gear Flaps Spoilers retracted Aircraft on flight path On speed Normal descent rate 500-900 FPM No turns below 500' Stabilized thrust
How do you enable the snowflake on the FMS?
Perf Menu
Advisory VNAV……Enable
Can not be used below 0 deg
What is the minimum voltage on the Batteries?
22 VDC
Why do you turn off the Hydraulic pump 3a on the CRJ?
To reduce wear on the pump
If you need to do a Missed Approach before you hit the FAF…what should you do?
Wait to hit the TOGA until after the FAF.
It will not auto sequence before the FAF
What do you need for a RVR 600 take off?
Captain HIRL CL Lights CL markings 2 RVRs A and B both not less than 600'
What is VNAP A?
1500’ climb thrust
3000’ flaps up
Fuel temp required for takeoff?
5 deg
What are the lighting / markings requirements for RVR 1200 or 1/4sm take off?
or CL LIGHTS or CL markings
What phases of flight can you use HGS VMC mode?
Cruise,Final and Visual approach and landing
What do you need for a take off alternate?
60 mins away on single engine
AIII will not come up automatically if you are in?
White needles
On a CAT3 approach the RVR drops down below published limits once you are past the FAF…what do you do?
Execute a missed approach
Does ATC enforce the approach Ban?
No …..responsibility lies with the pilot
CRJ 900 cargo weights
Cabin wardrobe
Maximum pressure Altitude forT/O and landing 900
You need to confirm HGS data when?
Visibility at or below standard T/o minimum
1/2 Canada
1 u.s.
Anytime a IFR approach is completed
RVSM CHECKS at gate must e within….?
50’ of each other and 75’ of a known elevation
Land RVR in US Cat II
Landon RVR in US Cat III