Limitations Flashcards
Severe Turbulence
Vol 1 sup procedure SP 16.25
During flight in light to moderate turbulence, the autopilot and/or autothrottle may remain engaged unless performance is objectionable. Increased thrust lever activity can be expected when encountering wind, temperature changes and large pressure changes. Short–time airspeed excursions of 10 to 15 knots can be expected.
Passenger signs ………………………………………………………………………..ON Advise passengers to fasten seat belts prior to entering areas of reported or anticipated turbulence. Instruct the cabin crew to check that all passengers’ seat belts are fastened.
Severe Turbulence
Yaw Damper ……………………………………………………………………………ON
AUTOPILOT ……………………………………………………………………….. CWS A/P status annunciators display CWS for pitch and roll.
Note: If sustained trimming occurs, disengage the autopilot.
ENGINE START switches ……………………………………………………….FLT
Thrust ………………………………………………………………………………………Set Set thrust as needed for the phase of flight. Change thrust setting only if needed to modify an unacceptable speed trend.
CLIMB 280 knots or .76 Mach whichever is lower.
CRUISE Use FMC recommended thrust settings. If the FMC is inoperative, refer to the Unreliable Airspeed page in the Performance–Inflight section of the QRH for approximate N1 settings that maintain near optimum penetration airspeed.
DESCENT .76 Mach/280/250 knots whichever is lower. If severe turbulence is encountered at altitudes below 15,000 feet and the airplane gross weight is less than the maximum landing weight, the airplane may be slowed to 250 knots in the clean configuration.
Note : if an approach must be made in an area of severe turbulence, delay flap extension as long as possible. The airplane can withstand higher gust loads in the clean configuration.
Maximum Cabin Differential Pressure
Vol 1 L.10.6
9.1 psi
Vol 1 L.10.3
340 kts / 0.82
Maximum Operating Altitude
Vol 1 L.10.3
41,000 ft
Maximum fuel temperature
Vol 1 L.10.10
Minimum fuel temperature
Vol 1 L.10.3
- 43°C, or 3°C above the fuel freezing point temperature, whichever is higher.
Do Not Deploy speed brakes at Radio Altitudes less than
Vol 1 L.10.9
1000 ft
Maximum flap extension altitude
Vol 1 L.10.8
20,000 ft
When using the alternate flaps master switch during a loss of system B hydraulic, the maximum speed is
QRH Alternate Flap Extension 9.28
230 kts
APU Bleed and Electrical (in flight)
10,000 ft
APU Bleed (in flight)
APU Electrical (in flight)
41,000 ft
Maximum Headwind for Autoland
25 kts
Maximum fuel imbalance
453 kgs
At what point must the main tanks must be full if the center tank exceeds value X?
453 kgs
Maximum lateral scheduled imbalance between main tanks 1 & 2
Maximum demonstrated cross-wind for take-off and landing
Take off(45 meter runway)
Dry 34 knots
Wet 25 knots
Landing (45 meter runway)
Wet & Dry 40 knots
Wet & Dry (Split Scimitar Winglet) 37 knots
Take off(30 meter runway) Wet & Dry 25 knots
Landing (30 meter runway)
Wet & Dry 25 knots
Fuel LOW Alert
Fuel tank quantity less than 907 kgs in related main tank
This remains until the tank quantity increases to 1134 kgs
Fuel Configuration (CONFIG) Alert
- Either engine is running
- Center fuel tank quantity greater than 726 kgs
Display remains until;
- both engines are not running
- center fuel tank quantity less than 363 kgs
Fuel Imbalance (IMBAL) Alert
- Main tanks differ by more than 453 kgs
- Inhibited on the ground
- Inhibited by fuel LOW indication when both indications exist
- remains until imbalance is reduced to 91 kgs
What is the minimum fuel quantity for each Main tank before using the hydraulic pumps?
760 kgs in each tank
What is the maximum speed when an amber WINDOW HEAT light is illuminated?
250 kts below 10,000 ft
Maximum Runway Slope
+/- 2%
Maximum Tailwind
15 kts for all VH Registered aircraft
10 kts for all ZK Registered aircraft and VH aircraft under FAA rules
Maximum Take-Off and Landing Altitude
8,400 ft
Operating Latitude
82 N and 82 S
70 N between 80 W and 130 W
60 S between 120 E and 160 E
Fuel Tank Capacity
Tank 1 3852 kgs
Tank 2 3852kgs
Center 12,856 kgs
Total 20,560 kgs
Maximum cross-wind limits for a Narrow runway (30 meters wide)
25 kts Wet Or Dry
25 kts Wet Or Dry
Maximum Cross-Wind Auto Land
20 kts (All other aircraft)
25 kts (All VH-Y**)
Maximum Tailwind for Auto Land
10 kts (All ZK-***) 15 kts
Minimum Autopilot engagement height
Minimum Autopilot Use Height (Single Channel)
50 ft
Landing Gear Limit Speeds;
- Extending
- Retracting
- Extended
Extending - 270 kts / 0.82 M
Retracting - 235 kts
Extended - 320 kts / 0.82 M
Flap Limit Speeds
1 - 250 kts 2 - 250 kts 5 - 250 kts 10 - 210 kts 15 - 200 kts 25 - 190 kts 30 - 175 kts 40 - 162 kts
Alternate 230 kts
APU Bleed & Electrical (Ground Only)
15,000 ft
Maximum latitude for ADIRU alignment
Latitudes greater than 78 degrees 15 minutes
Do Not use the Weather Radar within ‘x’ feet of any personal or a fuel spill
50 ft
What is the maximum wind speed before you can NOT open the entry or cargo doors?
Greater than 40 kts
Do not keep the doors open when the wind gusts are more than what speed?
65 kts
Maximum cross-wind limits for a 45m wide runway
Dry 34 knots, Wet 25knots
Dry 40 knots, Wet 40 knots
Dry 37 knots, Wet 37 knots (Split Scimitar Winglets)