Min Crew:
Max number of occupants:
When not in use, the third crewmember seat must be:
Folden and Stowed
MMO with the ventral tank empty:
0.80 IMN
Maximum air temperature for flight:
ISA +35°C
Minimum temperature for takeoff or landing:
Minimum temperature for route:
Max tailwind component for takeoff or landing:
10 Kts
Max runway slope for takeoff or landing:
2% uphill and 2% downhill
Max/Min field pressure altitudes for takeoff or landing:
9000 ft and -2000 ft
Maximum altitude for takeoff or landing with the use of a Cabin High Datum Switch:
800A: 10,000 ft
800XP: 13,000 ft
In air transport operations, is smoking in the lavatory permitted?
Maximum battery charge rated immediately before takeoff shall not be greater than:
20 Amp
Minimum oil pressure for idle
25 PSI
Before taking off with the ventral tank full, each wing must contain at least how many pounds of fuel?
3,450 lbs
The maximum difference in weight of the fuel in the wing tanks is:
500 lbs
If the ventral tank contains fuel, commence transfer to the wings when the contents indicated for each wing has reduced to:
3300 lbs
Minimum required brake cooling time after one rejected takeoff
25 minutes