Limitations Flashcards
L, H, wingspan, main wheels, Main - Nose wheel, Pod Clearance
L= 38.7m
H= 11.5m
Wingspan = 35.1m
Main wheels = 6.7m
Main - Nose wheel = 15.2m
POD Clearance = 0.51m
180deg turn min radius
Flight in icing conditions
Up to 35000’
NWS Deflection
80degrees L&R
8 degrees with rudder pedals
Max approach angle
3.5 degrees
MRW= 71214
MTOW = 70896
MLW = 58740
MZFW = 55792
MFW = 36287
Max operating Alt
> 10000’= M0.82/330kts
<10000’= 300kts
Vmo/Mmo in Direct Mode
Max Alt for TO/LDG
Vfe for F1, 2, 3, 4, 5
F1 = 230
F2= 210
F3= 210
F4= 190
F5= 170
Vloe = 250
Vlor= 220
Vle = 250
Vra TB penetration for Mod & Svr
<10000’ = 265kts
>10000’ = 280/0.75 whichever is less
Windshield wiper operation
Tire limit speed
195kt ground speed
Max & Min temp for TO & LDG
52.5 degrees C
-54 degrees C
Maneuvering load limits for Flaps Up and Down
Flaps up = -1.0g - 2.5g
Flaps down = 0.0g - 2.0g
RWY slope
+/- 2%
Tailwind TO & LDG
Max positive cabin diff
Max negative cabin diff
Positive = 8.8 psid
Negative = -0.5 psid
At touchdown, cabin pressure diff must be less than
1.0 psid
Min height for Autopilot engagement
400’ AGL
Min height for Autopilot use
80’ AGL
APU starter duty cycle
Max 3 attempts in 1 hour
2 mins between start attempts
APU bleed max altitude
APU bleed operation for TO
APU bleed must be off for takeoff when OAT is at or below 15 degrees C
Max AC continuous generator load
Max continuous load on TRU 1&2.
Max continuous load on TRU 3
Max Alt with flaps and slats extended
Min height with spoilers extended
Min speed with spoilers extended
- 300’ AGL
- Vref +10
Use of max spoilers is prohibited except in emergencies
Left & Right main Fuel tank max Imbalance
Fuel quantity.
Left and Right main tank
Centre tank
Left main = 3770L (3050kg @ 0.809kg/l)
Right main = 3770L (3050kg)
Centre = 13968L (11300kg)
Total = 21508L (17400kg)
Minimum fuel quantity for go around
442kg per wing and max climb attitude of 10 degrees nose up.
Max and Min fuel temp for starting and operating
52.5 degrees C
Takeoff with fuel temp below -37 degrees C is prohibited
Max design maneuvering speed Va in direct mode
Inflight relight limits
Air starter assist envelope:
APU - <23000’ and <250kts
Engine - <27000’ and <250kts
<27000’ and >250kts
Use of of CAI
Must be on when OAT is 10 deg C or below and visible moisture of 1500m or less.
Use of WAI
On Ground:
OAT at or below 5 degrees C
In flight:
OAT at or Below 10 degrees C
Engine ice shedding
When OAT is at or below 3 degrees in icing conditions.
Max wind for passenger and cargo door operation
40 for operation
65 for door held in open position
Operating APU unattended
Prohibited if either main tank is greater than 2830kg
Engine warm up
Oil temp -6 to 21 limit thrust to <30%
21-49 50%
>49 no limit
Engine starter duty
After 3 start attempts or after 4 minutes of continuous cranking:
30 minute cooling period required.
Do not engage starter on ground if N2 exceeds 20%
Engine shutdown
Must be operated at near idle (<40%) for more than 3 minutes.
Max xwind and tailwind for Starting and Ice shedding
Xwind: 43kts
Tailwind: 18kts
Max Xwind for takeoff and landing
Dry and Wet 32kts
Dry and Wet 29kts