Limitations Flashcards
When must a tactile check be performed?
OAT 5C or less
Wing Fuel Temp is 0C or less
Atmospheric Conditions conducive to frost
What are the maximum runway slopes?
+2% (uphill)
-2% (downhill)
What is the maximum tailwind component for T/O and Landing?
10 kts
What is the minimum flight crew?
One pilot and one co-pilot
What are the cargo limitations for the length of Flight (FAA)?
The flight must remain within 45min of a suitable airport.
Because this is how long the fire suppression system in the cargo area works. Note - doesn’t apply to our aircraft where the cargo is accessible.
What are the ozone limits above which FL?
IAW QRH Vol. 1, Flight Planning, Ozone Tables
What is the maximum cabin differential pressure?
8.7 psi
What is the maximum negative pressure differential?
-0.5 psi
What is the maximum pressure differential during ground maneuvering?
0.1 psi
What is the maximum pressure differential at touchdown?
1.0 psi
What do you need to ensure of before opening doors?
That the cabin is depressurized.
What is the maximum NEGATIVE altitude with the pressure controller in manual mode?
-1,500’ MSL
What is the minimum altitude for using the autopilot on a non-precision approach?
400’ AGL
What is the minimum altitude for using the autopilot on a precision approach?
80’ AGL
What is the limitation for using “DES” mode?
Usage is prohibited during approach
What is the minimum altitude to engage the autopilot?
600’ AGL
What is the limitation on the autopilot in RVSM airspace?
The ADC source for the Transponder must be the same as for the Autopilot
What is the bleed limitation on take-off with cowl and / or wing anti-icing on?
The 10th stage bleeds must be closed.
What are the generator load limits?
Below FL350: 30kVA (all 3)
FL350 - FL370: 25 kVA engines, 30kVA APU
Above FL370: 25kVA (only engine generators, because max Altitude for APU Operations is FL370)
What is the maximum time the CRTs maybe operated with DC power only? Why?
5 mins because they are only being cooled once AC power is on.
What is the maximum permissible load on each TRU?
100 Amps
What is the limitation on resetting circuit breakers?
Unless IAW AFM no reset unless it is a safety of flight issue.
What is the enroute usage of flaps?
What is the maximum altitude to use the flaps at?
15,000’ MSL
What is the minimum altitude and airspeed to use the flight spoilers at?
Above 300’ AGL and at speeds above Vref+17kts
What is the stall protection requirement?
Both stall protection switches must remain on during all phases of flight.
What is the requirement for operating near or at stick shaker speeds?
The Auto Ignition must be operative.
What are the thrust reverser limits?
A) Ground Ops only and B) no Go Around after Thrust Reverser deployment
With Thrust Reverser unlock light, “REV” on N1 Gauge or “L/R REV UNLOCKED” Caution Message, …
… take-off is prohibited.
What is the limitation on using the Taxi Light?
The taxi lights must be switched off whenever the aircraft is stationary for longer than 10 minutes.
How do you set the MDA if it is at less than 10 feet increments?
The MDA must be set at the next highest 10 feet increment.
Can a pilot deviate from an ATC clearance for a TCAS RA?
Use of Glideslope is prohibited for what kind of approaches?
Backcourse Approaches
Use of Glideslope is prohibited for what kind of approaches?
Backcourse Approaches
What are the GPWS Limits and Cautions?
Engine must remain in idle until …
Oil Pressure indication is normal.
Do not exceed 75% N1 …
For 2 minutes of all indications normal after start
What is the definition of a cold soaked aircraft?
Exposed for 8 hours or more to temperatures of -30C or less.
What are the engine start & operating requirement for a cold soaked aircraft
Engines motored for 60 secs
Fan rotation verified
Thrust reversers actuated until deploy and stow cycle are less than 5 seconds
What is the minimum oil pressure for takeoff?
When must continuous ignition be used?
Take off on contaminated runways
Take off with high cross wind components
Flight through moderate or greater rain
Flight through moderate or greater turbulence
Flight in vicinity of thunderstorms
Planning to use the APR?
If the take off performance is predicated on the use of APR, the APR system must be verified operative prior to take off
Engine starter cranking limits
Start 1 & 2: 60 seconds on, 10 seconds off
Subsequent attempts: 60 seconds on, 5 minutes off
What are the ITT limits before the Thrust Lever can be moved from Shut off to Idle?
Ground start - 120C or less
Air start - 90C or less
What are the dry motoring starter limits (I.e. the thrust lever remaining in shut-off)?
Start 1: 90 seconds on, 5 minutes off
Subsequent: 30 seconds on, 5 minutes off
What is the maximum fuel imbalance between the wing tanks?
800 lbs
What are the fuel tank capacities (pressure fed / gravity fed)
Wing tanks: 4,760 lbs (pressure) / 4,488 lbs (gravity)
Center tank: 4,998 lbs (pressure) / 4,930 lbs (gravity)
Total: 14,518 lbs (pressure) / 13,906 lbs (gravity)
Take off is not permitted with fuel in excess of ??? lbs in the center tank unless …
… unless:
- each wing tank is above 4,400 lbs or
- each wing tank is above 2,000 lbs and the Zero Fuel Weight is reduced by the amount above 500 lbs in the center tank and within center of gravity limits
What is the minimum go around fuel quantity?
450 lbs per wing tank (max pitch up of 10 degrees)
What is the minimum fuel temperature at the engine for take off?
What are the minimum fuel temperatures in the wing
- for take off
- in flight
- take off: -30C (Jet A) / -37C (Jet A1)
- in flight: -40C (Jet A) / -47C (Jet A1)
What is the maximum engine oil consumption?
0.05 gl or 6.4 oz per hour
What is the requirement for operations in excess of 16 hours without servicing the engine oil?
Oil level is checked after each flight (between 3 min to 2 hours after engine shut down)
What is the maximum amount of hours without an engine oil service?
16 hours
What is the max oil refill (15min to 2 hours after engine shut down) without dry motering?
2 quarts
What are the APU starter limits using the on-board batteries?
Start 1: 30 seconds, 2 min off
Start 2: 30 seconds, 20 min off
Start 3: 30 seconds, 2 min off
Subsequent starts: 30 seconds, 40 minutes off
What are the APU starter limits using external DC power?
Start 1: 15 seconds, 2 min off
Start 2: 15 seconds, 20 min off
Start 3: 15 seconds, 2 min off
Subsequent starts: 15 seconds, 40 min off
What is the maximum altitude for using APU bleed air?
15,000’ MSL
What is the maximum altitude for using the APU for an engine start?
13,000’ MSL
What is the maximum Altitude to start the APU at?
30,000’ MSL
What is the maximum altitude at which the APU can still be running?
37,000’ MSL
What is the maximum electrical load on each generator (Engine / APU)?
30 kVA
What is the FMS approved to be used for?
- enroute, terminal, non-precision approaches
- lateral accuracy meets AC 20-130A
- with both the FMS and the GPS working, accuracy is +/- 1nm
What is the FMS RNP performance?
RNP10 for flights up to 6.2 hours without updating
What is the limitation for using the FMS for approaches?
The approach must be in the FMS database
What is the maximum operating speed and mach number?
335 KIAS / .85 Mach
What are the flap operating speeds?
Flaps 0 - 8: 200 KIAS
Flaps 8 - 20: 200 KIAS
Flaps 20 - 30: 185 KIAS
Flaps 30 - 45: 170 KIAS
What are the maximum flap extended speeds?
Flaps 8: 230 KIAS
Flaps 20: 230 KIAS
Flaps 30: 185 KIAS
Flaps 45: 170 KIAS
What are the max gear operating speeds?
Retraction: 200 KIAS
Extension: 250 KIAS
What is the max gear extended speed?
250 KIAS
What is the tire speed limit?
182 kts
What is the maximum turbulence penetration speed?
280 KIAS / .75 MACH
What is the minimum operating speed?
The onset of the stick shaker.
What is the maximum Windshield Wiper speed (same when the windshield wipers are not parked)?
220 KIAS
What are the maneuvering limit load factors?
Flaps up: -1g to 2.5g
Flaps down: 0g to 2.0g
What is the limitation on side slip maneuvers?
Avoid at high altitude cruise
What is the maximum ramp weight?
53,250 lbs
What is the maximum take-off weight?
53,000 lbs
What is the maximum landing weight?
47,000 lbs
What is the maximum zero fuel weight?
44,000 lbs
What is the maximum temperature for take off?
ISA conditions + 35C
What is the Engine Icing Clearing Procedure on the ground?
15 second run-up every 10 minutes and within 5 minutes prior to take off