Limitations Flashcards
Max altitude for icing conditions?
AOM16 1.01.2 p1
Approach path max angle limitation?
AOM16 1.01.20 p1
3.5°or refer to AOM1.05.00 for approach angles up to 3.8°.
Maximum ramp weight?
AOM16 1.01.20 p1
- Fin# 101-124 68,039 kg
- Fin#125-133 70,307*kg
MTOW Maximum takeoff weight?
AOM16 1.01.20 p1
- Fin# 101–124 67,585 kg
- Fin# 125–133 69,853* kg
Maximum Landing weight?
AOM16 1.01.20 p1
Maximum zero fuel weight?
AOM16 1.01.20 p1
Minimum flight weight?
AOM16 1.01.20 p1
36,287 kg
AOM16 1.01.20 p5
300kts up to 8,000’
then to 10,000’ linearly to 330kts up until Mach 0.82
AOM16 1.01.20 p6
300kts/0.8M in direct mode only
Flaps extended speed VFE?
AOM16 1.01.20 p7
Flap 1:230 KIAS
Flap 2:210 KIAS
Flap 3:210 KIAS
Flap 4:190 KIAS
Flap 5:170 KIAS
Maximum landing gear operating speed VLO?
AOM16 1.01.20 p7
Vle 250 KIAS
Vlr 220 KIAS
Turbulence penetration speed Vra?
AOM16 1.01.20 p7
AOM16 1.04.18 p1
- 265kts below 10,000’
- 280kts/0.75M above 10,000’ whichever is lower
Windshield wiper operation speed?
AOM16 1.01.20 p7
Tire limit speed?
AOM16 1.01.20 p7
195 kts GS
Max pressure altitude for takeoff and landing?
AOM16 1.01.20 p8
Max operating altitude?
AOM16 1.01.20 p8
Max/Min temperature approved for takeoff and landing?
AOM16 1.01.20 p8
AOM16 1.01.28 P1
- Max 52.5°C
- Min -54°C
- Refer to chart for ISA deviations
Fuel temp:
- Min -37°C
Manoeuvring limit load factors?
AOM16 1.01.20 p9
- Flaps up: -1.0 G to 2.5 G.
- Flaps down: 0.0 G to 2.0 G
Temperature/Time turn limits for takeoff procedure A?
AOM16 1.01.20 p10
- less than 120 minutes T/O is permitted
- exceeds 120 minutes T/O is permitted if electrically powered during turn and cabin temperature is maintained to minimize risk of freezing the water system
- below -54°c T/O prohibited
Temperature/time limits for takeoff procedure B?
AOM16 1.01.20 p10
0° to -30°C:
- T/O permitted
Below -30° to -54°C ENG OFF:
- T/O prohibited if exposed for more than 2hrs in the preceding 12hrs with engines off.
When is engine operation in ground fog prohibited?
AOM16 1.01.20 p10
Below -18°C OAT
Can infrared deicing be used?
AOM16 1.01.20 p10
No, it is prohibited
CAI Cowl anti-ice system use/limitations? 2
AOM16 1.01.20 p11
AOM16 1.04.10 p5
AOM16 1.04.18 p8
AOM16 1.04.18 p10
- CAI Must be ON when the OAT is 10°C or below and visible moisture in any form is present below 1,500’ AGL including surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush.
- Must be ON/AUTO in icing conditions or when ICE is annunciated. Icing exist from 10°C TAT to -39°C SAT.
WAI Wing anti-ice use/limitations? 4
AOM16 1.01.20 p10-11
AOM16 1.04.08 p1
AOM16 1.04.10 p5
AOM16 1.04.18 p8
AOM16 1.04.18 p10
- WAI Must be ON for T/O when OAT is 5°C or below AND visible moisture is present below 1,500’AGL including surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush.
- Must be ON/AUTO in icing conditions or when ICE is annunciated. Icing exist from 10°C TAT to -39°C SAT.
- ffod test below FL310/190 for 3 minutes thrust idle no change
Can you hold in icing conditions with flaps/slats extended?
AOM16 1.01.20 p11
Operation in super cooled large droplet icing SLD?
AOM16 1.01.20 p12
SLD is prohibited and indicated by ice accretion on the side windows.
Exit conditions with side window icing. CAI and WAI must be ON
Engine ice shedding procedure on ground? 3
AOM16 1.01.20 p12
AOM16 1.04.18 p9
AOM16 1.04.18 p12
- OAT is 3°C or below and visible moisture.
- CAUTION AVIO—>SMS RUNWAY—> INHIBIT selected momentarily if not on T/O runway.
- Minimum 60% N1 (10 seconds +SN) and back to idle as soon as practical on taxi out and at 30 minute intervals taxiing out AND in.
Engine ice shedding procedure in Flight?
AOM16 1.01.20 p12
Momentarily increase to CLB thrust
Flap 5 icing speed corrections?
AOM16 1.01.20 p12
During icing conditions or ice is accreting Vref, Vac, Vga increased by 5 kias
Maximum runway slopes?
AOM16 1.01.20 p12
AOM16 1.01.22 p1
Except land2/3:
0.8% up, 1.0% down
Min flight crew and max occupants?
AOM16 1.01.20 p13
2 pilots min
Max 145 pax plus 5 cabin crew
Pressurization limits?
AOM16 1.01.21 p1
- Max diff 8.8psi
- Min diff -0.5psi
- Touchdown Max diff 1.0psi
Air conditioning limits? 3
AOM16 1.01.21 p1
- Max 15 minutes Door closed with no packs or LPGC
- Max 30 minutes without ECS or LPGC when OAT is above 40°C.
- Packs AND external air simultaneously .
Auto pilot engagement?
AOM16 1.01.22 p1
- Min 400’ agl engagement
- Min 80’ agl disengagement unless autoland
Autothrottle limitation? 2
AOM16 1.01.22 p1
- Vref +5 kts.
- Disconnected before touch and go.
LAND 2/LAND 3 limits? 8
AOM16 1.01.22 p1-2
- Oral inhibit prohibited
- Dual engine only
- GS angle 2.5 to 3.25°
- RWY slope +0.8% to -1.0%
- Min RWY width 45m/150ft
- A/P and A/T on
- Max pressure altitude 8,466’
- Minimum 50ft DH and RVR 600/175m
APPR2, LAND2, LAND 3 wind limits?
AOM16 1.01.22 p2
- HW 25kt
- XW 15kt
- TW 10kt
APPR2 limits? 5
AOM16 1.01.22 p1
- Oral inhibit prohibited
- Single or dual engine
- GS angle 2.5° to 3.5°
- RWY slope +/-2%
- A/P ON and A/T not required
Limitations during fueling?
AOM16 1.01.23 p1
Do not operate HF radios
Maximum AC generator load?
AOM16 1.01.24 p1
75 kVA continuous
Maximum permissible continuous load on TRUs?
AOM16 1.01.24 p1
- TRU #1/2 350 amps
- TRU #3 225 amps
Max altitude with flaps or slats extended?
AOM16 1.01.27 p1
Flight spoiler limitations? 3
AOM16 1.01.27 p1
- Minimum Vref+10
- Minimum 500’ or 800’ agl if autoland
- MAX spoiler is PROHIBITED except in emergencies and must be reported to maintenance.
Maximum fuel imbalance?
AOM16 1.01.28 p1
Maximum useable fuel load?
AOM16 1.01.28 p1
Total 17,400kg
Left 3050kg
Right 3050kg
Center 11,300kg
Min fuel quantity for G/A?
AOM16 1.01.28 p1
- 442kg in both main tanks.
- wings level and 10° up.
Fuel temperature limits?
AOM16 1.01.28 p1
- Max 52.5°C
- Below -37°C T/O prohibited
Manual transfer or crossflow limitations?
AOM16 1.01.28 p2
Limitations associated with either wing tank with greater than 2,830kgs? 4
AOM16 1.01.28 p2
- APU must not be left unattended.
- Left engine must be started first.
- Center tank less than 10,670kg then manual transfer into center
- “FUEL LEAK SUSPECT” do procedure
Maximum allowable break temperatures BTMS?
AOM16 1.01.32 p1
- 6 units for T/O
- 13 units for gear retraction
- Hot brakes at 15 or more
What shall not be printed in flight? 3
AOM16 1.01.34 p1
- Enroute charts
- NOTAM charts
Prohibited datalink functions? 4
AOM16 1.01.23 p2
- ALTITUDE on the WHEN CAN WE page
- FANS LOAD within 5nm of sequencing a waypoint
Prohibited FMS features? 6
AOM16 1.01.34 p1-2
- FMS navigation north of 73°N and south of 60°S
- PBDplace/bearing/distance waypoint using airport identifiers
- FPLN UPLINK in flight and any REQUEST PENDING must be clear before T/O
- Uplink flight plans cannot contain PBDplace/bearing/distance waypoints
- Changes to altitudes inside of FAF
Max distance between individual flightplan legs, or between aircraft position and TO WPT?
AOM16 1.01.34 p2
- RNAV1/RNP1 200nm
- RNAV2/RNP2 400nm
- RNP4/10 500nm
Does NOT apply on random point to point routes under radar, OR on V or J airways.
TLAF Takeoff and landing awareness function triggers?
AOM16 1.01.34 p3
On departure RWY max 35kts gs or 55%N1 until within 10° of RWY heading
RNP AR limitations? 10
AOM16 1.01.34 p7
AOM16 1.04.11p15
- CAT D N/A mins prohibited and RNP 0.3 or greater for approach and missed approaches of 1.0nm accuracy
- A/P must be used to fly RF legs IMC?????
- MAN SPD is used before first approach waypoint or transition
- RNP AR APPR A1 annunciation at first waypoint and within 1 dot (1/2 of RNP) laterally
- Landing flap 4/5 by FAF
- Approved in 10-10 pages
- Local altimeter setting
- TERRAIN & VSD displayed
- Current FMS Database
- Max 3.5° glidepath
APU limits? 4
AOM16 1.01.49 p1-6
- Min oil start temp -40°C
- Max 3 starts/attempts in an hour
- 2 minute delay between starts
- Bleed air use max 23,000’ or less per charts
Max wind for passenger and cargo door operation?
AOM16 1.01.52 p1
Opening/closing 40kts
Door held open 65kts
Engine warm up N1 settings? 5
AOM16 1.01.71 p1
- Oil Min -40°C: engine start
- Oil below -6°C: idle
- Oil between -6 and 21°C: 30% N1
- Oil 21°C to 49(amber)°C: 50% N1
- Oil 49°C: no limit
Engine Max EGT?
AOM16 1.01.71 p1
- MCT 1016°C
- T/O, Rev, and start 1054°C
Max N1?
AOM16 1.01.71 p1
100% until 29,100’ then 95.2%
Maximum oil temperature?
AOM16 1.01.71 p1
163°C or 20 minutes up to a maximum of 174°C
Thrust reverser operations in cold weather?
AOM16 1.01.71 p2
At -20° to -40°C and turn exceeds 120minutes:
- Reversers cycled twice before T/O on contaminated RWY and initiated within 5 minutes
Below -40°C and turn exceeds 120minutes:
- Reversers must be cycled until deployment is less than 2.5 seconds and T/O initiated within 2 minutes
Engine starter limits?
AOM16 1.01.71 p2
- 3 attempts or 4 minutes total cranking needs 30minutes cooling
- Do not engage starter if N2 exceeds 20%
Engine cool down before shut down?
AOM16 1.01.71 p3
AOM16 1.03.71 p1-2
3 minutes 40%N1 or lower
5 minutes recommended
Consider 3 high power shut down AOM16 1.03.71 p1-2 scenarios
- Restart in 2min idle 10min
- Dry crank 4min,1off, 4min, 1off, 4min
- Engine off for 8 hrs
Engine max CrossWinds & TailWind components for ground ops?
AOM16 1.01.71 p3-4
Starting or Ice shedding 60%N1:
- XW 43kts
- TW 18kts
High power (>60%N1) ground runs must be into wind
Refer to chart for T/O
Maximum oil consumption rate?
AOM16 1.01.71 p5
0.4 qt/hr or 0.38L/hr
High wind T/O procedure envelope?
AOM16 1.01.71 p4
11-15kts TailWind
30-32kts CrossWind
XW 32kts= TW -11kts, max
XW 28kts= TW -15kts, max
Airports between 7,000’ to 9,200’ and XW>22kts. Airports above 9,200’.
Are simultaneous dual control inputs allowed?
Aom16 1.04.00 p8
PROHIBITED as inputs are summed and could cause undesirable flight characteristics.
Max distance for overwater flight?
Aom16 1.04.01 p1
400 nm from suitable emergency landing site.
No life rafts
One engine inoperative OEI cruise speed, diversion times, and distances?
AOM16 1.04.01 p1
60minutes 390nm
75minutes 481*nm but over water flight limit is 400nm
30 minutes reserve fuel?
AOM16 1.04.01 p1
690kg up to 880kg at MLW
Fuel required for a second approach?
AOM16 1.04.01 p1
350kg up to 450kg at MLW
Minimum planned EFOB at destination?
AOM16 1.04.01 p2
SUPP fuel will be added if required
How long before the service check expires?
AOM16 1.04.02 p1
Flight must arrive within 72hrs of last service check
Can you simultaneously request a flight plan and wind uplink?
AOM16 1.04.02 p24
Fpln uplink must be activated before wind request
Load should be advised for what? 3
AOM16 1.04.02 p30
QRH Normal p7
- Over fuelled by 300kgs
- Non standard crew complement
- No galley equipment
WAT is valid if?
AOM16 1.04.02 p30, 34
- TOW is +0/-1200kg from WAT weight
- Landing weight less than WAT weight
Restriction for turns below acceleration altitude?
AOM16 1.04.02 p32
HDG 1/2 bank must be used until V2+10
Breakaway thrust limit for taxi?
AOM16 1.04.04 p1
35% N1
Takeoff should be rejected for? MANSST WUF
AOM16 1.04.06 p1
AOM16 1.04.05 p1-2
Before 80kts:
* Master Caution/Warning
* A/T disconnect*
* Nnusual Noise or Vibration
* System/Tire Failure(s)
* Slow Acceleration
* Take-off Configuration Warning
After 80kts:
- Wredictive Windshear Warning
- Unsafe or Unable to Fly
- Fire or engine failure
Approach category?
AOM16 1.04.11 p3
- Vapp 121-140 = C
- Vapp 141-165 = D
Outside Canada = C
RNP AR RF legs speed limits?
AOM16 1.04.12 p6
- rf leg FAF to map 165kts
- rf leg MAP to HOLD 265kts
Cold soak procedure?
AOM16 1.0.18 p6
After cold soaked to temperatures below -40°C HYD 3 reservoir temperature is at least -6°C for T/O.
Thrust derate and Flex limitations? 1+6+2
AOM16 1.04.02 p17
Derated N1 setting is limit on T/O
1. Forecast windshear or downdrafts
2. Anti-skid inop
3. A/T disengaged or inop
4. APR disarmed
5. Contaminated runways
1. WAI or CAI in use
2. Derate TO1, TO2, TO3 used
Max runway contamination for takeoff?
AOM16 1.04.05 p9
Contaminants covering MORE then 25% of runway length and width to be used is limited to:
Standing Water. 12mm (0.50 in). 1/2
Slush. 15mm (0.59 in). 9/16
Wet Snow. 19mm (0.75 in). 3/4
Dry Snow. 76mm (3.00 in). 3
Max runway contamination for landing?
AOM16 1.04.13 p6
Contaminants covering MORE then 25% of runway length and width to be used is:
Standing water. 19mm (0.75in) 3/4
Slush. 22mm (0.88in) 7/8
Wet snow. 22mm (0.88in) 7/8
Dry snow. 95mm (3.75in) 3 3/4
Pitch/Bank limits at rotation/touchdown?
AOM16 1.04.05 p8
AOM16 1.04.13 p2
Call ”PITCH” at 9°
Call ”BANK” at 10°
At rotation/touchdown:
* Pitch angles in excess of 11°/10° may result in an aft fuselage strike.
* Bank angles in excess of 15° may result in an engine nacelle strike.
Bank and flap speed limitations?
AOM16 1.04.07 p2
AOM16 1.04.08 p2
AOM16 1.04.11 p2-3
Accelerating for flap retraction:
* All engines: Max bank 25° or 30° if Fspeed +10kts
* One engine: Maximum bank angle of 15°
Climb/Cruise/Holding Greendot or higher:
- All engines: Max bank 30° up to 31,500’ then max 15°
- One engine: Maximum bank angle of 25°
- Holds above 31,500’ NO HALF BANK & require Greendot +appropriate margin
Decelerating for flap extension:
- Max bank 25° or 30° if Fspeed -10kts
Landing configuration:
- Max bank 25° at Vref
- Max bank 30° if Vref +5kts
- add 5kts to above in icing
When should the water tank be purged?
AOM16 1.04.09 p4
If the aircraft is to be on the ground for greater than 3 hours with a forecast temperature of -20°C or colder, or as advised by Dispatch.
Maximum Take-off Alternate Distance and OEI speed?
AOM16 1.04.01 P 1
351 nm
310 kts
Takeoff and landing with tailwind components greater than 10 kts and ACARS WAT unavailable 1/2D
AOM16 1.05.00 p6-7
For tail winds greater than 10 to max 15kts.
- T/O: use high wind procedure
A. Max press alt 6000’
B. Flap 4 prohibited. Flap 5 only
C. Prohibited with NON NORMAL code or OLD factors
D. APP climb and LANDING climb gradients corrected using tables AOM 1.05.00 p7
Minimum time from previous flight to before doing FMS & COMM setup?
AOM16 1.04.02 p15
5 minutes or confirm FLIGHT PROFILE page has cleared.
Max crosswind for takeoff and landing?
AOM16 1.04.05 p9
AOM16 1.04.13 p6
QRHN p13, p15
T/O 32kts or less
Land 29kts or less
Can either CTP be left on the opposing side VHF using 1/2 switch?
AOM16 1.04.00 p6
Leaving the right CTP displaying cross-side frequencies (amber) for long periods of time is not recommended, as it may result in errors and possibly loss of communication with the appropriate ATC facility.
Minimum oxygen pressure for dispatch?
AOM16 1.03.35 p1-3
1300 maybe less
7 Limits for approaches with angles greater than 3.5° of up to 3.8°?
AOM16 1.05.00 p7
- Max press alt 1500’
- Max temp ISA +25°C
- Flap 4 prohibited. Flap 5 only
- Max tailwind of 5kts
- Single bleed in icing prohibited
- WAI selected off if single bleed
- Auto-land prohibited
SALGA AOM16 1.04.11 P4