Limb Development Flashcards
Why are limbs important?
To break it down in da club after QUARANTINE!
When do upper and lower limb buds form?
4th week
Upper - 24 days
Lower- 25-26 days
What is the apical ectodermal ridge (AER)?
What happens there?
A thick band of ectoderm where limb buds form.
Mesenchyme proliferate and grow from ateral plate mesoderm (limb buds now bulge)
Regions of limb outgrowth
Stylopod- humerus or femur
Zeugopod- radius and ulna; tibia and fibula
Autopod- hands/ feet
Axes of limb bud?
Proximal-Distal (Shoulder-Digits) FGF signalling & HOX
Cranial-Caudal (Hallu- Phalanx V) SHH & HOX
Dorsal-Ventral (Dorsum-Palm) Wnt7a and Engrailed (En1)
What growth factor induces AER?
What does AER secrete?
FGF8 (bc positive feedback from FGF10)
FGF and AER make what axis?
Manipulating AER (early, late, and transplant)
Early removal: only 1st segment
Late removal: 1st and 2nd segments
Transplanting: supernumerary digits
intermediate to late loss of FGF
early loss of FGF signaling
‘seal’s-limb’ loss of long bones
Partial loss of FGF signalling
OR thalomide disrupting HOX
**thalomide used to be taken during pregnancy
Absent digits
Late loss of FGF
Split hand. ‘Lobster claw’
Partial absense of FGF8 from AER
(EEC)- ectrodactly- ectodermal dysplasia, cleft palate
Zone of Polarizing Activity (ZPA) makes ___ axis?
By expressing what?
What digit is most likely to form in absence of SHH?
Digit 1 (cranial end)
How does Polydactyly occur?
Overexpression of SHH causes 2nd ZPA to form (now in cranial and caudal end)
Extra digits lack normal musculature
HOX genes regulate what axes?
craniocaudal & proximodistal
HOX9-10 paralogs
specifies stylopod (HOX9=scapula)
HOX11 paralogs
specifies zeugopod
HOX 9-11
HOX12-13 paralogs
specifies autopod
Brachydactyly and its genetics?
shortening of fingers and toes Genetic change in HOXD13 (finger gene) OR PTHLH (parathyroid hormone like hormone) Autosomal dominant
What regulates dorsal ventral Axis?
Wnt7a: expressed in dorsal ectoderm
Engrailed (En1): expressed in ventral ectoderm.
- Prevents Wnt7a. restricts positioning of AER to establish dorsoventral
What signals digit formation?
High BMP = High cell death of cutaneous webbing
When do digital rays form in hand plates?
by 6th week
day 41
limb is cartilagenous
When do digital rays form in foot plates?
by 7th week
day 46
osteogenesis begins
When do separate digits form?
by 8th week
upper: day 52
lowwer: day 56
What is syndactyly?
fused digits because digital rays failed to develop
What is cutaneous syndactyly?
webbing present because low BMP
What is osseous syndactyly?
Synostosis (bone fusion)
Failure to form interdigit notch
HOXD13 (finger gene)
Auto dominent
What does the dorsal limb muscle mass form?
Upper: extensor and suppinators
Lower: extensor and abductors
What does the ventral limb muscle mass form?
Upper: Flexors and pronators
Lower: Flexors and adductors
Where do limb tendons arise from?
Lateral plate mesoderm
vertebral tendons from paraxial
When does limb innervation begin?
5th week
Motor neurons innervate 1st, then sensory
What innervates the limb’s dorsal muscle mass?
dorsal branches of ventral rami (these are not epaxial)
What innervates the limb’s ventral muscle mass?
ventral branches of ventral rami
Dorsal aorta gives rise to ______ which give rise to ______
intersegmental arteries
primary axial arteries and its branches
Describe vascular development path of upper limb
Primary Axial a. –> brachial a. & common interosseous a. –> ulnar & radial a.
Describe vascular development path of lower limb
Primary Axial a. –> deep artery of thigh –> anterior & posterior tibial a.
When do limb buds rotate? What limbs are doing what?
Osteogenesis also begins at this time
Week 7
Upper: 90 laterally
Lower: 90 medially
What can amniotic bands do?
When there is too little amniotic fluid, amniotic bands stick to fetal structure and cut off growth.
What is bilateral talipes equinovarus
‘Club foot’
oligohydramnios reduces fetal movement
too litlle amniotic fluid compresses fetus hindering outward rotation of limbs
When does primary ossification begin?
Week 12.
this isn’t osteogenesis