Liguria Flashcards
What style is Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà?
Sweet white passito
What is the name of Dolcetto in Liguria?
What is the % of Rossese in Rossese di Dolceaqua DOC?
Rossese is known as what in France?
Bosco is a native white grape in what Italian region?
Pigato would likely be grown in what part of Liguria, the western or eastern Riviera?
Western Riviera
Bianchetta Genovese is genetically identical to what other Ligurian grape?
Genova is the major city of what Italian region?
The Colli di Luni DOC is shared between what two regions?
Liguria and Toscana
What are the three main grapes of Cinque Terre DOC?
Albarola, Bosco, Vermentino
Costa de Sera, Costa de Campu, and Costa da Posa are sub-zones of what DOC?
Cinque Terre DOC
What was the first DOC in Liguria?
Rossese di Dolceaqua DOC
What is the minimum aging for Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà Riserva?
3 years
Pigato – the classic white grape of the Riviera di Ponente – is genetically identical to which grape variety?
Which DOC does Liguria share with Toscana?
Colli di Luni DOC