Lighting The Oxyactylene Torch Flashcards
What’s the first thing you do when operating the acetylene tank?
Turn on the acetylene tank valve to 1/4 to 1/2 of a turn.
After you turn on the acetylene tank valve what do you do?
Turn on the oxygen tank valve completely.
After turning on the oxygen tank valve what’s the next step?
Crack open the acetylene torch valve and set the regulator to the correct line pressure(5psi)
After opening the acetylene torch valve what’s the next step?
Close the acetylene torch valve.
After closing the acetylene torch valve what’s the next thing you do?
Crack open the oxygen torch valve and set the regulator to the correct line pressure
After opening the oxygen torch valve what’s the next step?
Close the oxygen torch valve.
After closing the oxygen torch valve what’s the next thing you do?
Crack open the oxygen torch valve and drain the oxygen line until both the line and tank pressure gauges read zero. You then close the oxygen torch valve.
After closing the oxygen torch valve what’s the next step?
Crack open the acetylene torch valve and using a spark light the torch and adjust the acetylene to get a clean burning flame
After opening the acetylene torch valve what’s the last step?
Open the oxygen torch valve until you get a neutral flame