Light interception Flashcards
What is light interception?
The amount of light intercepted by a crop. Light is the main control of yield when other factors are not limiting. Light fuels the photosynthesis in the chloroplast.
What is light quality?
Determined by wavelength. The ratio between red = 660 + 30 and far red 730 _+30
Photosynthetically active radiation.
0.5 of total radiation.
400 - 700 of visable light spectrum absorbed
How much infra red is reflected
What are photochromes
Sense the quality of light.
How these percepted the R:Fr ratio changes plant morpholgy.
Red light
absorbed by the leaves
Far red
Pass through canopy to be reflected or transmitted to base of crop.
Canopy closure (LAIc)
When all red light is absorbed, far red is left. This high fr:R ratio at the base allows the plant to realise and deactivates bud formation for tillering.
Yield as a function of incidient radiation.
Y= (R x LI x RUE) x HI
R = incidient radiation which is PAR and total radiation.
Li = R/Ro - the amount of light that is intercepted. Relationship between what is absorbed and reflected. Incident light and light below canopy.
Leaf area index
Area of leaf lamina per unit of ground area.
Expresses the capacity of the crop to intercept light.
Refers to the whole canopy.
LAI effected by
Temp, N status, water & PP
LAI interception
Crops need 3-5 to intercept 90% of R.
As LAI increases, proportion of light interception decreases.
As S.D. progresses, LAI production decreases with yield.
Critical LAI
LAIc. When the crop reaches 95% of light interception. Above LAIc, max growth rate happens. Prolonged time above LAIc, the higher yield there will be.
Canopy architecture
How the leaves are arranged in a crop, varries LAIc.
Wide leaves
Close canopy faster but are more inefficient as they shade lower leaves so that they aren’t working at full capacity. The top leaves are intercepting the most light and so saturate. Above saturation photosynthetic efficiency drops.