Light and Optics Flashcards
General properties of light are its ________ and its ______ such that the angle of ______ (as measured with respect to the surface normal) is _______________________________.
- rectilinear propagation
- reflection
- reflection
- equal in magnitude to its angle of incidence.
Refraction of light is governed by _______, ____________, with θi,t and ni,t, respectively, the angle of incidence (i) / transmission (t) and the index of refraction of the medium of incidence (i) / transmission (t).
- Snell’s law
- ni sin θi = nt sin θt
• The propagation of light follows _________, which states that _____________________________________________.
- Fermat’s theorem
- the actual path between two points taken by a beam of light is the one which is transversed in the least time
It can also be described according to ___________, in that ________________________________________________________.
- Huygens’s principle
- every point on a wavefront acts as a source of a new wavefront propagating radially outwards
Optical path length is defined as___________________________________________. As a consequence, the speed of light in such a medium is given by ___.
- the distance that light travels in a vacuum in the same time that it travels a distance d in a medium with index of refraction n
- c/n
Total internal reflection occurs when _____________________________________ . This is the case for transmission from an optically denser (larger n) to an optical less dense (smaller n) medium for angles of incidence larger than the critical angle θc =_______.
- the angle of incidence is so large that the angle of transmission, by virtue of Snell’s law, would become larger than 90o
- sin−1 (nt/ni)
Light paths are reversible. That is, _________________________________________________________.
- the path of light from A to B will be identical to the (reverse) path from B to A
Light can be described as a wave ψ = Ae i(k·r−ωt) . By ignoring polarisation and considering only one-dimensional propagation along the positive x direction, this can be simplified to ψ = ________.
- Aei(kx−ωt)
In general, the intensity of light for a given polarisation direction is proportional to _________, where the asterisk * refers to the __________.
- |ψ|2 = ψ ∗ψ
- complex conjugate
For light propagating in a medium of index of refraction n, we need to substitute c → c/n, hence λ = c/f → (c/n)/f = λ/n and k = 2π/λ → kn. As a consequence, the position-dependent part of the phase becomes knx, which is equivalent to the usual expression for the wave with x → nx, i.e., what matters is the optical path nx.
In Young’s double slit experiment, _______________________________________________, resulting in an______________ on a detection screen at a distance L. For any point on the screen, the light can interfere _______________ or ____________, depending on the _____________________ to that point.
- monochromatic light passes through two narrow slits with separation d
- interference pattern
- destructively or constructively
- difference in optical path from each of the slits
Two light rays will interfere destructively if their path difference is_______. This corresponds to a phase difference at a particular point of _______, with m integer. Similarly, they will interfere constructively if their path difference is __, i.e., their phase difference at a particular point is m 2π.
- (m+ 1/2 )λ
- (m+ 1/2 )2π
- mλ
In the Fraunhofer limit, _____________________________________________, in which case the relevant optical path difference is given by_____, where θ is the angle of detection.
- the light rays from the two slits are presumed to propagate (approximately) parallel to a point on the screen
- d sin θ
We can write ψ1 = E e(ikr1 − iωt) and ψ2 = E e(ikr1 + iδ − iωt) for the light waves originating from the two slits, where δ = ______. We can calculate the light intensity at a particular point I ∝ ψ∗ψ by noting that the total ψ = A e−iωt = (E eikr1 + E eikr1+iδ) e−iωt, hence I ∝ A∗
- kd sin θ
Generally, we determine an interference (or diffraction) pattern by __________________________, to yield the resulting complex __________. In the example of the Young’s double slit experiment, we find A = _________________, with δ = ______, and I ∝ ____________________.
- summing waves in complex exponential notation
- amplitude A
- A = 2E eikr1+iδ/2 cos (δ/2)
- kd sin θ
- 4E2 cos2(πd sinθ/ λ)
The Young’s double slit experiment is an example of ___________, and can be expanded by, e.g., considering the case where the amplitudes of light through slit 1 and slit 2 are not equal, to yield a lower visibility of the fringes V = __________________
- interference by wavefront division
- (Imax − Imin)/(Imax + Imin)
An alternative form of interference is by ________, e.g., ________________
- amplitude division
- double reflection from a thin film
Generally speaking, constructive interference results when the (optical) path difference for light following two different path Γ = __, with integer m; and destructive interference when Γ = ______.
- Γ = mλ
- Γ = (m + 1/2)
Upon reflection from the boundary towards an optically denser medium (__________), the light acquires a phase shift of __, equivalent to an additional ____; hence in general, phase shift on reflection may be relevant for determining conditions of constructive and destructive interference.
- from lower to larger n
- π
- 1/2 λ
For a thin film, one can show that Γ = _______, with d ___________, n its __________, and β_____________ (with respect to the surface normal) in the film. Hence for perpendicular incidence (cos β = 1) Γ is simply n × 2× the film thickness.
- 2nd cos β
- the thickness of the film
- its index of refraction
- the angle of the light path