Ligament Functions Flashcards
Coracoclavicular (trapezoid & conoid)
Stabilizes acromioclavicular joint limiting medial displacement, protraction & elevation
Stabilizes acromioclavicular joint
Prevents the superior displacement of the humeral head by forming the coracoacromial arch
Reinforces superoanterior aspects of joint capsule
Stabilizes sternoclavicular joint, limits elevation of the clavicle
Superior transverse scapular
Closes off the suprascapular notch
Sup. GH Lig
Restraint against inferior translation in adducted position. Restricts ER in 0 degrees of abduction
Mid GH lig
Restraint against ER at 45 degrees of abduction
Ant band of Inf GH lig
Primary restraint against ER at 90 degrees of Abduction
Ulnar collateral lig
Resists excessive cubital valgus
Radial collateral lig
Resists excessive cubical varus
Anular Lig
Stabilizes proximal radioulnar joint
Transverse carpal lig
Prevents bowstringing of the tendons of the flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum superficialis & flexor digitorum profundus muscles
Collateral ligaments of the MCP joints
Stabilizes MCP joints
Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC)
Stabilize distal radioulnar and ulnocarpal joints, form concavity on the ulnar side of the wrist and transfer compressive force from hand/wrist to the forearm
Sacrotuberous lig
Stabilizes SI joint
Sacrospinous lig
Stabilizes SI joint
Iliofemoral lig
Limits extension of thigh at the hip joint
Pubofemoral lig
Limits abduction of the femur
Limits extension of the femur
Tibial (medial) collateral ligament
Stabilizes the lateral aspect of the joint (prevents adduction of the tibia)
Anterior cruciate lig
Prevents posterior displacement of the femur on the tibia and hyperextension of the knee
Fibular (lateral) collateral lig
Stabilizes the lateral aspect of the joint (prevents abduction of the tibia)
Posterior cruciate lig
Prevents the anterior displacement of the femur on the tibia
Absorb shock, decrease friction, increase contact area
Patellar lig
Resists knee flexion, component of extensor mechanism for knee extension
Deltoid (medial) collateral lig
Stabilizes joint and resists forced eversion
Lateral ligaments of the ankle
Stabilize joint and resist forced inversion
Plantar calcaneonavicular lig (spring lig)
Supports the medial longitudinal arch of the foot