Ligament Attachments Flashcards
Trapezoid ligament
From Coracoid process to trapezoid line of clavicle
Conoid ligament
From coracoid process to conoid tubercle of clavicle
Superior transverse scapular
From the base of the coracoid process to the medial edge of the scapular notch
Glenoid capsule
From the circumference of glenoid cavity to anatomical neck of the humerus
Glenohumeral (sup., mid., inf.)
Upper part of medial margin of glenoid cavity to lesser tubercle & anatomical neck
Ulnar collateral lig
Medial epicondyle to medial margin of coronoid process & olecranon process
Radial collateral lig
Lateral epicondyle to annular lig
Interosseous membrane
From interosseous border of radius to interosseous border of ulna
Transverse carpal
From the pisiform and hook of the hamate to scaphoid & trapezium
Collateral ligaments of the MCP joints
From the head of the MCPs to base of adjacent proximal phalanx
What are the components of the Triangular fibrocartilage complex?
Biconcave fibrocartilage disc, planar ulnocarpal ligament, ulnar collateral ligament
Sacrotuberous lig
Posterior iliac spine and lateral margin of the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity
Sacrospinous lig
From the ischial spine to lateral margin of the sacrum
Fibrous joint capsule (LE)
From the margin of the acetabulum to the neck, intertrochanteric crest of the femur, intertrochanteric line
From the AIIS to the intertrochanteric line of the femur
From the iliopubic eminence and superior pubic ramus to the fibrous capsule
Ischium posterior to the acetabulum to the greater trochanter and Iliofemoral lig
Ligament of the head of the femur
From the fovea of the femoral head to the acetabular notch
Transverse acetabular
Interconnects the margins of the acetabular notch
Fibrous capsule of knee
From the margins of the femoral condyles to the margins of the tibial condyles
Tibial (medial) collateral lig
From the medial epicondyle of the femur to the medial condyle and shaft of the tibia
Fibular (lateral) collateral
From the lateral epicondyle of the femur to the head of the fibula
Anterior cruciate ligament
From the medial part of the anterior intercondylar area of the tibia to the posterior part of the medial surface to the lateral condyle of the femur
Posterior cruciate lig
From the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia to the lateral surface of the medial condyle of the femur
Medial meniscus
Ant and post regions of the intercondylar area of the tibia and fibrous capsule at the tibial collateral lig
Lateral meniscus
Ant and post regions of the intercondylar area of tibia
Patellar ligament
From the apex of the patella to the tibial tuberosity
Crural interosseous membrane
From interosseous border of the tibia to the interosseous border of the fibula
Talocrural fibrous capsule
From the borders of the articular surfaces of tibia and malleoli to the margins of the trochlear surface of the talus
Medial collateral (deltoid) lig
From the medial malleolus to the talus, navicular and sustentaculum tali of the calcaneous
Name the three lateral ligaments of the ankle
Post talofibular, calcaneofibular, anterior talofibular
Long plantar
From the plantar surface of the calcaneous and cuboid to the plantar surface of the bases of the metatarsals
Plantar calcaneocuboid (short plantar lig)
From calcaneus to the plantar surface of the cuboid
Plantar calcaneonavicular (spring lig)
From the anterior margin of the sustentaculum tali to the plantar surface of the navicular