lifespan development - social and emotional Flashcards
what is emotion regulation?
the processes by which we evaluate and modify our emotional reactions
what is social referencing?
the processes by which infants or children use the emotional responses of another person to guide their actions
what is temperament?
a biologically based general style of reacting emotionally to behaviourally to the environment
what are Erikson’s psychosocial stages?
each stage involves a different ‘crisis’ over how we view ourselves in relation to other people and the world
what is imprinting?
a sudden, biologically primed form of attachment
what is attachment?
the strong emotional bond that develops between children and their primary carers
what is stranger anxiety?
distress over contact with unfamiliar people
what is separation anxiety?
distress over being separated from a primary caregiver
what is the strange situation?
a standardised procedure for examining infant attachment
what is the still face paradigm?
an infant is presented with a situation in which their parent looks at them without moving their face
what are authoritative parents?
controlling but warm
what are authoritarian parents?
exert control but do so within a cold unresponsive or rejecting relationship
what are the stages of the strange situation?
1 - mother and baby play together
2 - a stranger enters
3 - mother leaves baby with stranger
4 - mother and baby reunites, stranger leaves
5 - mother leaves
6 - stranger enters and tries to comfort baby
7 - mother returns
what are indulgent parents?
have warm, caring relationships with their children but do not provide the guidance and discipline that help children learn responsibility and concern for others
what are neglectful parents?
provide neither warmth nor rules nor guidance