Life Stages/PIES Flashcards
0-2 years
Early childhood
3-8 years
9-18 years
Early adulthood
Middle adulthood
46-65 years
Later adulthood
Physical development
Infant/early childhood
Development of gross motor skills and fine motor skills
Physical development
The main physical changes in puberty,sexual maturity,growth spurt,primary and secondary sexual characteristics
Physical development
Early adulthood
Physical maturity
Physical development
Middle adulthood
Menopause,ageing process(hair loss,greying hair,loss of muscle gone
skin loses elasticity
Physical development
Later adulthood
Loss of strength,loss mobility,loss of fine motor skills,sensory loss,skin loses elasticity
Intellectual/ cognitive development
Rapid learning in early years (language,moral development)
Learning and developing new skills including abstract creative thinking,problem solving
Memory and recall
Effects of old age on memory
Emotional development
Self image
Self esteem
Social development
Friendship and friendship groups
The formation of relationships with others
Independence in actives and events that include performing tasks and activities for self
Entering employment and learning to drive
Physical Factors
Genetic inheritance(inherited characteristics,disabilities)
Lifestyle choices (diet,exercise,alcohol,smoking,drugs
Illness and disease(general effects on growth and development)
Social,cultural and emotional factors
Influence of play (solitary play/social play)
Culture (effects of religion and spirituality,community influencers)
Gender(inequality of employment opportunity and pay,social inequality,expectations
Influence of role models
Influence of social isolation
Economic factors
• income/wealth (effects of level of income)
• occupation (type, status, security of income)
• Employment/unemployment/not in education, employment or training (effect on income, social and emotional effects).
Environmental factors
Environmental factors
• housing conditions (effects of poor living conditions)
• pollution (effects on health).
Physiological factors
Relationships with family members including unconditional acceptance
growing up in care
friendship patterns and relationships with partner/s (effects on emotional and social development)
Expected life events
starting, being in and leaving education
moving house/location
entering and being in employment living with a partner/marriage/civil ceremony
Unexpected life events
Death of a partner,relative or friend
Accidents and injury,ill health
Exclusion,dropping out of education