life span all ch. terms from other professor Flashcards
what is panic disorder
a anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent unexpected panic attacks
what is agoraphobia?
fear of open, crowded spaces
what is phobic disorder
irrational, exaggerated fear of an object or situation
extensive body piercing, drug abuse and other kinds of delinquency, stress, hostility, beleif that it is acceptable to kill oneself are signs of _____ in adolescence
sucidie warnings
what 2 role does prostaglandis play in?
- a hormone that is delt with inflammation and pain and stimulate uterine contractions
what is the different between interindividual variability and individuation ?
- interindivdual variability is a term for ppl who do not age the same way, wheras individuation is a process of an young adult developing own morals and beleifs based on parents and socity construct
what organ systems are affected by mesoderm?
what organ system are affected by endoderm aka inner layer?
emrbyonic disk aka ectoderm affects the
- muscular, bone, reproductive
- digestive and respiratory-
- spinal cord and 5 senses
the _____ allow to grow the limbs. what shape is the dna?
- rod shaped
_______ genes; Cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs do what?
- cystic fibrosis affects the pancreas and lungs; tay sachs causes decline in neurological system
huntington disease a ______ gene is a _____
- dominant
- fatal degenerative disorder
where is pudendal block and epidural block going?
- pudendal in pussy n epidural in back
what is the difference between vernix and lanugo?
- vernix is white oily substance, wheras lanugo is fine downy hair
what does small for gestational age mean ?
bby born full term but low birth weight
bbay passes thru _____ to reach the vagina
- cervix
what does major despression with perinatal onset mean?
- serious maternal depression following delivery, characterized by sadness, apathy and feelings of worthlessness
what is the differecne between apgar scale and brazelton neonatal assessment scale?- and bayley scales of infant devlopment
apgar scale assess health whereas brazelton neonatal assessment scale assesses motor behavior, response to stress, adaptive behavior, and control over psychological state and A standardized measure used to assess the development of infants and young children
the least common kind of maternal depression after delievery is?
- postpartum psychosis
the health of neonates is assessed using the 5 point ____ scale
- apgar
what vision does neonates show?
neonates spend about ____ hours a day sleeping
16 hours sleeping
what does goodness of fit mean?
- an individual characterisitcs match the demand and expectations of their enviorment
- how well the child’s temperament matches the parent’s temperament, or even that of his teacher
what is gender identity?
what is gender stability ?
what is gender constancy?
- gender idenity is knowledge that one is male or female
- gender concept is knowledge that ones gender is unchanging
- gender constancy is understanding ones gender remains the same despite changes in apperance or behaviorr
perfectionistic and obsessionatic personality traits play a role in
- eating disorders
ovaries, vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes are ______ sex characterisitcs
penis, testes prostate glands and seminal vesicles are ______ sex characteristics
- primary that are involved in reproduction
what is abstinence syndrome?
- withdrawal symptoms from decreasing usage of substance abuse
what does reciprocity mean?
- exchange of feelings between individuals
the ability to think abstractly, reason, solve problems in novel situations, independent of acquired knowlegde is known as _____ intelligence
- fluid
the accumlation of knowledge, facts, skills acquired throughout life and applied to problem solving and decison making is known as _____ intelligence
- crystal intelligence
The brain’s ability to change and adapt throughout life in response to experiences, learning, and environmental influences is called
- plasticity
how long does it take for a child’s brain to reach 70% of its adult weight
- 1 yr
vision is the infant’s dominant sense at
- 5 to 6 months
myelination of the neurons involved in the sense of hearing begins in
- germinal / embryonic / fetal stage
- fetal stage
at which age does visual acuity first approximate adult levels?
- 3 to 5 yrs of age
the tendency to return to ones genetically determined pattern of growth following a period of deprivation is referred to as ____
- canalization
what is the difference betwene primary circular reaction and secondary circular reaction in piaget sensriomotor stage?
- primary is between 1-4 months and focuses on own body, whereas secondary is between 4-8 months and focuses on exploring enviroment
object permance occurs at what age?
- 6 months
exmaples of secondary circular reaction
- shakign a rattle or pulling string
coordination of secondary schemes is characteized by
intentional- goal oritentated behavior
what is the difference between cooing and babbling?
- cooing is prelingusitic vocalizations whereas babbling is first vocalizations of sounds of speech
infants typically say words beginning at about the age of –
12 months
a child typically spontaneously creates two word sentences sometime between the age of .
-what is child vocabular typically made out of
18 and 24 months
- nouns
ability of an infant to transfer objects from one hand to another during play is typical of the _____ month of cogntive development
- 5th month
at 10-12 months, infants tend to repeat syllables, showing what lingusitcs refer to as ___
- echolalia
according to piaget, children use _____ to absorb new events into exsiting schemes
- assimilation
ambivalent/resitant attachment is charatcerized by
- severe distress at leavings and amblivalent ( mixed feelings) behavior at reunions
insecure attachment
is characterized by avoiding caregiver, excessive clinging, or incostiency
avoidant attachment can be best described as
- dont care if leave or reunion
______ _______ process of acquiring knowledge, understanding, and thinking skills throughout the lifespan
cognitive developement
Mary Ainsworth develop the phases of attachment ///
- inital pre attachment phase, attachment in the making phase and attachment in the making phase occur at
inital pre attachment= bith to 3 months
attachment in making phase= 4 to 4 months
attachment in the making phase= 6 to 7 months
secure attachment are readily soothed by reunion and characterized at mild-distress at leave takings
T or F
which kind of attachment is used to describe babies who seem confused and may move toward the mother while looking away from her
- disorganized-disorientaed
_____ disorder is charcterizied by social deficits and stereotyped behavior but with out significany cognitive or language delays
- asberger syndrome
the 3 temperaments are easy, difficult and slow to warm up
T or F
parents may try to modify a child intial temperament to achieve a ______ of fit between child and parent
insecure attachment at the age of one yr predicts psychological disorders at the age of ___
Type of thought in which natural cause-and-effect relationships are attributed to will is known as
what is the difference betwene egocentric and centration
-what stage in piaget theory does egocentrsim display in? and what are the ages ; early, middle or late
- egocentric = thinkign that everyone sees from your perspective, centration is focusing on one aspect of situation
- 2 to 6 yrs of age/ early childhood
what is decentration
- ability to focus on many aspects of a situation
If A>B and B>C, then A>C
Myelin replaced with hard, fibrous tissue
multiple slcerosis
causes intellectual disability by inhibiting myelin formation in brain
Enuresis aka bed wetting
- failure to control bladder
- failure to control bowel movements
___________ is ability to memorze and understanding of one’s own memory processes, including the ability to monitor, control, and manipulate memory
_________ is ability to problem solve and total knowlegde
- metamemory
- metacogntion
when does peer pressure peak at ??
- 15 yrs of age mid adolence
when children start asking questions of each other and have simialr goals but no rules is what kind of social play
- associative play
cellualr damage theory - cross-linking theory can be best described as
- stiffening of body proteins
Robert Selman is known for what?
- known for his theory of social cognitve developemtn
somnambulism is known as
- sleep walking
what does symbolic play aka pretend play mean? what age does this occur in and what stage of piaget cogntive development stage?
- children play make believ3
- 12 months to 30 months
what does transductive reasonign mean?
- reasoning from specifc to specifc
what is the difference between animism and artificialism?
- animism is giving life to inanimate objects, whereas artficialism is a beleif that the environment was made by people
what is fast mappping?
- process of quickly determining a word’s meaning
by age ____, children starting drawing ____ shapes
- 3 and basic shapes
between ages ___ and 5 , children reach the ______ stage
- 4 , pictoral
we would expect a child to be able to catch a small ball, using the hands only, by the age of ___
5 yrs old or 60-71 months
the childs probability of becoming left handed is
- 50 %
the avg 4-8 yr old needs
1400 kcal/day
piaget believed that children ususally begin to engage in pretend play in the 2nd yr, when they have developed the ability to _____ objects
what happens to the rate of growth between ages 2-6, when compared to the growth rate during infancy
- it slows down
we wud expect a child to build a tower of six cubes at
2 yrs of age
preschoolers of learning of grammatical rules has led to
- overregulation
according to erickson, early childhood is the stage of _____ vs guilt
when do children first show visual preferences for sterotypical boys toys or girls toys
before their first bday
______ behavior is also known as altrusim
- prosocial
3rd stage in piagets scheme, characterized by flexible, reversible thought concering tangible objects and events
- concrete operational
what is the difference between convergent and divergent thinking
- _____ is limited to facts
- ______ is creative thinking
- convergent thinking is focusing on one solution at a time, whereas divergent thinking is focusing on many solutions
- convergent
- divergent
the ability to ignore distractions increases most dramatically between
- 6 and 9 yrs of age
childhood obesity is caused by
over the past 20 yrs, obesity has _____
- a combo on herdity and enviorment
- doubled