Life sciences Flashcards
Including microbiology and body systems
Regional anatomy
All structures in one area studied together. Eg muscles/bones/nerves in the leg.
Systemic anatomy
The study of the gross anatomy of bodily systems. Eg studying the heart and blood vessels of the cardiovascular system
Surface anatomy
Study of internal body structures in relation to the overlaying skin surface. Eg location of blood vessels/bones/muscles
Study of developmental changes pre birth
Surface anatomy
Study of internal body structures in relation to the overlaying skin surface. Eg locating blood vessels, bones, muscles
Examiner feels body surfaces with hands (pulse and heart rate determination)
Examiner listens to body sounds to evaluate the function of certain organs (listening to lungs/heart)
Examiner taps on the body surface with their fingertips and listens to resulting echo
Prone body position
Face down
Supine body position
Face up
Superior direction
Direction towards the head/upper body
Inferior direction (caudal)
Direction away from the head/ towards the lower body parts. Eg the stomach is inferior to the heart.
Anterior direction (ventral)
Direction towards the front of the body (in front of). Eg the nose is anterior to the ears
Posterior (dorsal)
Direction towards the back of the body (behind). Eg the heart is posterior to the sternum
Medial (mesial)
Direction towards midline (centre) of body. Eg the ulna is on the medial side of the forearm.
Direction away from the midline of the body. Eg the eyes are lateral to the bridge of the nose.
Between a more medial and more lateral structures. Eg the clavicle (shoulder bone) is intermediate between the sternum and the shoulder
Closer to the origin body part/point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk. Eg the elbow is proximal (closer to point of attachment) to the wrist.
Farther from the origin of the body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk. Eg the knee is distal (further from point of attachment) to the thigh
Superficial direction
Direction towards the body/skins surface. Eg the skin is superficial to the skeleton.
Deep direction
Direction away from the body surface (more internal). Eg the skeleton is deep to the skin.
On the same side of the body. Eg the gallbladder and ascending colon are ipsilateral (both on the left)
On opposite sides of the body. Eg the ascending and descending colons are contralateral ( one on left one on right)
Outer wall of a body cavity (organ/tissue)
The covering of an organ within the ventral body cavity
Vertical plane that divides the body into left and right. (midline of the body)
Vertical plane that divides bodies into front (anterior) and back (posterior) parts.
Horizontal plane that divides the body into top (superior) and bottom (inferior) parts, similar to a cross section.
Axial and Appendicular
Axial makes up main axis of the body eg. head, neck, trunk. Appendicular is the appendages (limbs) that are attached to the body eg. arms, legs.
deoxyribose(pentose sugar), nitrogenous base and a phosphate group
regions of short repetitive DNA that protects chromosomal ends from shortening (linked with ageing and cancer protection)
regions of repetitive DNA that give chromosomes their constricted appearance, also holds sister chromatids together in mitosis and meiosis and is where the spindle fibres attach
Semi-conservative Replication
Weak hydrogen bonds break. As DNA unzips the 5’ to 3’ strand is continuous and the 3’ to 5’ is discontinuous. Both strands are free to act as a template. Complementary nucleotides align via complementary base pare ruling. DNA polymerase joins adjacent nucleotides via phosphodiester bonds (Strong covalent bonds)
Required for DNA replication. Group of enzymes that remove nucleotide bases from the end of a DNA chain
Required for DNA replication. Unwinds and rewinds DNA strands to prevent the DNA becoming supercoiled
DNA primase
Required in DNA replication. Synthesises RNA primers that act as templates for the starting point of DNA replication
DNA Ligase
Facilitates joining of DNA strands by formation of phosphodiester bonds
Central Dogma of Molecular biology
Concept that genetic information flows from DNA to mRNA and then to protein.
Somatic and Germ-line mutations
Somatic- only occurs in somatic cells and only affects the individual with the mutations arises. Germ-line- alters gametes and is passed to the next generation
Shine-Dalgarno sequence
Prokaryotic mRNA has this for ribosome binding. The sequence helps recruit the ribosome to the mRNA to initiate protein synthesis by aligning the ribosomes with the start codon,
The shine-Dalgarno sequence is typically found around position -7 to -4 of the start codon.
First amino acid sequence
formylmethionine in prokaryotes.
methionine in eukaryotes.
Parts of the GI tract (muscular alimentary canal)
Small intestine
Large intestine
Accessory organs - supply secretions (enzymes) for breakdown of food; salivary glands, gallbladder, liver, pancreas.
Digestive Process
- Ingestion
- Propulsion (movement of food) - peristalsis which is the propulsion by alternate contraction and relaxation.
- Mechanical digestion
- Chemical digestion - by enzymes
- Absorption - transport of digested end products into blood and lymph in wall of canal
- Elimination - elimination of indigestible substances from body as faeces
4 layers from oesophagus to anal canal
Muscularis externa
Mucosa (inner layer)
Mucous membrane with 3 sublayers:
Lining epithelium- absorbs nutrients, secretes mucus. Continuous with ducts and secretory cells of intrinsic digestive glands. Extrinsic (accessory) glands: liver and pancreas.
Lamina propria - loose connective tissue with nourishing and absorbing capillaries. Contains most of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
Muscularis mucosae - thin layer of muscle producing local movements.
This is connective tissue containing major blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves with many elastic fibres.
Muscularis externa
Two layers of smooth muscle responsible for peristalsis and segmentation.
The inner circular layer squeezes and acts as valves and the second layer is the outer longitudinal one.
Serosa (visceral peritoneum)
Simple squamous epithelium, thin layer areolar connective tissue underneath.
Smooth muscle
- spindle-shaped cells with one central nucleus
- grouped into sheets that run perpendicular to each other
- no striations
- Contractions are slow, sustained and resistant to fatigue
- does not always require a nervous signal, can be stimulated by stretching or hormones
Major locations: inside the eye, wall of vessels, respiratory tubes, digestive tubes, urinary organs, reproductive organs.
Nerves in the NS
Enteric NS:
Visceral plexuses within gut wall controlling muscles, glands with sensory info.
Autonomic NS (speeds or slows down):
Parasympathetic - stimulates digestive functions.
Sympathetic - inhibits digestion
Mesentery (folding of the peritoneum)
Two ventral mesenteries: falciform (ligament) and lesser omentum (fatty skin)
Double layer of peritoneum that extends to digestive organs from body wall. It holds organs in place and is the site of fat storage. Most are dorsal (extends from gut to posterior abdominal wall) and is the route by which circulatory vessels and nerves reach organs. Ventral mesentery is from stomach and liver to anterior abdominal wall.
Mouth = oral cavity, thick stratified squamous epithelium.
Lips = orbicularis oris muscle
Cheek = buccinator muscle
Mostly muscles, grip and reposition food, forms ‘bolus’ of food (lump), helps in swallowing and speech.
Taste buds - circumvallate and fungiform papillae
Lingual tonsil - back of tongue
Membrane lined cavity behind the nose and mouth, connecting them to the oesophagus which contains the oropharynx and the laryngopharynx.
3 constrictor muscles that sequentially squeeze bolus of food into oesophagus
Continuation of pharynx, muscular tube that descends through thorax.
Joins the stomach at the cardiac orifice
- Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder
- Bile is excreted into the duodenum when needed (fatty meal)
- Bile helps dissolve fat and cholesterol.
If bile salts crystallize, gall stones are formed which case intermittent pain, infection, fever and vomiting.
3 types of muscles
Skeletal muscle structure
Attaches to bones, skin or fascia.
Striated: light & dark bands are visible with a microscope
Voluntary control (except reflex movements)
Function: movement, posture/muscle tone, heat production. Most skeletal muscles contain all 3 fibres (I/IIa/IIb)
For movement, muscles pull on bones. As muscle fibres shorten, the bones to which they are attached move closer. Generally it is insertion bone that moves.
Skeletal muscles are under somatic control. Motor neurons are long and myelinated, so they can quickly carry action potentials long distances. Nerve terminals release acetylcholine into the NMJ
Skeletal muscle movement
Voluntary muscular movement is smooth as muscles work in teams.
Muscles work as agonists and antagonists, the muscle that is contracting is the agonist, whereas the muscle that is relaxing and lengthening is the antagonist.
In a team of muscles that is contracting, the one muscle that is mostly causing the movement is the ‘prime mover’ and the other helping muscle is the ‘synergist’.
Types of skeletal muscle contraction
Concentric- occurs when the length of a muscle shortens as tension is being generated.
Eccentric- occurs when a muscle lengthens as tension is being generated (muscle are acting as breaks, eg running downhill)
Isotonic- occurs when a muscle changes length whilst generating tension
Isometric- occurs when a muscle’s length doesn’t change when generating tension
Tonic contractions
Muscles involved in maintaining body position.
Here only a few fibres in a muscle shorten together and then maintain position.
Type I muscle fibres (slow twitch)
Type I- slow twitch fibres resist fatigue. These fibres are largely found in postural muscles as they can hold position for long periods. They are oxidative/aerobic and they contain lots of myoglobin (red) and mitochondria
Type II muscle fibres (fast twitch)
Type IIa are intermediate
- many mitochondria, but not as much myoglobin (red)
- they do not fatigue as quickly as type IIb, but they cannot generate as much explosive energy. - these are fast oxidative muscles.
Type IIb fibres have larger diameters
- more glycolytic/anaerobic
- they can produce rapid, forceful contractions, but they fatigue quickly
- they do not contain as much myoglobin (white) or many mitochondria
- such fast-twitch muscles are utilized in sprinting, jumping etc
Cardiac Muscle
This forms the contractile tissue of the heart.
- It is straited muscle, of uninucleate, branching cells joining together at intercalated discs
- It autorhythmic and under involuntary control.
Smooth muscle
Found in the GI tract, walls of arteries, arterioles, venules and veins, attached to hair follicles in the skin, in the walls of hollow organs, can form sphincters etc. Non-striated and involuntary.
Respond to neurotransmitters.
Propagate electrical signals over membrane
shorten & generate force
Can be stretched without damage
Return to original shape after being stretched.
Skeletal Muscle Fibre Anatomy
Skeletal muscle fibres are long cylindrical cells with several nuclei (multinucleated) appearing just under the plasma membrane (sarcolemma).
The sarcoplasm (muscle cell cytoplasm) is filled with myofibrils and myoglobin (red-coloured, oxygen-binding protein similar to haemoglobin).
Sarco-/sarc- denotes muscle or fleshy tissues
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR)
Sarcoplasm contains large amounts of glycogen, muscle cells contain all other usual organelles along with the SR, T-tubules and myofibrils.
SR is a form of endoplasmic reticulum, which forms a meshwork of interconnecting tubules that surrounds each myofibril and also forms end sacs (terminal cisternae). The SR regulates [Ca 2+], by storing it at rest and then releasing it when a muscle is stimulated to contract.
T Tubules
T tubules (transverse tubules) are from the sarcolemma forming hollow tubes that penetrate into the cell near the location of the terminal (can have 1000s). Since they are hollow they contain extracellular fluid, so can aid the delivery of O2, glucose etc to deeper parts pf the muscle cells.
Action potentials (coming from NMJ) travel along the sarcolemma and continue down T tubules. Therefore, T tubules conduct action potentials deep into the muscle cells close to the terminal cisternae of the SR.
Triads are successive groupings of three membranous structures: terminal cisternae/T tubules/ terminal cisternae.
These are the contractile parts of muscle cells. Muscle cells contain hundreds to thousands of rod like myofibrils, which run in parallel and extend the length of the cell.
Myofibrils are densely packed together. Organelles like mitochondria appear squeezed in between. They are made of small contractile units that are arranged in chains, these are called sarcomeres or muscle segments
Bands, Zones and Lines
Dark bands are anisotropic (polarize visible light) and are called A bands.
Light bands are isotropic (non-polarizing) and are called I bands
Each A band has a slightly lighter zone in the middle called the H zone, which is most visible in relaxed muscle.
The middle of an H zone has a dark line called the M line. The of an I band also has a dark line the Z line or disc.
A sarcomere, the smallest contractile unit, is the region between two Z lines.
Actin and Myosin
Thick filaments are mostly made of the protein myosin. A strand of myosin has a rod like tail and two globular heads.
The heads are often called cross bridges, as they link thick and thin filaments during contractions. One thick filament within a sarcomere contains ~ 200 myosin molecules. Heads posses ATPase activity and split ATP for energy during contraction.
Thin filaments are mostly made of actin. Subunits of actin filaments are the sites to which myosin heads attach during contraction.
Regulatory Proteins
Tropomyosin is a protein that spirals around filaments cores and when relaxed they block actin’s attachment sites for myosin.
Troponin binds to actin, tropomyosin and Ca 2+ ions. Both these proteins help control actin myosin interactions and thus muscle contraction and relaxation
Other proteins associated with muscle
Titin: stretchy protein that attaches thick filaments to Z disc. It can stretch to 4x resting length % spring back. It helps stabilise sarcomeres.
Myomesin: connects to titin and adjacent thick filaments.
Nebulin: inelastic protein that aligns thin filaments.
Dystrophin: links thin filaments to sarcolemma & transmits tension generated tendons.
Sliding filament mechanism (actin & myosin)
- myosin cross bridges pull on thin filaments
- thin filaments slide inwards
- z discs come towards each other
- sarcomeres shorten
- muscle fibres shorten
- thick and thin filaments do not change length.
Synaptic clefts
Tiny and filled with basal lamina (gel like glycoprotein rich substance) and the sarcolemma that forms the motor end plate is highly folded, so increasing its surface area to pack in a large number of Nicotinic ACh receptors.
Muscle relaxation
ACh is hydrolysed into acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzymes found on the surface of the motor end plate and in the basal lamina to form acetic acid and choline.
Motor end plate potentials stop.
Ca 2+ relase from the SR stops.
Active transport pumps Ca 2+ ions back into sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Tropomyosin-troponin complexes shield myosin binding sites on actin.
Circular muscle fibre bundle
Muscle bundle are arranged in concentric rings. This muscle arrangement surrounds external body openings, which they close by contracting. A general term for such muscles is ‘sphincters’
Eg. muscles surrounding mouth and eyes
Convergent muscle fibre bundle
Muscle bundles that have a wide origin, and converges towards a single tendon.
Eg the pectoralis major
Parallel muscle fibre bundle
The long axis of the muscle bundles run parallel to the long axis of the muscle.
Eg. biceps brachii and sartorius muscles
Pennate muscle fibre bundle
Muscle bundles are short and attach obliquely to a central tendon (like a feather). Bundles attaching to one side of the tendon are ‘unipennate’ (extensor digitorum longus); bundles attaching to opposite are ‘bipennate’ ‘rectus femoris’
Axial & Appendicular skeleton
Skeleton: rigid framework of connected bones that gives form to the body, protects and supports soft tissue, and provides attachment for muscles and a system of levers essential for locomotion. The human skeleton consists of 206 named bones.
The axial skeleton consists of 80 bones and is divided into the skull, vertebral column and bony thorax regions.
The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the limbs and their girdles. Yoke-like pectoral girdles attach the upper limbs to the body trunk. The pelvic girdle secures the lower limbs
Articulations (joints)
Sites where two or more bones meet
Hold the skeleton together
Give the skeleton flexibility
Functional joints
Amount of joint movement
- Synarthroses: immovable (skull)
- Amphiarthroses: slightly movable (vertebrae)
- Diarthroses: freely movable (shoulder/ankle)