life on a rotating planet Flashcards
what is the latitudinal imbalance in the earths rotation?
• Net radiation gain at low latitudes, such as the tropics
• Net radiation loss at high latitudes, the poles.
Heat must be transferred from equatorial regions towards the poles for global balance.
what are the 2 ways to produce net radiation?
• There are 2 ways to do this- latent heat of water and sensitive heat through the atmosphere.
what planet cannot hold a latitudinal imbalance?
• Mercury has no atmosphere or ocean, so cannot do this.
what are the 3 single cells of rotation?
Hadley and Polar and Ferrel
which of the cells are thermally direct?
hadley and ploar
which of the cells is thermally indirect?
what do the cells cause?
Causes the salinity of the ocean to vary and affect circulation.
Determines the rotation of rainforests and deserts
Rain occurs where the winds converge and where warm air rises. Near the equator, and at higher temperature latitudes.
Drying evaporation occurs where wings diverge.
how does the tilt affect the axis?
Due to the tilt, or obliquity of axis to normal to ecliptic.
how is light intensity changed in ocean water?
In clear ocean water, light intensity is reduced to about 1% at 100m depth.
Red and violet ends of the spectrum are absorbed faster than blue and green
Based of photic zone is defined at 1% light level
Coincides with max depth of mixed layer based.
how does the atmosphere and ocean surface later separate?
Separating; atmosphere and ocean surface layer- ocean deep layer. Sea surface- air water interface. There is a mixing process, and thermocline and pycnocline interface.
why is the earth rotating annoying?
The earth rotates; this is terribly inconvenient since it makes analysing and predicting motion much more difficult.
beginning at the troposphere and continuing up form 10 km, the temperature stays the same. Then it slowly rises reaching a maximum of 0 degrees, at the elevation of 47km, a boundary called the stratosphere. The layer between the troposphere and the stratopause is called the stratosphere, as it doesn’t convect and thus remains stable and stratified. The stratosphere doesn’t and mix with the underlying troposphere, because at the tropopause hotter air already lies on the top of the cooler air. Most of the ozone in the earths atmosphere resides in the stratosphere. Heating in the stratosphere happens because the ozone absorbs solar radiation.
the temperature decreases in the interval called the mesosphere. From 47 to 82 km. At the mesopause, the top of the mesosphere, tempertaure has dropped by about -85 degrees. The mesosphere doesn’t absorb much solar energy, and thus cools with increasing distance from the hooter stratosphere below. Most meteors being burning here, and have vaporised by the time they reach the altitude of 25 km.
what provides the centripetal force?
The vertical component of centripetal force needed to act on an object on earths surface is easily supplied by gravity.
what is the troposphere
this layer starts at the surface of the earth, and rises to an elevation of 9 km at the poles, and 12km at the equator.
what is the stratosphere
beginning at the troposphere and continuing up form 10 km, the temperature stays the same. Then it slowly rises reaching a maximum of 0 degrees, at the elevation of 47km, a boundary called the stratosphere.
what is the mesosphere
the temperature decreases in the interval called the mesosphere. From 47 to 82 km. At the mesopause, the top of the mesosphere, tempertaure has dropped by about -85 degrees.
what is the thermosphere
the outermost layer of the atmosphere, contains very little of the atmospheres gas, less than 1%. The temperatures increase with elevation in this layer, because gases of the thermosphere absorb short-wavelength solar energy., because the thermosphere has so little gas, it contains very little heat, even though it registers a high temperature.. Thus, an astronaut walking in space at an elevation of 200 km doesn’t feel hot.
how strong are the densities of gas in the 3 lower levels of the atmosphere?
The densities of gases in the lower 3 levels of the atmosphere are great enough that moving atoms and molecules frequently collide. They bounce off each other, and shoot off in different directions. This constant motion stirs the gases sufficiently to make a homogenous mixture, so that the air in the lower 3 layers has essentially the same proportion of different gases, regardless of location.
what is the homosphere?
atmospheric scientists refer to the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere together, as the homosphere. In contrast, the atoms and molecules in the low density thermosphere, collide so infrequently that this layer doesn’t homogenize.
what is the ionosphere
is the internal between 60 and 400 km, and includes most of the mesosphere, and the lower part of the thermosphere. It was given its name due to short-wavelength solar energy strops nitrogen molecules, and oxygen atoms of the electrons and transforms them into positive ions.
what does the ionosphere host?
The ionosphere also host a spectacular atmospheric phenomenon, the auroras. (aurora borealis in the northern hemisphere, and aurora Australis in the southern). This looks like undulating, ghostly curtains of varicoloured light in the night sky.
examples of wind in todays weather
We can feel the wind, due to the impact of air modules as they strike us. The existence of wind illustrates that the lower part of the atmosphere is in constant motion, swirling and overturning at rates between a fraction of a kilometre and a few hundred kilometres per hour. This circulation happens on 2 scales- local and global.
Local circulation refers to the movement of air over a distance of ten to 10000 kilometres.
Global circulation refers to the movement of volume of air in oaths that ultimately carry it around the entire planet.
what is the rate of pressure in the atmosphere?
The rate of pressure change over a given horizontal distance, called a pressure gradient, can be represented by the slope of a line on a graph plotting pressure on the vertical axis and distance on the horizontal axis.
how does air circulation work?
Air circulation, like the movement of water in a heated pot, results from convection, heated air expands and becomes less dense, so it rises to be replaced by sinking cooler denser air. In the case of the earths atmosphere, the energy comes from solar radiation.
why dont all areas recieve the same amount of solar energy?
Beacuse the earth is a sphere, not all areas receive the same amount of incoming solar energy, or insolation, portions of the earths surface hit by direct rays of the sun receive more energy per square metre than portions hit by oblique rays.
jwhy are polar regions cooler at the surface than equatorial regions?
The contrast in the amount of solar radiation received by different latitudes means that the polar regions are cooler at the surface than the equatorial regions. This contract could cause global air to circulate by convection.
what does the coriolis effect produce?
In sun, because of the Coriolis effect, circulating air in the troposphere splits into three globe-encircling convection cells in each hemisphere. The low-latitude cells, extending from the equator to a latitude about 30 degrees, are called HADLEY CELLS. The mid-latitude cells are called FERREL CELLS. The high latitude cells are called POLAR CELLS.
what are the belts and convergence zone?
In this 3 cell per hemisphere model of atmospheric circulation, several belts of high and low pressure from around the earth. The equatorial regions are marked by a belt of convergence called the intertropical convergence zone.
what happens to the cells at 30 degrees?
At the latitude of 30 degrees, and at high latitude, a Hadley cell converges with a Ferrel cell, causing cooler, dense air to sink. This downward movement forms a belt of high pressure called subtropical divergence zone, because the downward flowing air diverges when it reaches the earths surface.
what is subpolar low and polar high?
The rise of air where the surface flow of a polar cell converges with the surface flow of a ferrel cell, creates a subpolar low, and the sinking of air at the pole itself creates a polar high.
how are the belts of the earth created.
The global scale flow in the 6 major convective cells in earth, create belts in which surface air generally flows in a consistent direction. Such airflows are called prevailing.
what do hadley cells do?
• Hadley cells in the northern hemisphere: near surface winds starts to flow from north to south, and are deflected west. Thus, between the equator an 30 degrees north, surface winds come out of the northeast, and are called northeast trade-winds. Trade winds in the southern hemisphere, which start flowing northwards and hem deflect to the west, end up flowing from southeast to northwest, and are called the southeast trade winds.
what do Ferrel cells do?
Ferrel cells: surface air starts to move towards the north, but because of the Coriolis starts to move towards the north, but because of the Coriolis effect, it curves to the east. Throughout much of north america and europe, the prevailing surface winds come out of the west and southwest, and are known as the surface westerlies. In the subtropical high itself, where air flow is primarily downward, winds are weak and tend to shift in different directions. The region is known as the horse latitudes.
what are polar cells?
Polar cells: surface air starts by flowing from the pole southwards, by deflects to the west.
why is the air warmer at the equator and therefore expands?
At the equator, air is warmer and thus expands. This causes the top of the troposphere there to rise relative to the top of the troposphere in polar regions. Therefore the air pressure at a given elevation above the equator is greater than at the same elevation above the poles. This pressure gradient causes overall high-altitude air to flow north.
what is the gradient pressure like over the polar front?
Over the polar front and over the horse latitudes, the pressure gradient at the top of the troposphere is steep.
why does the daily temperature change during the year?
So the amount of radiation received at a give latitude varies during the year. As a result, the average daily temperature changes during the year.
what are the different boundaries between the 2 hemispheres called and why?
The boundary between the 2 hemispheres is called the “terminator”, because of the earths tilt, the terminator doesn’t always pass through north and south poles.
what are some of the special days due to the seasons the earths tilt causes?
Some special days- solstice 21st June, terminator lies 23 degrees away from the poles. Midnight sun.
what happens due to the steep gradient at polar and hourse latitudes?
Because of the steepness of the gradient, high-altitude westerlies flow particularly fast. These zones of rapid movement, where winds typically flow at speeds of 200 and 400 km per hour, are called jet streams. The polar jet stream is faster and more important than the subtropical jet stream.
what are jet streams?
These zones of rapid movement, where winds typically flow at speeds of 200 and 400 km per hour, are called jet streams. The polar jet stream is faster and more important than the subtropical jet stream.
what are high westerlies?
The Coriolis effect comes into play and makes this air deflect to the east, and so in the northern hemisphere we have generally westerly winds at the top of troposphere, called high-altitude westerlies.
what are polar easterlies?
The resulting prevailing winds, which are known as the “polar easterlies”, flow from the polar high to the subpolar low, and converge with the westerlies of lid-latitudes at the polar front.
what are doldrums?
When the southeast and northeast trade winds merge at the equator, they are almost lowing due west, but the winds along the equator are very slow, because the air is mostly rising. Ships tended to be becalmed in this belt, which came to be called DOLDRUMS.
what is prevailing?
These simple patterns tend to be disrupted by local scale winds caused by storms or affected by local topography. When describing winds, meteorologists label them according to the direction the air comes from.
what happens when warm air rises?
When warm, moist air rises, it cools adiabatically. Cooler air can hold mess moisture, so this air becomes oversaturated. The moisture condenses and forms clouds which produces rain.
why are there tropical rainforests were pressure belts are cool?
Therefore, the equatorial lows are regions of heavy rainfall, which lead to the growth of tropical rainforests in contrast, in high pressure belts where cool , dry air sinks, air contracts and heats adiabatically. The resulting hot air can absorb moisture so that it rains only rarely.
why is the air hot in belt regions?
In these region, intense isolation makes air hot, so that it rises. The upwards flow of hot, rising air leaves an area of low pressure in its wake, thus the convergence zone the equator is also called the equatorial low. The low pressure area in the equatorial regions fills with cooler air flowing in from higher latitudes at the bases of Hadley cells.
what is a polar front?
The convergence zone at latitude 60 degrees is called the polar front.
how does the centripetal change weight?
Since the gravity >300 x the centrpetal force, the vertical component of centripetal is provided by gravity. This causes a very small change in weight.
how does the centripetal force apply with the un-spherical world?
The rotating earth is not spherical. In a spherical earth, the gravity will be directed purely downward, but the centripetal force is directed towards the axis, so has a component that acts with gravity. And also, a component that acts along the surface poleward.
what is oblate ellipsoid?
However due to the earth not being spherical, an oblate ellipsoid. An oblate ellipsoid spherical earth, there is a component of gravity acting along the surface.
what happens within the troposphere?
Within this layer, the temperature decreases progressively from an average of 18 degrees at the surface, to about 55 degrees at the top. It means turning, in Greek.
why is the troposphere also called the weatehr layer?
The air in the troposphere are constantly undergoing convection. The heat that initiates movement in the troposphere comes primarily from infrared radiation rising from the earths surfaces. The radiation heats air at the base of the troposphere, and in effect, the earth bakes air from below. This then rises, and cold air sinks to take its place in a convection cycle. This is also called the “weather layer”
what is the layer between the troposphere nad the stratosphere?
The layer between the troposphere and the stratopause is called the stratosphere, as it doesn’t convect and thus remains stable and stratified.
why doesnt the stratosphere mix with the troposphere?
The stratosphere doesn’t and mix with the underlying troposphere, because at the tropopause hotter air already lies on the top of the cooler air. Most of the ozone in the earths atmosphere resides in the stratosphere. Heating in the stratosphere happens because the ozone absorbs solar radiation.
why does the mesosphere cool with increasing distance from stratosphere?
The mesosphere doesn’t absorb much solar energy, and thus cools with increasing distance from the hooter stratosphere below.
which part of the atmosphere do meteors burn?
mesosphere- Most meteors being burning here, and have vaporised by the time they reach the altitude of 25 km.
what is the heterosphere?
The gases separate into distinct layers based on composition, with the heaviest (Nitrogen) on the bottom, and the succession of O, He, and H. This is called the heterosphere, due to the composition.
what is an important role for the ionosphere?
The ionosphere pays in important role in modern communication, as it reflects the radio transmissions from earth so they can be heard over distances.
what are Auroras?
They appear when charged particles (protons and electrons), ejected from the sun, especially when solar flares erupt, reach the earth and interact with the ions in the ionosphere, making them release energy. Auroras occur at high latitudes because the earths magnetic field trap solar particles and carries them to the poles.
what is an isobar?
A line on a map along which the air has a specified pressure s called an isobar. The pressure is the same along the isobar. Isobars can never touch, because they represent different values of pressure.
how does air flow down a pressure gradient?
Winds form wherever a pressure gradient exists. Air always flows from a high-pressure region to a low pressure region, and it flows down a pressure gradient.
how does the coriolis effect modify wind direction?
A difference in pressure exists between one isobar and the next, so the air starts flowing perpendicular to these lines, as we will se, however, the Coriolis effect modifies wind direction.
how much of the solar energy is reflected back to space?
Solar energy constantly bathes the earth. Of this energy, 30% reflects back to space.
how much solar energy is absorbed by clouds, land and water?
Air or clouds absorb 19%, the land and water absorb 51%. The energy absorbed b land and water later reradiates as infrared radiation and thus bakes the atmosphere form below.
how can you stimulate the amount of solar energy on the earth?
We can stimulate this contrast with a flash light- if you point the flashlight beam straight down you get a small but bright spot. If you aim the beam at 45 degrees, it covers a larger area and broader area and is not as bright. Higher latitudes thus receive less energy than lower latitudes.
why do we have seasons?
Because of the tilt of the earths axis, the amount of solar radiation that any point on the surface receives changes during the year. Which is why we have seasons.
how does the current flow warm air to the poles?
warm air at the equator would rise and flow towards the pole, to be replaced by cool polar air, which would flow to the equator at lower elevations. Hadley’s proposal didn’t take into account an important factor, namely the earths rotations and the resulting Coriolis effect, the Coriolis effect, refers to the deflection that happens to an object as it moves from the circumference to the centre of a rotating disk, or from the equator to the polar of a rotating sphere.