Life in South Africa (c.1948) Flashcards
What were the dates of the second Boer war?
When was the creation of the Dominion of South Africa?
When was the ANC formed?
When was the ANC youth league formed?
Define coalition
A partnership between different political parties to try to win elections together
Define Apartheid
Strict separation of racial groups meaning ‘apart-hood’ in Afrikaans
What were the 4 racial groups in South Africa
Whites, Blacks, Coloureds and Indians
Define Afrikaners
Descendants of immigrants to South Africa, mainly from the Netherlands and Germany
Who were the Africans?
The original population of Africa
Define bureaucracy
Members of administration who implemented government policies
Define white-collar
Professional jobs such as in administration
What was South Africa’s view on the American ‘separate but equal policy’?
They disagreed with the policy as they believed that blacks were inferior so their facilities should also be inferior and that blacks would not be able to appreciate good facilities.
What was Grand Apartheid?
Overall policy to keep races as separate as possible
What was Petty Apartheid?
Day to day restrictions such as separate facilities.
What was a physical feature that determind race and the test for this feature?
Thickness of ones hair by placing a pencil in hair.
Define White Supremacy
A belief in the right of white people to govern and the inferiority of non-whites
Define colonisation
Settling in an area and taking control of its people, often through force and exploitation
Define Bantus
African people who spoke a common group of languages. In the apartheid era white people used this term to refer to people in a derogatory manner.
Define indigenous
Native to an area
Define Boers
A dutch word; the name given to the settlers from Germany and the Netherlands
What were the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars?
A series of wars fought between France and Britain and their respective allies between 1792 and 1815 in which France was defeated.
Define Hinterland
Land in the interior of the country
What was the Great Trek?
Movement of Boer farmers into the vast South African interior away from British rule, which started in 1834.
What was the covenant?
Solemn oath or agreement e.g. the apparent agreeent between God and the Boers in 1838
When did the Dutch East trading company arrive in South Africa?
Which two tribes first met the Boers?
San and Khoi
When did the British empire abolish slavery?
When was the battle of Blood River and who was it against?
1838 and against Boers and Zulus
Define Republic
A country without a monarch usally lead by a president
What was the gold rush?
Mass migration of people to an area to find gold
Where is the Cape?
The southernmost part of South Africa which was part of the British empire.
Define dominion
A largely-self governing countrywithin the British empire, recognising the monarch as its head of state.
When was the gold rush in Traansval?
1867 to 1886
How many Indians had the british brought to South Africa in the 18th century?
When and what was the Mines and Works Act?
1911, Excluded Africans from most skilled jobs in the mines which were then reserved for whites.
When and what was the Natives’ Labour Registration Act?
1911, Set working conditions for Africans. They had to be recruited in rural areas, fingerprinted and issued with pass books which gave them permission to enter areas of work.
When and what was the Natives Land Act?
1913, Restricted African land ownership to 7% of South Africa which was poor quality land, they were forced to work for white farmers or have temporary contracts to work in mines or factories as their land became overcrowded.
When and what was the Native (Urban Areas) Act?
1923, Africans could only remain in cities to administer for the needs of whites and they were expected to live in townships on the outskirts of cities if thy were employed in cities and had to leave when their contracts ended.
When and what was the Indstrial Conciliation Act?
1923, Restricted rights of Africans to organise into trade unions or negotiate terms of employment.
When and what was the Native Administration Act?
1927, Set up the department of native affairs to control matters realting to Africans. They were separated in law from all other South Africans and had no civil rights outside of this structure.
When and what was the Native Trust and Land Act?
1936, Extended amount of tribal reserves to 13.6% of totla South African land and Africans couldn’t buy land from outside of this structure.
When and what was the Representation of the Natives Act?
1936, removed the rights of 10,000 Africans to vote so they had no rights of residence outside of designated tribal reserves. African leaders (approx 4000) in the cape were allowed to vote for four white official in the senate.
What was the Natives Representative council?
Six white officals and four nominated and twelve elected Africans to represent the views of Cape Africans in parliment.
What were pass laws?
Pass laws were developed in the 19h and 20th century to controlt he movement and migration of Africans. It worked like an internal passport system to control where Africans could work, live and visit.
Define pastoral environment
Rural life based on small-scale agriculture
What were the two major reasons for white justification of segregation?
Ignorance and fear of the consequences for their position and safety if Africans were given political or economic rights.
A need to feel that segregation was in the Africans best interests and that they were happy with a pastoral life.
In 1946 what percentage of each racial group lived in urban areas?
23% of Africans
75% of Whites
61% of Coloureds
71% of Indians
Define Kaffir
A derogatory name given to Black Africans by Afrikaners
Define Kraals
Afrucan collections of farms where families or close members of tribal groups would live together.
What was the Dutch Reformed Church?
The Afrikaner Church which supported apartheid and was heavily Christian.
Define the Laager Mentality
The belief amoungst Afrikaners that they needed to stick together.
What was the Broederbond and when was it formed?
1918, An influencial Afrikaner organisation that pormoted apartheid and Afrikaner hegemony.