Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1939 Flashcards
What were the ideal Nazi women like?
They should have natural, long hair, no make up,traditional clothing, fair haired (Aryan), sturdily built, non drinker, marry/have children, believe in Kinder Kuche Kirche (Children,Kitchen,Church), stay at home no job
What was the marriage law of 1933 in which the Nazis promoted?
It gave loans to married couples if woman gave up work. Women should have at least 4 children & were let off loans for each child they had.Women given medals for having children.
What were the Nazi youth groups?
4 Youth groups. Young German Folk (boys) Young Girls, Hitler Youth (boys 14-18), League of German Maidens (Girls 14-18).
What id the Nazis want from the youth groups?
Nazis wanted these children to be loyal to Germany/Hitler & prepare for their future roles,
wives/mothers (Girls), fight in forces/work in industry/economy (Boys).
When were the youth activies and what were they?
Activities took place at weekends, holidays, after school, eg boys-shooting, drills, camps,
girls - cookery, housework, craft, childcare.
Both groups went on hikes,camps,learned about Hitler,sport.
How did the Nazis mainly control children?
Through eductation which was another way of making them loyal Nazis in preparation for their future role in the Nazi state as adults.
What was Nazi education like?
Teachers had be be Nazi party members. Separate schools for boys & girls with a set curriculum. Anti-Semitism was part of all subjects .All textbooks had to be approved by Nazis. PE was important. Girls taught domestic skills Boys taught science & military skills. Both studied German, History, Geography & Maths. Race studies was a new subject, they learnt about the superiority of the Aryan race. Eugenics-science of controlled breeding to produce perfect human being was taught.
What was the National Labour Service (RAD) of 1935?
It was compulsory for men ages18-25 to serve 6 months in public works eg draining marshes.
Why did many hate the RAD?
There was low pay,clong hours and boring work
What was the construction projects of the RAD?
Building roads, motorways (autobahns), buildings, sports facilities, rearmament, all created jobs.
What did unemployement in Nazi Germany drop to?
It dropped from 5 million to 0.3 million
Who didn’t the statistics include?
Jews, women and prisoners.
How did Hitler improve workers conditions?
German Labour Front (DAF), Ran schemes, ,Strength through Joy (KdF), Beauty of Labour(SdA), the Volkswagen,
What did the DAF do?
They replaced unions,workers had to be members
What did the KDF do?
They aimed to increase productivity by making workers happy eg concerts, holidays
What did the SDA do?
They improved conditions eg canteens,swimming pools,
What did the Volkwagan do?
They promoted car ownership, workers paid 5 marks a week towards buying a car, by 1939 no one had paid enough, money went to rearmament.
What were the positives of these schemes?
There were more jobs, wages rose, more activities
What were negatives of these schemes?
The cost of food rose, unions banned few rights, worked longer hours
What were the racial beliefs/policies?
They wanted to increase the number of Aryans, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, athletic.’Race farms’ were set up where Aryan men/women met to have children and only recruited Aryans. Untermenschen-inferior people eg gypsies, blacks, Jews.Nuremberg Laws of 1935 banned Aryans from marrying them. Gypsies/homosexuals were sent to concentration camps.People sterilised eg disabled, and babies with mental/physical issues were killed
What was the Jewish persecution like?
Businesses were attacked & Jews were removed from jobs. Scapegoats for Germany’s problems & defeat in war. Shops were boycotted, Jews were banned from owning businesses, Property was vandalised (Kristallnacht), and Jews were banned from jobs-eg teachers, vets, nurses, acting.
What were the Nuremberg laws of 1935?
Jews could not be citizens, vote, work for the government. Had to wear a yellow star on clothing for ID. No Jew could marry/have sex with a German.
What was the Kristallnacht of 1938 (The Night of Broken Glass)?
A Jew shot a German in Paris. Jewish homes, shops & Synagogues were attacked in Germany.100 Jews were killed. Jews had to pay damages.