Life In Nazi Germany Flashcards
What two plans did the Nazis create to try and improve the economy?
- New Plan
- Four Year Plan
In what ways did the Nazis try to reduce unemployment?
- Invisible unemployed
- Job creation schemes
- Rearmament
What was the RAD?
Reich Labour Service. Compulsory for all men aged 18-25 without work.
How did life for workers improve under the Nazis?
- Weekly wages increased from 86 marks to 109 marks.
- Most people had work.
- Volkswagen car scheme to reward workers.
How did life not improve for workers in Nazi Germany?
- Trade Unions were banned
- Cost of living increased
- Working hours increased from 42 to 47 hours a week.
What was the KdF (Strength through Joy)?
Provided leisure activities and rewards for “good” Nazis
What was the Law for the Encouragement of Marriage?
Provided loans to newly married couples. Every child born paid off a quarter of the loan.
What did the Nazis want women to be like?
- Focus on motherhood
- Women should stay in the home
- Traditional appearance
How were the Nazis successful in their policies towards women?
- German Women’s Enterprise was established.
- Use of medals to reward women with larger families.
- Many women remained as housewives
How were the Nazis not successful in dealing with women?
- Birth rate remained low
- Female concentrate camps were established like Ravensbruck.
- Difficult to mobilise women into war work.
What organisation did teachers have to join under the Nazis?
Nazi Teacher League
How did the curriculum reflect Nazi ideas?
- PE was 15% of the timetable
- All subjects had to reflect Nazi ideas.
Name two specialist schools which were established by the Nazis
- National Political Training Institutes
- Adolf Hitler School
What did the Hitler Youth Law of 1936 state?
Membership of the Hitler Youth was compulsory.
How many members did the Hitler Youth have by 1939?
7 million - showed that not everyone joined.
What did the Nazis mean by Aryan?
Master-Race. Preferred blonde hair, blue eyed and tall.
What was the Sterilisation Law (July 1933)?
Government compulsory sterilised certain groups of people. Between 1934 and 1945 about 350,000 people were compulsorily sterilised.
What were the Nuremberg Laws 1935?
- Jews were no longer German citizens
- Jews could not marry or have sex with Aryans.
What was Kristallnacht?
Anti-Jewish attacks spread across Germany on shops, homes, synagogues and businesses
What were the consequences of Kristallnacht?
- 100 Jews were killed
- 20,000 Jews were sent to concentration camps
- 7,500 Jewish businesses were destroyed
- Jews were fined 1 billion Reichmarks by the Nazis
- By 1939 250,000 Jews had emigrated .