Life During The War Flashcards
Most under 21
Were as young as 17, old as 50
Drilled for long hours, slept on ground
Support dwindled
Began offering money for men to enlist
1863- draft law
DEFINE: Copperheads
People who opposed using force to keep the south in the union
Mostly northern democrats
DEFINE: Draft law
Required all males 18-35 to enlist
Unless they can pay $300 or have someone stand in for them
What was the civil war known as?
Rich man’s war but poor man’s fight
Reaction to the draft
Immigrants believed they were being forced to end slavery, riots, New York City was the worst
Lincoln reacts
Suspended writ of habeas corpus
Instituted Martial law
DEFINE: Habeas corpus
The right to be told what you are being held for and appear before a judge
DEFINE: Martial law
Rule by army
Northern economy
Income tax in 1861 Inflation Farm production went up Factories benefit Profiteers got rich by charging
DEFINE: Inflation What happened?
A rise in prices and a decrease in the value of money
Prices doubled
Value of money decreased
Income didn’t keep up with inflation
DEFINE: Profiteers
Got rich off the government by charging excessive prices for goods needed to supply military
Southern Economy
Tax in kind Cotton trade damaged by blockade Income tax Inflation Switched: Cash crops to food crops Needed to build factories
DEFINE: Income tax
Tax on a persons earnings
“Rich man’s war, but the poor man’s fight”
The rich (congress) declared war, but their family/friends could pay $300 to get out of it, but poor couldn’t so they ended up fighting