Life And Death Flashcards
Assisted suicide
Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide
The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive by itself
The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease
Immortality of the soul
The idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body
Near-death experience
When someone about to die has an out of body experience
Non-voluntary euthanasia
Ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have a good reason for thinking they would want you to do so
Unexplained things which are though to have spiritual causes, eg ghosts
Quality of life
The idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living
The belief that, after death, souls are reborn in a new body
The belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised
Sanctity of life
The belief that life is holy and belongs to God
Voluntary euthanasia
Ending life painlessly when someone is In great pain asking for death
Sanctity of Life
“We belong to the Lord” - Romans
“God created man in his own image” - Genesis
“You shall not commit murder” - Exodus
“Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” - Corinthians
Pro-choice Abortion
A risk to the mother’s life
A risk of serious mental/physical injury to the mother
Likelihood of child being born mentally/physically handicapped
CofE and Methodist :
Abortion is in some cases the most loving thing to do - situation ethics
Lesser of two evils
Life doesn’t begin at conception
We have the technology - we should use it
Free will
“Compassion in circumstances of extreme distress”
Baptist :
Lesser of two evils
Mother’s right to choose
Quality of life
Doctrine of double effect, unintentional harm to the foetus to save the mother
Quakers : No clear opinion Conscience Can you life with the fact that you killed a baby? Personal and to be treated with care
Pro-life Abortion
A foetus is a human being and has rights, mother’s rights cannot outweigh foetus’
RCC : "All sperm is sacred" Life begins at conception Sanctity of life, only God is allowed to take away life and nobody else should be able to do so "Abortion is a horrible crime"
Baptist :
Potential life
Want to lower legal age of a foetus
CofE :
“Every human life is unique, born or yet to be born…”
Methodist :
“avoided if at all possible”
Pro-choice Euthanasia
Netherlands - Legal if it is agreed to by the patient, their relatives and at least two doctors
Assisted suicide is illegal but rarely prosecuted against
Secular :
Everyone should have autonomy over their own person
Putting down animals is seen as humane
It is morally wrong to prolong suffering
Relieves burden on families and prevents strain on medical resources
Pain-free death
Death is a private matter
Libertarian - best interest of the patient and doesn’t harm others
Utilitarian - greatest happiness to the greatest number of people
Quakers :
No united opinion
there is a difference between switching off a life support and giving someone lethal drugs
People should be allowed to die with dignity, how and when they want
Pro-life Euthanasia
Secular :
Hippocratic Oath for doctors “first do no harm”
Slippery slope
Unexpected recoveries due to medical advances
Drugs can be used for pain control
animal abuse if you dont put it down when seriously ill, same applies to humans
“Euthanasia is a grave violation of the laws of God”
Morally wrong
“Ordinary” (lack of food) and “extraordinary” (medical intervention) deaths, no need to go to extremes
Methodist :
Sanctity of life
Want to provide better care
“God gives and God takes away”
CofE : Sanctity of life Everyone has a "right to life" Very compassionate "Those who become vulnerable...deserve special care and protection"
Pro-life Euthanasia
Secular :
Hippocratic Oath of doctors “first do no harm”
Slippery slope
People can make unexpected recoveries due to medical advances
Drugs can be used to relieve pain
“Euthanasia is a grave violation of the laws of God”
Morally wrong
“Ordinary” (lack of food) and “extraordinary” (medical intervention) ways of dying, it is not necessary to go to extremes
Methodist :
“God gives and God takes away”
Sanctity of Life
Want to provide better care
CofE :
Sanctity of Life
Very compassionate
“Those who become vulnerable…deserve special care and protection”
Baptist :
Same as abortion
Do people have the right to take away life?