Life And Death Flashcards
Life after death, existence continues after physical death.
Environmental sustainability?
Ensuring that the demands placed on natural resources can be met without reducing capacity to allow all people and other species of animals as well as plant life, to live well, now and in the future
From Greek eu ‘good’ + Thanatos ‘death’. Referred to as mercy killing. The act of killing or permitting the death of a person who is suffering from a serious illness
The process by which different living creatures are believed to have developed from earlier less complex forms during the history of the earth
The deliberate termination of a pregnancy
Quality of Life
The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable
Sanctity of Life
The belief that human life is precious, or sacred for many religious believers, only human life holds this special status
The spiritual aspect of a being that which connects someone to god. The soul is often regarded as non-physical and as living on after physical death, in an afterlife.
What is Exegesis?
Reading out of the text. Taking a text literally and using all tools provided by the study of ancient languages. Doesn’t require any personal understanding
What is Eisegesis?
Reading into the text. Meaning of the text is subjective and is supplied by the way we understand it. They will approach a teaching based on gender, personal beliefs, science etc
What are Conservative Protestants beliefs regarding the origin of the universe?
Ken Ham founder and president of Answers in Genesis an organisation which promotes a literal approach to Genesis. He regards Genesis as a book which gives a scientific account of creation.
- Christ lived 2000 years ago
- Adam lived 4000 years ago
- Adam was created on the 6th day of creation
- creation of Adam and Earth took place 6000 years ago
- Yom is a 24 hour period of time
Ken Ham quote on Yom?
“The days in Genesis do not correspond to geologic ages, but are six consecutive twenty-four hour days of creation”
What does Ken Ham say about the inerrant word of God?
It always takes priority
“By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record”
Scientific evidence must be mistaken as it contradicts the account given in the bible. Scientists cannot be certain about what happened they can only have theories.
What do Old Earth Creationists believe?
Yom could be interpreted as a much longer period of millions of years. Therefor the 6 day creation could have been stretched to fit 9.9 billion years between the Big Bang and the appearance of life on earth. They might also believe in gap creationism
What do Liberal Protestants believe about creation?
Episcopalian Church 2005 produced Episcopal Catechism of Creation. Takes eisegetical approach to the Bible: bible had to be understood as being a set of documents written by people who were limited by their non-scientific understanding. They believe religion and science can work together they accept theories of creation and believe that they present no problem in regard to faith.
Liberal Episcopalian church quote on genesis?
“Meaningful in its own time, but has been replaced by succeeding models and most recently by our modern portrait of a vast universe with billions of galaxies”
Episcopalian Church quote?
“The bible, including Genesis is not a divinely dictated scientific textbook. We discover scientific knowledge about gods universe in nature not scripture”
Steven Hawking quote on creation?
“Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going”
Who is Alistair McGrath and what does he believe?
He believes that people should find a balance between science and religion and integrate the two by adding scientific insights into religious worldviews
Alistair McGrath quote?
“I would begin by pointing out that Christianity and the natural sciences are different but that doesn’t mean they are incompatible”
God Dominion quote?
“God blessed them, and god said to them be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon earth”
What is the Dominion Approach?
God made humans to rule over the earth like kings therefor they do not have to care about the earth as it’s there wish what they do to it.
What is the Stewardship Approach?
. Humans have to keep the earth and protect it as it does not belong to them it belongs to god and humans have a responsibility over it. “To till it and keep it”
What do Catholic stewards and Pope Francis believe about Dominion?
“They reject Dominion and believe in stewardship as Dominion is a result of incorrect interpretation,. He says that living as protectors of gods creation is not a option it’s a duty of being Christian”
What do Humanists believe about Dominion?
. They don’t believe humans are superior to any other living thing. They don’t believe in religion. They believe that everyone should protect the earth.
“I should say the universe is just there, and that’s all”
What did the Sir Hermann Bondi leader of the BHA say about why he cares about the environment?
“Because I want my grandchildren to be able to see elephants”
. He values the work of scientific research
What is shallow ecology?
Humanist view that the planet should be conserved as it has extrinsic value and helps human Welfare and human happiness. This view only focuses on humans
What is deep ecology?
. Environmental sustainability can only be achieved by humans changing their attitudes. Instead of finding ways in which earths natural ressources can benefit them. People should live simple and reduce the need for material possession. Elephants shouldn’t exist in the future to benefit humans but because they are apart of the natural world and have intrinsic not extrinsic value.