Life after death Flashcards
What do Catholics teach on the meaning of death
- Catholics believe that death is not the end of our existence.
- Jesus taught that whose who believe would have eternal life.
- Death is not the end - just a way to new life.
What do Catholics teach about dying well?
- They should prepare to die well.
- they will seek palliative care.
- They might spend time with their loved ones and get their funeral in order.
How does the Church comfort those who have lost loved ones?
- Prayers are said for those who have died.
- They explore the belief of eternal life through music and art.
What does the Catholic Church teach about euthanasia and assisted suicide?
- It rejects them as appropriate ways of ending life.
- They disagree because all life is sacred and is a gift from God and should be respected until a natural death.
- They are against ‘do not murder’
What is palliative care?
- care in a hospice or another similar place
- it offers pain-relieving medication, nursing care and supervision until natural death.
- Essentially they make the sick person as comfortable as they can.
Why is palliative care important?
- The Catholic Church supports palliative care.
- It respects the value of every person until their death.
- The pain reducing medication allows people to retain as much dignity and quality of life as possible.
What do non-religious people think about the right to die?
- People who suffer from incurable diseases might choose to end their life before their illness reaches the final stages.
- they wish to end their life before their quality of life is diminished.
- a person who is fully conscious and rational has the freedom to choose when to end their life.
What do Catholics believe about the Sanctity of life?
- All human life is sacred and holy
- Life is a gift from God and should be respected
- Euthanasia and assisted suicide are going against the sanctity of life.
- “do not murder”
What do Catholics think about euthanasia/assisted suicide?
- it is wrong.
- it goes against the sanctity of life
- it goes against the Ten Commandments ‘do not murder’
- anyone who assists in euthanasia is co-operating with murder
What do Catholics think the right way to die is?
- People should die with dignity using palliative care.
- It is acceptable to turn off a life support machine if the patient is braindead.
- it is acceptable for a person to refuse treatement which would prolong a painful illness.
- It is not acceptable to withdraw food and fluids to someone in a permenant vegetative state. As food and water are part of basic human digity.
What do some people think about quality of life and euthanasia?
- quality of life is more important than life being considered sacred.
- if someone is in constant pain beyond any pleasure they could have they could have a poor quality of life.
- some people argue if a person has a poor quality of life they have a right to die.
What would the argument be against no quality of life condoning euthanasia?
Quality of life is subjective. How do we measure it?
What arguments are there FOR the right to die argument?
- Many consider it a basic human right to control the ending of your life.
- Advances in medicine have led to people being alive who would previously have died. They should be allowed a painless death.
- Those who believe in free will think it is wrong to keep someone alive who has no hope of recovery
- we do not let animals suffer so why should humans?
- people should be allowed to die with dignity.
What arguments are there AGAINST the right to die argument?
- life is given by God and so should only be taken by God
- if Euthanasia is legalised people might stop looking for cures to stop terminal illnesses
- People may want to live but go through euthanasia as they dont want to be a burden to people anymore
- The role of the doctor is to save life not to destroy it
- people might change their minds, but it would be too late.
- All life is special and worthy of protection.
What do Catholics believe about life after death?
- The Nicene Creed teaches us that Jesus rose fro the dead and there will be life after death.
- They believe in eternal life.
- They will have a spiritual resurrection body given by God.
- St Paul describes what happens after death in his first letter to corinthians
What do Catholics believe in the ressurection of the body?
- In 1 corinthians Paul teaches that Jesus rose from the dead and that what happened to Jesus will also happen to his followers.
- Ressurection is the belief that after death people will have bodilt existence.
- Paul teaches people will have a ressurection like Jesus and will have a spiritual resurection body given to them by God.
- This is the glorified body.
- When Jesus rose his body was familiar at times but his disciples did not recognise him
Give two quotes for the belief in the ressurection of the body in Corinthians
“if christ has not been aised then our faith is vain”
“if there is a physical body there is a spiritual body”
What do Christians believe about the survival of the soul?
- It is a non-physical thing which lives on after death.
- Most Christians believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe that when the body dies, the soul leaves the body to live with God.
- Other Christians say the body and soul are one and cannot be separtated. After death the soul is temporarily apart from the body, but then the body and soul will be reunited on Judgement day.
What do Humanists think about life after death?
- Humans are just a physical body.
- there is no soul.
- this is the only life we have and we should make the most of it.
- there is NO life after death.
What might another religion - Sikhs/Hindus say about life after death?
- they believe in reincarnation
- In death the soul passes onto a new body
- how you are reborn depends on how good/bad you were in your previous life.
What does the Catholic Church say happens when you die?
- You are judged by God and you go to heaven or hell.
- Estachology is end of time
What are the parables of judgement?
- When a person dies God passes judgment on his or her soul, this is called particular judement.
- Each person is responsible for own actions.
- Final judgement when whole of creation is judged
- This idea is found in parable of the sheep and goats (Matt 25:31-36)
What do Catholics believe about Judgement?
- When a person dies, God passes judgement on their soul.
- Each person is responsible for their own actions.
- There will be a final judgement ‘judgement day’ when the whole of creation will be judged.
What do Catholics believe about heaven?
- A person who has lived a holy life will be rewarded with eternal happiness in heaven.
- Heaven is described in the Bible as a ‘banquet’ or ‘feast’
- The Bible teaches there is no sadness, suffering or pain in heaven.
- Christians believe it is a holy, happy and peaceful place to be with God.
- It is beyond human experience.
What do Catholics believe about Hell?
- it is a place where unrepentant sinners go after death.
- It is often thought of a place where eternal fire burns and you suffer.
- It is a place of eternal separation from God.
- Unrepentant sinner is someone who does not regret their wrong doing and refuses Gods offer of salvation through Jesus
What do Catholics believe about purgatory?
- The world to come will be different from now - so we need to prepare for that change.
- We need to transger from sinful to pure.
- This happens in purgatory - it means to cleanse and get rid of sin.
- Purgatory is a place where we prepare for heaven
Catholics believe you can help souls in purgatory by praying for them.
Give a quote from the rich man of lazarus
“He is comforted here and you are in anguish”
-Everyone is judged on how they lived their life and will be rewarded accordingly.
Give a quote from the parable of unmerciful servant about purgatory.
“So also my heavenly father will do to each one of you if you do not forgive brother from heart”
What is a priest?
- spiritual care of parish
- celebrate sacraments
- specialise in prayer
The laity is body of faithful those not in clergy.
What is a bishop?
- Responsible of diocese and priests
- Give sacrament of holy orders
What is a arch bishop?
-senior bishop
What is a cardinal?
- small group of senior clergy
- Some in charge of diocese other assist pope
- they elect a new pope
What is a pope?
- leads church
- Each pope is successor of peter
What is the ranking of the church?
Laity (Churchgoers)
What is the Magisterium?
- It means ‘teaching authority’
- The Pope and the bishops safeguard the Church’s teaching on behalf of everyone.
- It is their responsibility to ensure the teaching of Jesus is protected
- They make decisions and statements about faith and morality for the Catholic community – they can comment on things previously not mentioned in the Bible.
- Catholics believe they are guided by the Holy Spirit.
- As the Pope is guided by the Holy Spirit, Catholics believe he is infallible.
What is Ordinary Magisterium?
- •The everyday teaching of the Church.
- •Bishops preach homilies and write letters to their diocese giving them instructions.
- •The Pope may write a letter called an encyclical. Such as Laudatio Si.
- They address world on contemperate issues to reinforce reiterate Church teaching.
- Also how we should care for environment
What is Extraordinary Magisterium?
- These are times when the teaching authority of the Church is used.
- This is rare.
- It can be split into two ways
1) Conciliar
2) Pontifical
What is Pontifical Magisterium?
- The Pope under the guidance of the Holy Spirit is infallible when speaking ex cathedra.
- This is when the Pope’s declare what the Church now thinks – it is rarely used.
- It was most recently used to announce the Immaculate Conception and the assumption of Mary.
What is Conciliar Magesterium?
- This is when the Pope calls together all he bishops to settle a problem or explore new questions facing the church.
- The climax of these councils written in letters that explain faith interpret scriptures or settle topics of faith
- There have been 21 councils.
- The last council was Vatican II in the 60s.
What is Vatican II?
•This was a council to discuss how Catholicism needed to meet the challenges of the modern world. It took place between 1962-1965.
What were the 4 key documents of Vatican II?
- Gaudium et spes (the church in the modern world)
- Dei Verbum (the mass/liturgy)
- Sacrosanctum concilium ( the word of God)
- Lumen gentium ( the constitution of the church)
What did Gaudium et spes say?
- It is about Catholic Social Teachings
- Encouraged Catholics to respons to poverty
- encouraged people of faith to engage with the world.
What did Sacrosanctum concilium say?
- Changes to the churches official worship.
- Latin mass changed to mass in the local language.
- The altar was moved so that the priest could be seen and faced his congregation.
- Lectionary was revised so Catholics got a wider richer selection of Bible readings
What did Dei Verbum say?
- Sets out how important the Bible is
- Encouraged Catholics to use the Bible as part of their prayers.
- led to increase os special biblical scholars and more Bible group studies
What did Lumen gentium say?
- it means ‘light of the peoples’
- encouraged the ordinary people to take a more active role to serve Jesus and the world.
- So all catholics should act on promise they made at baptism to be lights of the world by being a service to others.
What are some of the main changes brought about by Vatican II?
- Mass said in latin but now Mass was changed to the local language
- Ordinary people were encouraged to read and be eucharistic ministers.
- Before priests led everything but now More women were involved
- Before it was closed of to other religions and cautious of world views but now Open to dialogue with people from other faiths.
- Before Catholics encouraged to see themsleves different from other Christians now more empasis that they are same and should be a unity this is called Ecumenism
What is the Paschal Candle?
- It is used during Easter week in the Church
- It symbolizes that Jesus’ resurrection was a triumph over death,
- It is lit at the Easter Vigil in remembrance of the resurrection.
- The Paschal Calendar represents Jesus’ light overcoming sin and death, this is shown through lots of symbols. “the light of christ”
- It is also used in Baptisms as the baptismal candle is lit from the Easter Candle. Reminding them that the light of Christ has defeated the darkness of sin.
What does the Alpha and the Omega mean on the Paschal Candle?
•Symbolise Christ as the ‘first’ and the ‘last’; the beginning of all things and the end of all things.
What does the cross on the paschal candle symbolise?
•The symbol of Christian faith because it is due to the crucifixion of Christ that the resurrection was possible.
What do the 5 gold studs on the candle mean?
•The candle has five studs on it to represent the five wounds Jesus received during his crucifixon.
When is the Easter candle used?
- baptisms though year
- Remind people of ressurection
- Lit near front
- Small baptismal candle lit from flame and given to baptised or family to remind “light of christ’ has defeated sin
And in funerals to remind of hope of ressurection
What does the year on the paschal candle represent?
•Each year the candle is marked with that particular year. It reminds people that Jesus is the same for all time and that the salvation earned by Jesus is as real now as it was in the past.
Why do Catholics use music for worship?
- Singing has always been a part of Christian worship.
- It comes from the tradition of the psalms for Jews and psalms were written to be sung. They were the model for Christian hymns.
- A hymn is written for worship or prayer and they often have a specific theme. Christmas themes are called carols.
- Some hymns praise particular saints or are used to celebrate baptism etc.
Why do Catholics use music during the mass?
- Music is an important part of the mass.
- Most masses include hymns – one at the begging and one at the end. (usually others in between)
- Catholics are also encouraged to sing parts of the mass.
- In particular ; the Gloria, Hosana in the highest and the lamb of God.
Why do Catholics use Faure’s Requiem at funerals?
- Faure tries to convey Catholic beliefs about eternal life in his music.
- He wanted to show that you could be sad about the death of loved ones whilst also hoping that they go to eternal life with God.
- He did not want to express fear of death.
- The requiem focuses on the hope that the dead are in heaven.
- Faure’s music helps the grieving to have faith, comfort and hope.
- It does not focus on sadness, but the peaceful fear-free nature of death.
- The music brings calm and peace.
What happens during the Catholic funeral rite?
- Mass is celebrated with readings and prayers focused on the hope of eternal life.
- The homily normally includes a tribute to the person who has died.
- The priest will focus on the belief that those who trust in God will have eternal life.
- The funeral ends with burial or cremation.
- The funeral is usually followed by a reception at the family’s home or another location where food and drink are served.
What happens with the coffin during a Catholic funeral?
- A Catholic funeral usually takes place as part of a requiem mass.
- Requiem means ‘rest’ in Latin and reflects the fact that Catholics are praying that the person who has died is now at peace with God.
- The coffin may be brought into church the night before the funeral. The coffin is sprinkled with holy water as a reminder of the persons baptism and the promise of sharing in Jesus’ resurrection.
- The coffin is usually put near the altar. The priest places a book of the gospels and the crucifix on it. The gospels = the persons life dedicated to the teachings of Jesus and the crucifix = we will share in Jesus’ victory over death.
Why do Catholics have funerals?
- Catholics believe that death is not the end.
- As Christians, they look forward to eternal life with God in heaven.
- At a funeral, the mourners pray for the person who has died, entrusting them to the love of God.
- God listens to their prayers and will be merciful towards the departed person.
- The service is also a celebration of a life. The mourners look back over the dead persons life and thank God for the good times they enjoyed.
What is the importance of Prayer?
- ‘raising the mind and heart to God’
- This is how Catholics communicate with God.
- Catholics can pray on their own (private) or as a congregation (public)
- Catholics can use formulaic prayers. These are prayers which are set and have been passed down. E.G the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
- Or they might make up their own prayer. This is extempore prayer. These are spontaneous prayers.
What is the Lords Prayer?
Jesus taught it to his disciples.
It is a model for prayer because it contains Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication (ACTS)
What do the prayer types ACTS stand for?
It means worship. Catholics praise God for what he has done.
Telling God what you have done wrong and asking for forgiveness.
Being thankful to God.
Praying for your own needs and the needs of others.
What are Catholics views on prayer?
- Prayer is not asking but putting ones hand in Gods and listening to hist words at depth in our hearts (mother theresa)
- ‘pray to Father in secret so he insecret rewards you’ Matthew
- ‘those who ask recieve’ Matthew
Why do Catholics pray/ offer mass for the dead?
- They ask God to welcome the deceased into his presence so they can have eternal life in heaven.”eternal rest grant unto him’
- A Catholic might ask a priest to offer a Mass for a relative or friend who has died. The persons name is usually mentioned during the Eucharistic prayer.
What is Sarcophagi?
A Stone tomb. They were usually decorated with scenes from mythology and with Roman Gods.
The first Christians adapted this and started using the stone tombs but developed images that would reflect beliefs about eternal life.

What Sarcophagi did we look at?
- A Sarcophagus with scenes of Jesus’ passion.
- It is in the Pio Christiano Museum (Vatican, Rome)
- It dates from the 14th Century.

What is the Sarcophagus supposed to tell us about Jesus?
- It reinforces the belief that Jesus’ death and resurrection was a triumph over sin.
- Jesus’ death is a sign of hope.
What does the Crown, pontious pilate and the empty cross show us in the sarcophagus?
- Jesus being given a crown of thorns - the crown is filled with Jewels in this showing Jesus’ death was a triumph over sin.
- There is a scene of Pontious Pilate washing his hands showing that he didnt want the responsibility for putting Jesus to death.
- Christ is not shown hanging on the cross. As the early Christians didnt show Jesus dead or suffering.
What does the Chi-Rho and the soldiers by the cross show us in the sarcophagus?
- The Chi-Rho is there as it is the ancient symbol for resurrection.
- The Chi-Rho is placed within a wreath held by two eagles. The wreath symbolises victory and the eagles represent God.
- The cross is stared up at by two soldiers who look up in wonder. Showing that resurrection will happen to all those who believe in Jesus.