Good and Evil Flashcards
- What is moral evil?
This is suffering which is a result of human action
Examples: Murder and rape
What is natural evil?
This is suffering which is not to do with human actions but with the way world is.
example = earthquakes, disease, cancer, floods
What is Original Sin?
- The first sin committed by Adam and Eve.
How is the Original Sin commited?
- In Genesis God says Adam and Eve may eat from any tree in the garden but the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
- In Genesis 3 Eve is tempted by a snake into eating fruit from the tree and shares it with Adam.
- God punishes them for this.
What is another name for the story of Original Sin?
- ‘The Fall’
- It is when humans ‘fell’ from God’s grace.
What is the problem of evil?
If God is all-loving, all-powerful and created a good world, why does evil and suffering occur?
Does God exist or is he not who we think he is?
How would Catholics respond to the problem of evil?
- Free Will
- Original Sin
How does free will help Catholics respond to the problem of evil?
- Free-will is a gift from God
- God created humans with the ability to choose good or evil
- When humans choose the wrong thing it causes suffering
- Humans are to blame not God
- We have abused our gift and bad choices are suffering
- Humans aren’t programmed robots
Problem with this - it doesn’t give a reason for natural evil.
How does Original Sin help Catholics respond to the problem of evil?
- As a result of Original Sin pain and suffering and natural suffering were intorduced into a perfect world.
- Since Adam and Eve all humans have original sin and the tendancy to go against God.
- Original Sin reminds us we all share a responsibility for the evil and suffering in the world.
What Catholic scholar did we look at for evil and suffering?
St. Augustine
What does Augustine say about evil and suffering?
- Existence of evil helps people appreciate good in the world for example being unwell means you appreciate when you were healthy
- God allows suffering because he is omnipotent and good as in his goodness and power he is always able to bring a greater good out of suffering. Suffering can be beneficial.
- =Evil is just the abscence of good things. This is called privation. God does not cause or permit evil as evil is not a thing
Give quotes for what st augustine thinks about evil.
- “enchances our admiration of good”
- “evil but the abscence of good”
- “supreme God would never permit the existence of anything evil”
What is the Inconsistent Triad?
Evil exists so God cannot be omnipotent or omnibenevolent.
Therefore God does not exist or is not who we think he is.
Who came up with the idea of the Inconsistent Triad?
David Hume and Mackie
What arguments would Christians usually put forward for the reason evil exists in the world?
- Evil is necessary as an opposite of good
- evil helps us to be better people
- evil is a consequence of free will
Why would Mackie reject the Christian idea that evil is necessary as an opposite of good?
Mackie says that even if it was the case that we need some evil to appreciate the good, why do we need so much evil? There is far more evil than needed in the world.
Why would Mackie reject the Christian idea that evil helps us to become better people?
- Why didn’t God make us perfect in the first place? Why make us so that we had to become better people?
- Sometimes going through suffering makes people worse people. They could become bitter for sample.
Why would Mackie reject the Christian idea that evil is a consequence of free will?
- Why didn’t God create humans that always did good instead of choosing evil?
- free will is too high a price for humans to have free will and God would have known this.
What do Hick and St Iranaeus think about why evil exists in the world?
- Humans were made in the image of God, but are not perfect.
- they need to grow to become spiritually perfect. They do this through suffering- as a way to develop.
- through free will we can make the right choices.
- This is called soul making and explains why God allows natural evil, it helps people grow and become better people.
What do Jews believe about the nature and Origin of evil?
- Jews do not believe people are born evil.
- evil and suffering is a consequence for human beings wrong choices.
- People are born free with the inclination to do good or to do evil.
- God has given humans a choice and they must choose and struggle against their inclination to do evil.
What do Catholics believe about the goodness of God?
- God is good and Gods creation is good.
- we can see Gods goodness in the created world, in the beauty of a flower or in the forgiveness or compassion of another person.
- we know God is good as we see it reflected in his creation.
- “the beauty of creation reflects the infinite beauty of the creator”- catechism
What do Jews believe about the goodness of God?
- They are similar to the Catholic views.
- God is the source of all life and the only creator.
- we see Gods goodness in his creation and by giving Jews the Torah
What do Catholics learn from the story of Job?
- Humans are not capable of understanding the reasons why God chooses to do or not do certain things.
- Catholics must trust that God understand the reasons for suffering.
- Gods plan.
- Isaiah 53 shows the acceptance of suffering through the “suffering servant” who brought salvation
- Catholics now share their suffering with God in prayer
- Give to charity
- Mass they pray for the sick and dead
- Vocation to be doctors and nurses
What do Catholics believe about the positive effect suffering can have?
- Suffering is a way to bring them closer. To Jesus and an Understanding of salvation.
- Suffering is a mystery that God uses to bring about good.
- Catholics share their suffering with God through prayer.
What do Jews believe about suffering?
- Suffering comes from either natural evil or human made evil and it often comes from free-will.
- It is a consequence for humans wrongdoing.
- God is the sole creator and the goodness of God is shown in his creation and in the giving of the Torah.
What solutions would Jews offer to the problem of evil and suffering?
- The story of Job shows that it is pointless for humans to work out why people suffer - Its part of Gods plan which we cannot understand.
- We suffer in order to redeem humanity.
- Some Jews take the holocaust to mean that ‘God is hiding’ or ‘God is dead’.
Who is the Trinity?
- God the Father
- God the Son
- God the Holy Spirit
What do Catholics believe about the Trinity?
- There is only one God (monotheism)
- God exists as three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Each of these three are distinct from one and other, but each is wholly God.
- There are NOT three Gods.
Why do Catholics believe in the Trinity?
- The way the Trinity works is supposed to be a mystery, but it helps with the understanding of Gods qualities.
- It is how God makes himself known in the world.
- It is called ‘the doctrine of the Trinity’
- It is a fundamental belief for all Catholics.
What does the Nicene Creed say about the Trinity?
- The Trinity works as one - yet each of the three persons has a special role.
- The doctrine of the trinity is set out in the nicene creed
a) God the Father created heaven and earth,
b) God the Son, Jesus, is the saviour of the world.
c) God the Holy Spirit guides, helps and inspires human beings.
Why is the Trinity important for Catholics?
- Without the Trinity it is not possible to believe that Jesus is God. - This is one of the most important Catholic beliefs.
How do Catholics show the importance of the Trinity?
- Through saying the sign of the cross which is central to the Catholic faith this is trinitarian. “in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit”
- Eucharistic prayer finishes with “through him and with him and in him”
- The Nicene Creed is also recited during prayer and worship and at baptisms.
Why do Catholics recite the Nicene Creed?
- It reminds worshippers of the main points of Christianity.
- The worshippers are declaring publically that this is what they truly believe.
- The Creed is said together by everyone - a sign they share these beliefs.
- It binds them together as a group who share common beliefs.
What do Jews believe about the Trinity?
- They do not believe in the Trinity.
- Jews agree that there is one God.
- God has many different attributes such as ‘judge’ or ‘creator’ but these are characteristics, not persons.
- The belief in one God is stated in the ‘Shema’ the most important prayer for Jews.
What support for the doctrine of the Trinity is there in the Bible?
- The ‘Trinity’ is never specifically mentioned in the Bible, but people began to realise that they experienced one God in three ways they saw this in the scriptures.
- The idea of three persons is found many times in the New Testament, but never called the Trinity.
- ‘Go and baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ (Matthew)
- At Jesus’ baptism the Trinity appear together. God calls Jesus his Son and the Spirit ascends on him in the form of a dove.
What does Augustine say about the Trinity?
Augustine uses a metaphor to explain the Trinity centered around the ‘God is love’ (John) idea.
Love needs three things:
a) the person doing the loving
b) the person being loved
c) love itself.
The Trinity is like this. All three of these things are present in God even before he created the world - so the Trinity is like
a) Love
b) Lover
c) Beloved.
Makes Christians realise how important love is in the Christian way of life
What is the incarnation?
- This means ‘made flesh’
- The Christian belief that Jesus was both fully human and fully divine.
What is the meaning and significance of the incarnation to Catholics?
God the son became human being visible “in the flesh”
Christian express this belief through calling him “god the son” which connects to doctrine of trinity where term son names second person in trinity.
“jesus is fully God and fully human” one person two natures.
In Johns gospel what does he call Jesus?
“the word”
This is Gods creative power.
Incarnation is made clear with the words as “the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us”
What does the Kenosis hymn say about the incarnation?
- Kenosis means ‘emptying’
- This refers to the idea Jesus gave up some of his divine attributes when he became human.
- Jesus became a slave for us.
Give quotes for incarnation
1= “in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was god”
2= “word became flesh and dwelt among us”
3= “taking the form of a servant” Kenosis hymn
4=”he became obedient to death even on the cross” Kenosis
What do Jews believe about the incarnation?
- Jewish people do not accept that Jesus was God.
- They believe he was a Historical figure.
- God is one as stated in Shema prayer and against the 10 commandments.
How does the Incarnation help people respond to the problem of evil in the salvifici doloris?
- It means that God can identify with human beings.
- Christians believe that the incarnation is a demonstration of Gods love for human beings.
- Jesus is with us in our suffering because he experienced it and bore it out of love.
- Christians may not know why God allows suffering to happen but should trust that he knows what they are going through.
- Christians then follow Jesus example as he cured the sick
What does Pope John Paul II say about suffering in Salvifici Doloris?
- it means ‘the saving power of suffering’
- Suffering is not easy to understand.
- The only way we can try and understand it is by understanding the depth of Gods love for us which Jesus showed through his dying on the cross.
- We must offer up our own suffering through prayer for the sake of others.
- “to understand the why of suffering we must look to the relation of divine love”
- “those who share in Christs suffering have the Paschal mystery”
What are some of Jesus’ teachings and examples of moral behaviour?
- The Golden Rule - ‘do to others what you would have them do to you’ which is a summary of the sermon on the mount “whatever you wish that man to do for you you to do so” matthew
- To love everyone ‘a new commandment I give you, to love one another as I have loved you’
- Jesus healed the sick - E.G Jesus heals the leper, Jesus heals the blind man, cleanses leper makes outcast and sinner welcome.
- Jesus forgave those who crucified him - ‘I tell you solemly today you will be with me in paradise’ luke
- Jesus explained how his followers should behave in the Sermon on the Mount.
What are the Beatitudes?
Jesus gave clear teachings on how we should live our lives during the Sermon on the Mount.
- The Beatitudes are a list of blessings.
- The key messages are that those who are closest to God are often those who the world does not recognise or value
- E.G ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted’
- “blessed are the poor in spirit for a kindom in heaven awaits”
What is the fulfilment of the law at the Sermon on the Mount?
- Jesus is a source of moral authority as he came to fulfil Gods law.
- Requirment of following Jesus goes deeper than Law of Moses
- “you have heard that it was said but now I say to you”
- Shows following is more demanding than religious Law.
- Ex; murder was wrong but anger now is unnaceptable
- Adultery was wrong but looking lustfully to is wrong.
- Not about an action the intention and reason goes deeper.
What are the new teachings at the Sermon on the Mount?
- Do not Murder –> Don’t be angry and settle arguments quickly.
- An eye for an eye - Turn the other cheek
- Give to the needy - Give in secret
- Pray and Fast - Dont fast and pray for show.
What is Natural Law?
- A key part of Catholic moral teaching
- There is a dicoverable moral law which applies to all humans
- Put forward by St Thomas Aquinas
- All humans have puropose in common: preserve life, procreation, seek truth, live in society, worship God
- Due to purpose there are some universal laws that all humans have to obey like do not murder
- Catholics say the ability to find out natural law shows univers is created by a good God
- Ability to recognise suffering as an evil is a sign we have God given ability to differerentiate between good and evil
What is the conscience?
- St Thomas Aquinas says it is ‘the mind of human beings making moral decisions’
- Catholics have their obligation to follow their conscience.
- Their conscience is informed by the Bible and the Church.
- If people followed their conscience more often there would be far less moral evil in the world.
- Conscience is proof of goodness of God who created human in his own image, a repsonse to evil
- Catholics have the ability to discover natural law through their conscience.
What is virtues and suffering?
1= Living good life and obeying conscience takes practice
2= Moral habits need to be practiced to become good people
3= Moral habits are called virtues a latin word for perfection
4= Virtues challenge instinctive selfishness
What sculptures and statues do Catholics use?
- Crucifix
- Statue of mary
- Statue of saint
- Cruxifix is most important focus for Catholic prayer reminds them of incarnation and suffering of Jesus which reminds them God loves them
- Statues have a place to kneel in front and light candles
- Candles called votive candles they ae symbol of prayer the worshipper offers
Why do Catholics use scupltures and statues in worship?
- Catholics do not worship or pray to the statues.
- The statues are reminders of God and Jesus and these help them to focus their prayer on what really matters.
- Catholics would say that they do not pray to Mary and the saints but they ask Mary and the saints to intercede on their behalf and pray to God for them.
What do some Protestants think about statues in Church?
They don’t use statues as they think it goes against the Commandment which forbids the making of any image as an object of worship in exodus.
They might use a simple cross without a figure representing Jesus on it.
What do Jews think about statues?
Jews do not use statues as a focus for prayer as it goes against the 10 Commandments ‘You shall have no other Gods before me’/ They think statues are false idols.
Synagogues do not have any represenation of God as he is above human understanding.
What is Michelangelo’s Pieta?
- Statues help Catholics reflect on the meaning of suffering.
- The Pieta is Mary holding the body of her son Jesus after the crucifixion.
- pieta is latin for holiness
What does the Pieta show us?
- Mary is shown as youthful and peacful not broken old woman
- She seems at peace with what has happened to her son
- Marys left hand is an open palm - a sign she accepts what has happened.
- Marys figure is larger than Jesus - shows her as a mother cradling her baby in her arms.
- Mary’s hands do not come into direct contact with Jesus - showing Christ’s body is sacred.
- Christ is shown peaceful wounds aren’t visible
This shows that suffering can somehow mirror love.

What is a pilgrimage?
- A pilgrimage is a journey to a holy place.
- Many Catholics still go on pilfrimages.
- Catholic Church recognises sitres of pilgrimage as among the most appropriate places for prayer.
Why do people go on pilgrimage?
- To help strengthen their faith
- To pray for something special or the sick.
- To become closer to God and to thank God.
- To share the experience and their faith with others.
- Pilgrims pray together to support each other and part of community
- Do a penitential act as reflection of sorrow for sin
How is pilgrimage a response to suffering?
- Helps believers reflect on their life’s journey.
- People learn how to value the role of God in their lives in a new way.
- Sick people rarely get healed, but they may feel spiritually healed or at peace with their condition.
Describe the shrines to mary?
- Call her our lady
- Popular shrine in Europe are Lourdes and Fatima in portugal
- Most shrines in places where visions of mary are seen
- They pray here in belief she intercedes to God
What is Lourdes and why do people go there?
- A popular shrine to Mary set up where a girl called Bernadette had visions of Mary.
- Mary told Bernadette to dig for a spring - the spring is supposed to have healing qualities and many pilgrims bathe there.
- Thousands of pilgrims go to pray at the grotto in south west of France.
- Lots of young people go and help the sick and disabled pilgrims which can be a life changing experience.
- its a practical way that ordinary people can respond to the mystery of suffeirng.
What is popular piety?
- a form of devotion.
- It refers to forms of worship or prayer that are inspired by culture rather than the liturgical worship of the church E.G the rosary.
What is the rosary?
- series of beads used by Catholics to help them concentrate during prayers.
- Can be said alone or in group
- It consists of; 1 Our Father, 10 Hail Marys and 1 Glory Be.
- Catholic recite them from memory so they can conentrate on meaning
- They think about a mystery during each sequence (called a decade) there are 5
- There are 4 mysteries.
Why pray the rosary?
- It helps Catholics reflect on the important events of the life of Jesus and Mary.
- Form of meditation
- It helps Catholics think more deeply
- They can reflect on Jesus’ suffering and understand that God knows our suffering as he endured it as Jesus and as a suffering father.
What are the 5 Sorrowful Mysteries?
- The Agony in the Garden
- The Scourging at the Pillar
- The Crowning with Thorns
- Jesus is made to carry his cross
- Jesus is crucified on the cross.
- Events foccused on suffering and death of Jesus

Describe the sorrowful mystery of the agony in the garden.
1=When Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane on the night before he died.
2=He prayed to be spared the suffering he knew he would face.
3=but in the end accepted Gods will out fo the obedience and love he had for him.
Describe the meaning of the sorrowful mystery: scourging at the pillar
1= Pilate whipped Jesus in attempt to satisfy those who wanted him crucified.
2= Didn’t do any good so the Pilate condemned Jesus to death.
Desrcibe the sorrowful mystery of the crowning of the thrones.
1= soilders mocked Jesus
2= they twisted thorns into a crown because he had been claiming to be the king of Jews
Describe the sorrowful mystery of when Jesus is made to carry his cross.
1= When Jesus carried his own cross to Golgotha the place of his crucifixation
Describe the sorrowful mystery of when Jesus is crucified and dies on the cross.
1= when Jesus is nailed to the cross and after 6 hours he dies on the cross.