Licensing Flashcards
Describe what Code of Federal Regulations(CFR)?
Federal laws that governs nuclear power
Falls under title10
Describe term of operating license?
A reactor has reasonable assurance that public health and safety will be protected during operation
Describe what Final Safety Analysis Report(FSAR)?
Describes the facility
Presents design based and limits it’s operation
Safety analysis of systems, components, and structures
Must be updated if designs change
What are Tech specs made for ?
Define safety limits
Place time limits on allowed degraded conditions
Place mandatory surveillance on equipment
Define design features of the plant
Designate administrative controls related to plant operations and requirements
What categories do tech specs include ?
Safety limits
Limiting safety system settings
Limiting conditions for operation
Describe “definition” section in Tech. Specs.
Actions,Axial Shape Index,Azimuthal power tilt (Tq), Channel calibration, Channel check, Channel functional test, Core alternation, Core operating Limits Reports
Determine MODE of operations ?
Core reactivity condition
Power Level
Cold leg reactor coolant temp.
Reactor vessel head closure bolt tensioning
Safety limits:Reactor core
Mode 1&2: DNBR >1.34
Peak centerline temp<5080
Prevents fuel cladding melting
Anticipated operation occurrences (AOO’s)?
Anticipated transient without scram
Loss of condenser vacuum
Full strength CEA drop
CEA withdraw at power
Failure of pressurizer level control system
Safety limit: RCS pressure
Modes1,2,3,4,5: RCS press.<2750psia
Prevents breach of RCS
What’re actions required 1hour or less when Reactor Core safety limits are reached ?
Restore compliance and be in mode 3 within 1 hour
What’re actions required 1hour or less when RCS Press. safety limits are reached ?
In MODE 1&2: restore compliance and be in mode 3 within 1 hour
In MODE 3,4,5:restore compliance within 5 minutes
Notify NRC within 1 hour
Describe Limiting Conditions for Operations(LCO’s)?
LCOS are the lowest performance levels of equipment required to operate reactor
Just shut down reactor if LCO is not met
Describe Surveillance requirements ?
Quality of system and components are maintained
Operating within safety limits
LCO’s will be met
Testing,calibrating ,and inspection of system and components
Describe Design Features?
Features that if altered or modified will have big impact on safety
Site location, reactor core, fuel storage